Friday, October 20, 2023

HJC News - Parshas Noach

Shabbos Parshas...Noach
English dates: Friday/SaturdayOctober 20-21
Candle-Lighting6:20 PM
Friday Mincha6:20 PM
Dr. Bela Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur8:30 AM
Shacharis9:00 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema 10:28 AM
Tanya Shiur5:35 PM
Shabbos Mincha6:05 PM
Maariv7:27 PM
Mincha the following Sunday-Thursday6:20 PM
Weekday Davening Times
Sunday8:00 AM
Monday-Friday6:45 AM

This year, on Shabbos morning, the 8:30am Parsha Shiur will also be a Tefilla Shiur, focusing on lessons in davening that are gleaned from the weekly parsha. 

This Shabbos afternoon 30 minutes before Mincha, I will be giving a Tanya Shiur instead of the Navi Shiur we have had for the past many years. I am still interested in learning Navi, but we will put that on hiatus while we find a different time for that shiur.  

At Shalosh Seudos, I will be sharing some insights on Shabbos from Rav Shimshon Pincus' sefer "Shabbos Malk'sa".

This Monday morning at 9:30am, Rebbetzin Davidovich will be giving her weekly class on Tefilla for women at our home. 

I give a Tanya Class for women on Tuesday evenings at 7:15pm at the Dynan home, open to all women in the community. Please contact me for location information. 

The HJC Beis Medrash Mesilas Yesharim Chabura continues this Wednesday after Maariv with Chapter 6. 

This week, HJC will commemorate the Yohrtzeits of the following people:
Frieda Hoffman
Abraham Braun
Anna Lewin
Florence Geduld
Jacob C. Benjamin
Sol Grossman
Myer Brown
Irving Katz
Theodore Smith
Benjamin Weiss
Molly Fromkin
Ben Bassichis
Frances Davidson
Hyman Friedberg
Leon Pessach Levit
Mania Levit
Jack Mintz
Solomon Rehmar
Elias Goldsmith
Gertrude Mintz
Charles Ponsky
Rosa Loewe
Katherine Kohr
Ruby Witkind
Andy Greenspan
Rachel Raphael
Bess Levy
Joseph Spivack
Ruchel bas Avram ha Levi
Louis Bialosky
Philip Kronenberg
Joseph Pitkofsky
Ida Freedman

Good Shabbos

Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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