Monday, January 6, 2020


The Simcha Kiddush will take place January 25th. Honor someone or honor an occasion for a minimum donation of $18.00 per name submission. Please contact or 216-382-1958 for name submissions.

This month we are honoring all of our new members from 2019 to the present.

Please welcome: Josh and Yaffa Bernstein, Edna Edelman, Chaim and Penina Kazen, Evelyn Lichtenberg, Refoel and Tamar Nussbaum, Eliyahu Meir and Rena Richelson, Wendy Rose, Herschel and Rachel Shaw, John Sommerville, Yosif and Tovli Somiran, Rebecca Spielberg, and Aaron Taub.

Please join us by sharing in the Simcha Kiddush with a sponsorship in their honor.

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