Friday, November 10, 2017


Did you know that you do not need to be on the Board to assist with planning? We are always looking for fresh faces and new ideas to better serve the members of our Shul. If you have an idea to improve the Shul or if you can help with event planning, social or educational event planning, chessed or Bikor Cholim needs, please contact our President, Rob Altshuler.  He can be reached at 216-387-3340.


Rebbetzin Deena Davidovich is giving a class entitled "Eishes Chayil, Woman in Tanach through the lens of Shlomo Hamelech." Mondays at 9:30 AM at the home of YoYo and Marni Moore 2392 Bromley Rd. Children are welcome to come play.


Babysitting is cancelled this week. 


The Simcha Kiddush is sponsored by…….

· Rob and Jan Altshuler in honor of and in appreciation for all our Veterans.

· Steve and Beth Baker in honor of the Yahrtzeits of Steve's great grandfather Menachum Mendel ben Chaim Saba, and his uncle, Yakov ben Menachum Mendel, both 18 Cheshvan, and the Anniversary of Steve's bar Mitzvah -Parsha Toldos.

· Lenny and Penny Beer In honor of Al Cohen's special Birthday.

· Rabbi Jason and Sandra Claude in honor of all of Jason's fellow veterans.

· Edna Edelman in honor of my friend Avrum Cohen's 90th Birthday. Mazel Tov till 120 years.

· Gedalia and Holly Corbett in honor of all the September birthdays in our family (Gedaliah, Rivkah Esther, and Zehava Yehudis), for Holly's mom Jan Altshuler's Birthday and for all the veterans out there. Thank you for serving.

· The Davidovich family, in honor of Shmuely Davidovich's 11th Birthday.

· Mazel Tov to Gershon and Mary Ireland and Stu and Jennifer Mintz on the birth of a granddaughter Chemdat Chava born to Dovid & Jacki Alon.

· Harold and Faiga Males in Gratitude for the safe arrival of the latest great grandchildren, Eliyahu Fishman, Sari Appel, and Eliyahu Appel.

·Bob and Debby Jacob in honor of the birth of a granddaughter, Ariella Rina Jacob, and in honor of their 36th Wedding Anniversary, and Danny and Ruth Jacob's 9th Wedding Anniversary.

· Jack and Margarita Judkovich in honor of September Birthdays.

· Boris and Rachel Kagarlitskiy

· Martin and Marla Lipman in honor of the birthdays of Moshe Mendelson, Sarah Lipman, Bracha Lipman, Avramy Lipman, Leah Mendelson, Tova Mendelson and Stanley Lipman.  Mazel Tov to Leah Mendelson on her Bas Mitzvah and to her parents, Josh and Sora Mendelson.

· Jeff and Melanie Muller in memory of all the good things that Lena Katz brought to our Shul. It's hard to forget someone who gave us so much to remember!

· Joel and Sharon Peerless in honor of Ronit's Birthday and in appreciation of the Rabbi and all the Chazzanim for their beautiful Yom Tov davening and with gratitude and respect for the Heights Jewish Center members who are veterans of the armed forces.

· Jack Pink in honor of his mother's Yahrzeit-Bayla Bas Yitzchak Yaakov HaCohen A'H.

· Barbara Schlesinger in memory of Celia (Tsirel) Schlesinger. Mazel Tov to Tova and Pinchas Behboudnia on the marriage of their son Netaneli to Rivka Hatanian.

· Irwin and Lorna in honor of all their family Simchas during the months of September, October and November.

· YoYo and Marni Moore in memory of Yoyo's father, Claud Moore, Who passed away two days after Rosh Hashanah and in honor of YoYo's Birthday in September.

· The Setnik Family in honor of Kim's birthday, and Olivia and Nick Kushner's Wedding Anniversary.

· Aaron and Anne Wolf in honor of the October anniversary of Clifford and Linda Wolf, Devora's 6th birthday, and Al Cohen looking good.

· Chuck and Sandra Zeitler in honor of their Wedding Anniversary and in honor of the Birthdays of Kayla, Robbie, and Chuck.



Friday, November 10

Gemara Shiur 6:15 am

Shacharis      6:45 am 

Candle-Lighting     4:53 pm

Mincha           4:55 pm


Shabbos, November 11 (Chayei Sarah)

Parsha Shiur 8:30 am

Shacharis 9:00 am

Sof Zman Krias Shema  9:40 am

Navi Shiur 4:10 pm

Mincha-Shalosh Seudos    4:40 pm

Shabbos ends after 6:00 pm


Sunday, November 12

Shacharis 8:00 am

Mincha-Maariv 4:45 pm

Mishna Shiur After Maariv


Monday-Thursday, November 13-16

Gemara Shiur    6:15 am

Shacharis         6:45 am

Mincha-Maariv    4:45 pm

Mishna Shiur After Maariv


Friday, November 17

Gemara Shiur 6:15 am

Shacharis    6:45 am 

Candle-Lighting 4:46 pm

Mincha        4:50 pm


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