Friday, August 25, 2017


Refuah Sheleimah Lena Katz, Marla Lipman, Simcha Liss, and Rebbetzin Schur.


Time to start thinking of the Yamim Noraim. Contact the office to Reserve Rosh Hashanah seats and for Yizkor book name submissions.


A Cholent Kiddush is sponsored by Mark and Stacie Winters in honor of the Aufruf and upcoming marriage of their son Max to Chaya Mendenhall, daughter of Yisroel and Sherrie Mendenhall. Mazel Tov to the Mendenhall and Winter Families.



Friday, August 25

Mincha 6:35 pm

Early Candle-Lighting 6:46 pm

Late Candle-Lighting 7:52 pm


Parshas Shoftim, August 26

Parsha Shiur CANCELLED

Shacharis 9:00 am

Navi Shiur 7:10

Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Maariv 7:40 pm

Shabbos ends after 8:59 pm


Sunday, August 27

Shacharis 8:00 am

Mishna Shiur 7:30 pm

Mincha-Maariv 7:50 pm


Monday-Thursday, August 28-31

Gemara Shiur CANCELLED

Shacharis 6:45 am

Mishna Shiur 7:30 pm

Mincha-Maariv 7:50 pm


Friday, September 1

Gemara Shiur CANCELLED

Shacharis 6:45 am

Mincha 7:30 pm (note the switch to regular)

Early Candle-Lighting 6:37 pm

Late Candle-Lighting 7:41 pm


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