Thursday, May 25, 2023

HJC News - Shavuos

Announcements appear after the times.

Thursday, May 25
Erev Shavuos

Candle-Lighting 8:30 PM
Mincha 8:30 PM
Maariv 9:02 PM
Kiddush, after 9:38 PM
Tikkun Leil Shavuos, after 12:00 AM

Friday, May 26
First Day of Shavuos

Alos Hashachar 4:47 AM
Sunrise 5:59 AM
One Shacharis 9:00 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema 9:41 AM

Mincha-Maariv 7:00 PM
Earliest Candle-Lighting 7:17 PM
Latest Candle-Lighting 8:31 PM

Shabbos, May 27
Second Day of Shavuos

Shacharis 9:00 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema 9:41 AM
Yizkor, not before 10:30 AM
Mincha 8:15 PM
followed by Neilas HaChag/Shalosh Seudos
Maariv 9:40 PM

Mincha-Maariv the week of May 28-June 1: 8:40 PM

A big thank-you to Rebbetzin Davidovich, Marni Moore and the Ladies of HJC for the wonderful Leil Iyun program that took place this past Sunday.

Make an Eiruv Tavshilin. See the Artscroll Siddur on p.654 for instructions.

Shavuos Night at Midnight, we will spend the night exploring his classic sefer Mesillas Yesharim, and its author the Ramchal, Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ZT"L. It will be a night of deep insights into Jewish History, philosophy, kabbala, mussar, and chassidus, and controversy.  If you have your own copy of Mesillas Yesharim, please bring it with you. 

Shavuos night will serve as a preview to a new weekly Beis Medrash Program at Heights, featuring a Mesillas Yesharim Chabura we will be offering every Wednesday after Maariv, beginning on May 31st.  

The shul will also be open and available all Shavuos night to people who wish to learn alone, or with a chavrusa etc. Coffee and refreshments will be available throughout the night as well.

Please note that on the first day of Shavuos, Friday morning, HJC will have only one Shacharis, at 9:00am. Those people who wish to daven at a sunrise minyan should please note that we will conclude the learning early enough to enable people to make it to other minyanim.

On Shavuos morning, the Torah Reading will include the reading of the Aseres Hadibros (AKA "The Ten Commandments'') . This is a special moment that is a reenactment of Hashem revealing Himself to every Jew. As such, a custom has developed to encourage every Jew, man women and child, to attend this reading. In order to encourage this practice, there is a community initiative including a raffle to encourage parents to bring their children to shul on Shavuos morning. We estimate that the reading will be no earlier than 10:15am. Our childcare program will be taking place and bringing the children up to the shul to hear the leining at this time. 

Shalosh Seudos/Neilas Hachag is sponsored by Rabbi Boruch and Chani Reichman l'zeicher nishmas Rabbi Reichman's father, Chaim Eliyahu Ben Zev A'H.  

This Monday is Memorial Day, a Legal Holiday; Shacharis will be at 8am.

The University Heights Memorial day Parade will be this coming Monday, May 29. The parade will have a different route this year, and will end at Gearity School on the playground. New this year will be the option to purchase kosher food (hot dogs, chips, cookies, popcorn and drinks) provided by Heights Jewish Center! Please share this with your friends.

Next week, Heights Jewish Center will commemorate the Yohrtzeits of:
Helen Markowitz
Solomon Markowitz
Sadie Bassichis
Ilona Kohn
Schwartz Family
Sadie lobe
Anna Lewin
Margarett Rothman
Myrtle Olchin
Chaim Heizler
Mendl Chajmovic
Fishel Chajmovic
Jidis Chajmovic
Majer Chajmovic
Dr. Samuel Lobe
Samuel A Galun
Anna Bronstein
Morris Gaffin
Samuel Katz
Dave Bern
Esther Goldring
Sylvia Karlin
Morris Hoffman
Jack Mandel
Barnett Baskin
Alan Howard Beer
Bessie Deutsch
Edward Koppelman
Bernard Siegel
Harry Levitt
Benjamin Lobe
Julius Ponsky
Clara Spiegel
Jack Blum
Alvin Fein
Jean Carr
Moses Silberstein

Gut YomTov and Gut Shabbos
Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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