Thursday, December 27, 2007

HJC Announcements and Schedule - Shemos

  • Mazel Tov to David and Devorah Goldblatt on the birth of a baby girl, Talia Zlata.  Mazel Tov to the grandparents Rabbi and Mrs. Yehudah Appel and the great-grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Males.

  • Refuah Sheleima to Betty Hoffer and Marsha Baumgarten.
  • Shacharis on Tuesday January 1 is at 8AM.
  • Taharas Hamishpacha Review Courses for Men and Women.  Please put these dates on your calendar: 
For men:  Mondays January 7,14,28 and February 4 at 8PM. 
For women: Wednesdays January 9,16,30 and February 6 and 13 at 8PM.

If more classes are needed, we will extend the review.

The review of the halachos and hashkafos (insights) of Taharas Hamishpacha should be a very high priority.  If you have other chavrusas at these times, please reschedule them or bring the chavrusas along.  If the kids are at home, find a babysitter if the other parent can't be at home.   Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, the classes will not be made available online.  They will be recorded and made available to individuals upon request. 

If you have a question you would like to see answered or a comment about the topics, please call or contact me or Deena (  If you wish to remain anonymous, we have opened an email account from which you can send messages anonymously.  The  address is  Go to and type in anonhjc as the address. The password is question.  You can then send an email to me or Deena.  (If you wish even more privacy, you can go to the sent folder after you have sent your message and delete it.)

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, December 28       

    Candle lighting    4:46 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:50 PM

Saturday, December 29 (Shemos)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Navi class    4:10 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:40 PM
    Shabbos ends    5:54 PM

Sunday, December 30       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:50 PM

Monday, December 31       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:50 PM

Tuesday, January 1       

    Gemara class    7:30 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:50 PM

Wednesday-Thursday, January 2-3       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:50 PM

Friday, January 4       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

Friday evening, January 4       

    Candle lighting    4:51 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:55 PM

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Reminder: HJC News

Teves 17, 5768
Wednesday December 26, 2007
  • Mincha this afternoon is at 4:45PM.
  • Part Three of "The War We Don't Know: Chanukah, Asarah B'Teves and Christianity" will take place tonight at 8PM at the shul. 
Rabbi Davidovich

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

HJC Schedule and announcements - Vayechi

  • Mazel Tov to Arlene Bennett on the engagement of Chaim Bennett to Tehilla Feld, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Feld.

  • Part Three of the "The War we don't Know: Chanukah, Asarah B'Teves and Christianity" will take place this coming Wednesday December 26 at 8PM.

  • A very important series of review classes in Taharas Hamishpacha will take place in January. 
Four Monday evening classes for men begin January 7 at 8PM, given by me. 
Four Wednesday evening classes for women begin Wednesday January 9 at 8PM, given by Deena.
Everyone to whom these halachos apply is very strongly encouraged to attend, even at the expense of your usual chavrusas.  If anything, bring them along.

Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, December 21       

    Candle lighting    4:41 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:45 PM

Saturday, December 22 (Vayechi)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Navi class    4:05 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:35 PM
    Shabbos ends    5:50 PM

Sunday, December 23       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:45 PM

Monday, December 24       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:45 PM

Tuesday, December 25       

    Gemara class    7:30 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:45 PM

Wednesday-Thursday, December 26-27       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:45 PM

Friday, December 28       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Reminders: HJC News

Teves 10, 5768
Wednesday December 19, 2007
  • Mincha this afternoon is at 4:25PM.
  • The fast ends this afternoon at 5:43PM.

  • Part Two of "The War We Don't Know: Chanukah, Asarah B'Teves and Christianity" will take place tonight at 8PM at the shul. 

Have an easy fast,

Rabbi Davidovich

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Friday, December 14, 2007

HJC Announcements and Schedule - Vayigash

  • Deena's Eishes Chayil Class will not take place this Tuesday December 18.

  • The Asarah B'Teves Fast is this Wednesday.  The full schedule appears below.
  • Part Two of "The War We Don't Know: Chanukah, Asarah B'Teves and Christianity" will take place this Wednesday December 19 at 8PM at the shul.  The first class is available for downloading or listening on the shul's website at, along with previous shiurim as well.

