Friday, June 22, 2018


·         Refuah Sheleimah to Alvin Cohen, Sylvia Cohen, Eileen Goldblatt, and Ted Lidsky.


·         Table Tennis for men 11:00 AM Sunday; women 7:00 PM Wednesday. All welcome and all skill levels. 


·         Cub Scout pack #613 has been sponsored by Heights Jewish Center Synagogue for the past two years. Our community has benefited by the dedication of the leadership of Rachel Taylor, Estie Kahn and Rochel Stoll.  At this time, due to other commitments, These excellent leaders find it necessary to step down from their positions.  If You are willing and able to volunteer to take over leadership of this Cub Pack, please contact Rob Altshuler at 216-387-3340.  Lacking new leadership, this Pack will be disbanded.  Thank you to the leaders for two enjoyable and educational years.  


·         The next Simcha Kiddush will be on June 30th. Call 216-382-1958 or e-mail to submit a name for $18.00.


·         Kiddush is sponsored by Yossi and Channa Ireland in honor of Naama's Bas Mitzvah.


Friday, June 22
Mincha    7:15 pm
Early Candle-Lighting    7:30 pm
Late Candle-Lighting      8:46 pm

Shabbos, June 23


Dr.Glaser Parsha Shiur       8:30 am
Shacharis                               9:00 am
Sof Zman Krias Shema       9:41 am
Navi Shiur                             8:00 pm
Mincha                                   8:30 pm
Shabbos ends                        9:55 pm

Next Week (June 24-29)

Sunday                    8:00 am
Monday-  Friday   6:45 am

Gemara Shiur M-F    6:15 am

Sunday-Thursday    8:50 pm
(Mishna Shiur  8:20 pm)
Friday                  7:15 pm

Candle-Lighting next Friday, June 29   
7:30 pm-8:46 pm





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