Thursday, October 5, 2023

HJC News - Concluding days of Succos

We are looking forward to seeing you over Shabbos and YomTov and dancing and singing on Simchas Torah. Thanks to Moshe Greenberg and Lazer Porter for working on this year's Simchas Torah Kiddushim, and to all of the co-sponsors who are listed below the timechart. 

Friday, October 6
Hoshana Rabba
Shacharis6:10 AM
Bracha on Taalis after6:29 AM
Candle lighting6:42 PM
Mincha-Maariv6:42 PM
Shabbos, October 7
Shemini Atzeres
Shacharis9:00 AM
Yizkor after10:30 AM
Mincha6:15 PM
followed by Rabbi's Party
Maariv7:48 PM
Candle lighting, from an existing flame7:48 PM
Sunday, October 8
Simchas Torah
Shacharis8:30 AM
Mincha6:25 PM
Followed by Neilas HaChag
Yom Tov Ends7:47 PM
Monday, Oct.9-Thursday, Oct.12
Medrash Shiur 6:15 AM
Shacharis6:45 AM
Mincha-Ma'ariv 6:40 PM
Friday, Oct.13
Medrash Shiur 6:15 AM
Shacharis6:45 AM
This year's Simchas Torah Kiddush is co-sponsored by:
Rob and Jan Altshuler in honor of the 15th Anniversary of Holly and Gedalia Corbett, 14th birthday of Rivka Esther Corbett, 9th birthday of Zahava Yehudis Corbett.
Josh and Yaffa Bernstein
Rabbi Jason and Sandra Claude
Natan and Aleeza Cohen
Adam and Rachel Covitch
Gershon and Mary Ireland
Bob and Debby Jacob in honor of the 15th wedding anniversary of Danny and Ruth Jacob and in honor of the birthdays of our granddaughters Ariella and Elana.
Danny and Dr. Ruth Jacob
Jack and Margarita Judkovich wishing everyone a happy, sweet New Year.
Boris and Rachel Kagarlitskiy
Shami and Chani Kirsch
Ted and Lorinda Lidsky
Larry and Barbara Mervine
Isabel Parks wishing everyone a sweet New Year!
Lazar and Hannah Porter
Shimon and Rivah Schlesinger
Alex and Betty Schnittlinger in honor of Fred Bolotin.
The Setnik Family in honor of Ellie Setnik, for surviving her first visit to Cleveland and the onslaught of people she had to meet.

This week, HJC will commemorate the Yohrtzeits of the following people:
Jack Baskin
Milton Ende
Charles Fromson
Martha Gurney
Charles Fromson
Yetta Sustin
Sam Borodofsy
Israel Brodsky
Jacob H Elkins
Nellie Handler
Ida Kabatchnick
Samuel Soldowsky
Ethel Buchler
Herman Chrabry
Samuel Ehrlich
Peshe Nehoma bas Avrohom Goodman
Pincus Mikhli
Jeanette Paris Gunther
Irene Holstein
Lena Katz
Rose Mendelson
Aaron Mintz
Nathan Sudman
Sam Rosberg
Sam Gold
Philmore Grossman
Israel Lipkowitz
Esther Sudman
Robert Punsky
Miriam Mollie Winger
Betty Arsham
Rose Rosenstein

Gut Shabbos and Gut YomTov

Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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