Gut Shabbos,

Rabbi Davidovich

Friday evening, December 14       

    Candle lighting    4:39 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:40 PM

Saturday, December 15 (Vayigash)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Navi class    4:00 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:30 PM
    Shabbos ends    5:47 PM

Sunday, December 16       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Monday-Tuesday, December 17-18       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Wednesday, December 19 (Asara B'Teves)       

    Fast begins    6:36 AM
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:30 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    4:25 PM
    Fast ends    5:43 PM

Thursday, December 20       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Friday, December 21       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

Friday evening, December 21       

    Candle lighting    4:41 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:45 PM

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tonight at 8PM at HJC: Chanukah: The War We Don't Know

The War we don't know and its aftermath!  

Chanukah, Asarah B'Teves and Christianity

Join us for
An unconventional look at the events that preceded and followed the rededication of the Beis HaMikdash.
Taught by Rabbi Raphael Davidovich

Wednesdays December 12, 19 and 26 at 8:00 PM

What was the fight which led to Chanukah really about?
What does the Tenth of Teves, only one week after Chanukah, have to do with it?
How do those days define Jewish identity in Golus?
Find out the answers to these and many other questions by attending this unconventional course. 
Each class will also cover practical halachos that are germane to the ideas presented.  

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Monday, December 10, 2007

My opinion of the Kosher Survey (revised)

I am of the opinion that if the local Kosher establishments are aware of what the public thinks of the quality of services they offer, they will maintain or increase their quality of service, as the case may be. It is clearly l'toeles. If the principle of "Chas Al Mamonam Shel Yisroel" applies to business owners, it applies to consumers as well.

I don't think that any establishment is afraid of the "Loshon Horo" that would result, i.e. is afraid that people would talk to one another about the experiences they have had in stores and restaurants. All restaurant and store owners are aware that this is already occurring when Jews talk to one another. If anything, it seems to me that there is more toeles in this public survey manner than when it is just done by one person kvetching to another. I am sure they would wish to upgrade their services in order to increase business. I don't think anyone would mind.

Well intentioned people inadvertently misinterpret Hilchos Loshon Horo by minimizing the important caveat of "l'toeles" that is always applicable. And the Chofetz Chaim's warnings that even "L'toeles" has to be Lishma certainly apply here. I have no bone to pick with any store. Neither do the makers of the survey. They are just interested in improving the quality of kosher service in our community.

We in kosher community all over America are at a natural disadvantage when it comes to our kosher establishments. The laws of supply and demand favor the establishments, at least as long as they stay open. In the treif world, if you don't like one restaurant, there are a few hundred others to choose from within a ten-minute drive. Quality of service increases accordingly when managers know their potential customers' numerous options. We do not have those options. There is nobody to blame for this. It is the unseen hand that guides an economy. But any advantage we consumers can create for ourselves within the derech of halacha should be taken. And when all is said and done, the establishments that want to increase their business will be grateful too.

I don't know if I'm jumping into a hornet's nest here. But I did this not for my honor and not for the honor of my father's house, but in order to improve the lot of Acheinu Beis Yisroel in Cleveland, a community I would like to see maintained at the highest standards possible. I have no problems admitting the error of my ways if they are pointed out to me. But I do not think I was wrong in requesting the survey.

UPDATE: Some people are not clear about what the survey entails. Completed surveys of other major Kosher Communities in the USA, the rabbis of whom raised no public protests, are available here. As anyone can see, it is not a loshon horo free-for-all that some might fear.

Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center Synagogue

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Kosher Community Survey

From: Neil Rosenbaum <>

I was hoping you could please post the following community-related
message to your shul members.

Thank you,
Neil Rosenbaum

What do you think of the Cleveland's kosher restaurants, bakeries, and stores?

Share your opinion about local kosher establishments through the first ever
Cleveland Area Kosher Community Survey! The survey can be found at the
following link: A final
report of the full results will be distributed to the community.

Please e-mail Neil Rosenbaum at if
you have any questions.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

HJC Schedule and Announcements - Mikeitz

The Schedule follows the announcements.

  • Mincha this afternoon is at 4:30PM.  Please ensure that we start on time so that we can light the Menorah before sunset.
  • Mincha this upcoming week is at 4:40PM.  Please make it a priority to attend.
  • Rabbi Kirsch is away this Shabbos.
  • Rosh Chodesh is this Monday, one day only.
  • This Wednesday December 12 I will give another class in a three-part series of talks entitled
"The War we don't know and its aftermath"
Chanukah, Asarah B'Teves and Christianity

An unconventional halakhic and hashkafic look at the events that preceded and followed the rededication of the Bais HaMikdash.
It will continue on Wednesdays December 19 and 26 at 8:00 PM
Refreshments will be served.

  • This January my wife and I will be giving review classes in Taharas Hamishpacha, on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Details will be publicized in the coming week.
  • The evening Post-Maariv Rambam shiur just started learning Hilchos Nedarim, in anticipation of the upcoming Daf Yomi masechta.
  • Mazel Tov to the incoming shul officers and Board members who are being installed at the reservation-only Luncheon this Shabbos.
Gut Shabbos and Happy Chanukah,
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, December 7 (Chanukah)       

    Candle lighting    4:38 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:30 PM

Saturday, December 8 (Miketz-Chanukah)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:59 AM
    Navi class    4:00 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:30 PM
    Shabbos ends    5:46 PM

Sunday, December 9 (Chanukah)       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Monday, December 10 (Chanukah-Rosh Chodesh)       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:30 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Tuesday-Wednesday, December 11-12 (Chanukah)       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:40 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Thursday, December 13       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Friday, December 14       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

Friday evening, December 14       

    Candle lighting    4:39 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:40 PM

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Friday, November 30, 2007

HJC Announcements and Schedule

  • Mincha this coming week is at 4:40pm.  Please make a point of attending.

  • The first night of Chanukah is Tuesday night December 4. 

  • Please remember to begin saying "Tal Umatar" Wednesday night December 5 at Ma'ariv. 

  • Refuah Sheleima to Aron Ritzenberg.

  • The shul is looking for suggestions to enhance our weekly kiddush.  Please email me, the office at  or call the office at 382-1958 to offer any ideas you may have.

  • The shul is having a lunch on Shabbos Chanukah, December 8, to install the new Board.  Please RSVP the office ASAP if you plan to attend. or 382-1958.

Have a Gut Shabbos.
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, November 30       

    Candle lighting    4:40 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:45 PM

Saturday, December 1 (Vayeshev)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:54 AM
    Navi class    4:00 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:30 PM
    Shabbos ends    5:47 PM

Sunday, December 2       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Monday-Tuesday, December 3-4       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Wednesday-Thursday, December 5-6 (Chanukah)       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:40 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Friday, December 7 (Chanukah)       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:40 AM

Friday evening, December 7 (Chanukah)       

    Candle lighting    4:38 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:30 PM

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

HJC Schedule

Please note that Mincha next week is at 4:45pm.  If you are not at work, please please make a point of coming to the shul's minyan. 
You should have received an email from the shul office asking you for suggestions to enhance our weekly Kiddush.  Please let the office know what your ideas are.   or 382-1958. 
I am in Baltimore now, and will be here for Shabbos.  I plan to be back on Monday.  Please behave while I am away. 
Gut Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich
Friday, November 23       
    Gemara class    CANCELLED
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Candle lighting    4:43 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:45 PM

Saturday, November 24 (Vayishlach)       

    Parsha class    CANCELLED
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:49 AM
    Navi class     CANCELLED
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:35 PM
    Shabbos ends    5:50 PM

Sunday, November 25       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv        4:45 PM

Monday-Thursday, November 26-29       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Kesubos    4:45 PM

Friday, November 30       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

Friday evening, November 30       

    Candle lighting    4:40 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:45 PM

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Tefillah Class Tonight at 8PM

Hello everyone,

Reminder:  The third class on Tefillah takes place tonight (Monday November 19, 07) at 8PM at Heights Jewish Center.  The class will be over before 9PM.  Attendance at the first two classes is not a prerequisite to attendance tonight.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Rabbi Davidovich

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Friday, November 16, 2007

HJC Announcements and Schedule

The schedule follows the announcements.

Condolences to Ricky Prizant on the passing of his mother Clayre Prizant.  Ricky is sitting Shiva at his mother's home, 3869 Bushnell Road, till Wednesday morning.

Refuah Sheleima to Rob Altshuler.

Sof Zman Krias Shema is 9:44 AM.


Mincha-Maariv this upcoming week is at 4:50PM.  Please make a point of boosting the minyan if you can. 

The post-Maariv Shiur has completed the sections of the Rambam Hilchos Ishus that cover the topics discussed in Kesubos, the current Daf Yomi masechta.  Starting next week the shiur will return to the Gemara, starting at the beginning.  We plan to spend the next five weeks learning Kesubos and endeavor to finish the masechta together with the Daf Yomi cycle on December 23.  This might seem unreasonable at first.  But since we have covered all of the halachos of Kesubos, we are starting way ahead. 

The third Shiur on the Halachos of and Insights into Tefillah will take place this Monday at 8PM at the shul.  People are welcome to attend even if they did not attend the first two shiurim.

Deena's Eishes Chayil Group meets on Tuesday at 2PM at the shul.

Shacharis this Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, is at 8AM.

The shul is looking to enhance its Kiddush menus on the non-Cholent weeks.  Please send your ideas and suggestions to the office at or this address.

Have a Gut Shabbos,

Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, November 16       

    Candle lighting    4:48 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:50 PM

Saturday, November 17 (Vayetze)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:44 AM
    Navi class    4:10 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:40 PM
    Shabbos ends    5:55 PM

Sunday, November 18       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:50 PM

Monday-Wednesday, November 19-21       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Kesubos    4:50 PM

Thursday, November 22       

    Gemara class    canceled
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv     4:50 PM

Friday, November 23       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

Friday evening, November 23       

    Candle lighting    4:43 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:45 PM

Saturday, November 24 (Vayishlach)       

    Parsha class    CANCELED
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:49 AM
    Navi class    CANCELED
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:35 PM
    Shabbos ends    5:50 PM

Sunday, November 25       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv        4:45 PM

Monday-Thursday, November 26-29       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Kesubos    4:45 PM

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Boruch Dayan Ha'emes

Condolences to Ricky Prizant on the passing of his mother Clayre Prizant.

Shiva will be held at her home, 3869 Bushnell Rd. until next Wednesday morning.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Tefillah Shiur Monday 8PM


The second of three shiurim on Tefillah takes place tonight, November 12 at 8PM at the shul. 

The shiur takes a deeper look at the structure of the davening and offers practical eitzos (advice) on enhancing Kavono.  

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Friday, November 9, 2007

HJC Announcements - CHOLENT Kiddush

Shabbos Mevorchim Cholent Kiddush this Shabbos.

Sof Zman Krias is 9:39AM.

There will be a Rosh Chodesh breakfast on Sunday at 9:30AM.  $3/person. 

The second of three Monday night shiurim on Tefillah. 8PM takes place this Monday.  The first shiur is on the shul's website,

Deena's Women's Discussion Group on Eishes Chayil continues this Tuesday at 2PM at the shul.

Mincha this upcoming week is at 4:50PM. 

Gut Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich

Friday evening, November 9       

    Candle lighting    4:54 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:55 PM

Saturday, November 10 (Toldos)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:39 AM
    Navi class    4:15 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:45 PM
    Shabbos ends    6:01 PM

Sunday, November 11 (Rosh Chodesh)       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:50 PM

Monday-Thursday, November 12-15       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:50 PM

Friday, November 16       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

Friday evening, November 16       

    Candle lighting    4:48 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:50 PM

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Updates on the Blog

I just added the Blog to the shul's mailing list.  So from now on, all announcements that go out to the shul will go onto the Blog automatically. 

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Friday, October 12, 2007

HJC Schedule and Announcements

Hello everyone,

Part One of the Halakhic Kitchen series was very well attended.  Part Two is this coming Wednesday at 8PM at the Shul.  Even if you didn't attend the first one, it still pays to attend the other shiurim.  The first class should be posted to the website shortly. 

Deena will be starting a group for women discussing 'Eishes Chayil' at the shul on Tuesdays at 2PM.  It starts this coming Tuesday October 16.  Please call Deena at 397-1404 or email her at if you are interested in babysitting. 

Monday through Friday at 6:15AM, before Shacharis, I give a shiur in Gemara Sanhedrin. 
Sunday through Thursday right after Maariv, I give a shiur in Rambam that covers the topics of the Daf Yomi cycle. 
Shabbos morning at 8:30AM there is a Parsha Shiur.
Shabbos afternoon one half-hour before Mincha there is a shiur in Novi, where we are currently exploring Sefer Shoftim.

A gutn Chodesh and Gut Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, October 12 

    Candle lighting    6:32 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    6:35 PM

Saturday, October 13 (Noach-Rosh Chodesh)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Navi class    5:55 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    6:25 PM
    Shabbos ends    7:39 PM

Sunday, October 14       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Daf Yomi    6:25 PM

Monday-Thursday, October 15-18       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Daf Yomi    6:25 PM

Friday, October 19       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

Friday evening, October 19       

    Candle lighting    6:21 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    6:25 PM

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Halakhic Kitchen

The Halakhic Kitchen

Join Rabbi Davidovich as he reviews Hilchos Kashrus and Shabbos as they relate to your kitchen and the shul's kitchen.  During this three week course, Rabbi Davidovich will be discussing the hashkafic groundwork and practical guidelines that apply in the home and in the institutional setting.  This course is open to both men and women who want to ensure that their home kitchens are operating according to halacha on Shabbos and all week long.  It is also a prerequisite for joining the shul kitchen committee.

Wednesdays, October 10, 17 and 24 at 8:00 pm at HJC.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

HJC News - Rosh Hashana to Erev Yom Kippur Edition

Do not forget to make an Eiruv Tavshilin before Candle-Lighting on Wednesday.  Make sure not to eat the Eiruv until Shabbos.

There will be additional Tekias Shofar at the Shul at 6pm, on both days of Rosh Hashana, for those who did not hear them in the morning.

Rabbi Kirsch will be running a program for children on both days of Rosh Hashana at 10:30am.

The Shabbos Shuva Drasha will begin at 6pm. 

Kesiva V'Chasima Tova,
Rabbi Davidovich

Wednesday, September 12 (Erev Rosh Hashana)       

    Selichos-Shacharis    6:00 AM
    Candle lighting    7:23 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    7:25 PM

Thursday, September 13 (Rosh Hashana)       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    6:15 PM
    Mincha-Tashlich-Ma'ariv    7:00 PM
    Candle lighting    8:29 PM

Friday, September 14 (Rosh Hashana)       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM

Friday evening, September 14       

    Daf Yomi    6:40 PM
    Candle lighting    7:20 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:25 PM

Saturday, September 15 (Ha'azinu-Shabbos Shuva)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Shabbos Shuva Drasha    6:00 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    7:10 PM
    Shabbos ends    8:26 PM

Sunday, September 16 (Tzom Gedaliah)       

    Fast begins    5:55 AM
    Selichos-Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    6:15 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    7:00 PM
    Fast ends    8:24 PM

Monday-Thursday, September 17-20       

    Selichos-Shacharis    6:10 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Daf Yomi    7:15 PM

Friday, September 21 (Erev Yom Kippur)       

    Selichos-Shacharis    6:30 AM
    Early mincha    3:00 PM

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Friday, September 7, 2007

HJC Announcements

Hello everyone,

  • Refuah Sheleima to Ted Bennett and Lou Weinstock.
  • We are planning to send out another email before Rosh Hashana.  In case something happens to prevent that, this email includes all the times through Tzom Gedalia. 
  • Mincha tonight is at 7:15PM.
  • The Pre-Selichos Drasha begins at 12:45AM on Saturday night.  Selichos begins at 1:15AM.
  • Remember to make an Eiruv Tavshilin on Wednesday before Yom-Tov starts.
  • The Thursday Night Men's Chabura will resume after the Yomim Tovim.
  • The Daf Yomi shiur is now a Daf Yomi Companion Shiur.  What this means is that instead of doing a Daf a day, the shiur is learning the Rambam, Hilchos Ishus Ch.10 through 25, the section related to Masechta Kesubos.  While we are trying out this method, the Sunday morning catch-up shiur is being canceled. 
Have a Gut Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, September 7       

    Early candle lighting    6:29 PM
    Regular candle lighting    7:32 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:15 PM

Saturday, September 8 (Nitzavim-Vayelech)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Navi class    6:50 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    7:20 PM
    Shabbos ends    8:38 PM

SELICHOS--Saturday night/Sunday morning

    Selichos - drasha    12:45 AM
    Selichos services    1:15 AM

Sunday, September 9       

    Daf Yomi catch-up    CANCELLED
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Daf Yomi    7:25 PM

Monday-Tuesday, September 10-11       

    Selichos-Shacharis    6:20 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Daf Yomi    7:25 PM

Wednesday, September 12 (Erev Rosh Hashana)       

    Selichos-Shacharis    6:00 AM
    Candle lighting    7:23 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    7:25 PM

Thursday, September 13 (Rosh Hashana)       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    6:15 PM
    Mincha-Tashlich-Ma'ariv    7:00 PM
    Candle lighting    8:29 PM

Friday, September 14 (Rosh Hashana)       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM

Friday evening, September 14       

    Daf Yomi    6:40 PM
    Candle lighting    7:20 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:25 PM

Saturday, September 15 (Ha'azinu-Shabbos Shuva)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Shabbos Shuva Drasha    6:00 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    7:10 PM
    Shabbos ends    8:26 PM

Sunday, September 16 (Tzom Gedaliah)       

    Fast begins    5:55 AM
    Daf Yomi catch-up    CANCELLED
    Selichos-Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    6:15 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    7:00 PM
    Fast ends    8:24 PM

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Friday, August 31, 2007

Announcements - Ki Savo

Hello everyone,

  • Please note that Mincha this evening is at 7:25pm. 
  • There is another women's Shalosh Seudos this Shabbos at our house at 7:15pm. 
Have a Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, August 31       

    Early candle lighting    6:39 PM
    Regular candle lighting    7:43 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:25 PM

Saturday, September 1 (Ki Savo)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Navi class    7:05 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    7:35 PM
    Shabbos ends    8:50 PM

Sunday, September 2       

    Daf Yomi catch-up    cancelled
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    6:50 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    7:35 PM

Monday, September 3       

    Gemara class    7:30 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    6:50 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    7:35 PM

Tuesday-Thursday, September 4-6       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Daf Yomi    6:50 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    7:35 PM

Friday, September 7       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

Friday evening, September 7       

    Early candle lighting    6:29 PM
    Regular candle lighting    7:32 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:15 PM

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Guys' Chabura:
Where:  HJC
When: Thursdays, 9pm, starting August 22nd.

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Friday, August 17, 2007

HJC Announcements and Schedule - Parshas Shoftim

Hello everyone,

Heights Jewish Center is planning a trip to Israel for January 21 to 30, 2008. If you think you might be interested, or just want more information, come to a meeting on Sunday, August 19, at 9 PM.


Gut Shabbos,

Rabbi Davidovich

Friday evening, August 17
    Early candle lighting       6:57 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:05 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    6:45 PM
Saturday, August 18 (Shoftim)
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Navi class    7:25 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    7:55 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:12 PM
Sunday, August 19       
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:15 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:00 PM
Monday-Thursday, August 20-23       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:15 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:00 PM
Friday, August 24       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

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Friday, August 10, 2007

HJC Schedule - Cholent Kiddush

Hello everyone,
This Shabbos the shul welcomes Rabbi Sruly Koval and the Jewish Family Connection.  They will be having a Beginners' Service Shabbos morning at 10:30am in the Beis Medrash, and then joining us for Kiddush in the Social Hall.  The Cholent Kiddush is being sponsored by the Shul in honor of their joining us.
Don't forget that Tuesday and Wednesday are Roch Chodesh Elul. 
Gut Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, August 10        
    Early candle lighting    7:05 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:15 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    6:55 PM
Saturday, August 11 (Re'eh)     
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Beginners Service    10:30 AM
    Navi class    7:35 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    8:05 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:21 PM
Sunday, August 12      
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:25 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:10 PM
Monday, August 13     
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:25 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:10 PM
Tuesday-Wednesday, August 14-15 (Rosh Chodesh)   
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:40 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:25 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:10 PM
Thursday, August 16  
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:25 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:10 PM
Friday, August 17   
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

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Friday, August 3, 2007

HJC Announcements - Chulent Kiddush this week - Parshas Eikev

Good morning everyone,
This week's schedule follows the announcements.
  • There will be a Chulent Kiddush this Shabbos.
  • Please note that Mincha is getting earlier every week.  Tonight Mincha begins at 7pm! 
  • And During the week Mincha is at 8:20pm.
  • Shacharis Monday to Friday is now at 6:45am.
  • In a few weeks, on Sunday August 19 at 9pm, there will be a gathering at the shul to discuss a proposed Shul Trip to Israel in January.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  You do not need to commit to the trip to attend the meeting.  It will be for informational purposes only.  We need a minimum of ten people for it to be a go.
  • The Shabbos afternoon Navi shiur is wrapping up Sefer Yehoshua and beginning Sefer Shoftim this week.
Have a wonderful Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, August 3        
    Early candle lighting    7:12 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:24 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:00 PM
Saturday, August 4 (Eikev)  
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:58 AM
    Navi class    7:45 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    8:15 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:30 PM
Sunday, August 5    
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:35 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:20 PM
Monday-Thursday, August 6-9        
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:35 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:20 PM
Friday, August 10       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Correcting kindly

Correcting with kindness in shul

"What is hateful to you, do not do to others…" R' Hillel

When correcting others, one must be careful not to embarrass them in public.  No one here wants to embarrass or hurt another on purpose, but sometimes we do so inadvertently.  Here are some tips on how to correct with kindness:

  1. If noise is the problem and an individual does not get the message simply by waiting, it would be better to take the individual out of the sanctuary to speak to them rather than announcing the issue to the whole congregation.   If one must make a general announcement, it should be simple directions, and not contain any words of rebuke.
  2. Begin the correction with something positive "We are so glad you are here, you add so much to our shul."
  3. State the problem in a kind way "Probably you didn't realize that your voice/your baby's voice carried to the rest of the shul and makes it hard for people to concentrate.  I am sure if you realized that, you would have gone to the kiddish room to speak/ gone out to calm your baby and then returned."
  4. End on a positive note, with a kind voice, and a smile when appropriate  "Thank you so much for your understanding.  We really are glad to have you here and we hope you will come to our shul often. "
Remember that people of all ages can be embarrassed and hurt.  We would not like to be embarrassed or hurt, so we should strive to be kind in our rebuke.


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Friday, July 27, 2007

OOPS! Important ADDENDUM: Cholent Kiddush

This week's cholent Kiddush is sponsored by Sandy and Chuck Zeitler in honor of their children.
Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Sherrie and Izzy Mendenhall in memory of Sherrie's father Yosef Peretz ben Moshe,
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich


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HJC Important Announcements - Shabbos Nachamu

Hello everyone,
Please pay attention to the following announcements:
There will be a Ladies' Shalosh Seudos held at our home, 14385 Washington Blvd., this Shabbos, tomorrow,  at 7:30pm. 
The shul is having its biennial meeting this Sunday, July 29, at 9am.  At the meeting, the nominating committee will present nominations for the Board and Officers for the next two years.  Please plan to attend.
The time for Shacharis from Monday through Friday is being changed to 6:45am.  It used to be 6:55am.  Starting this Monday July 30, it will now be 6:45am.  The pre-Shacharis Gemara Shiur in Masechta Sanhedrin is still at 6:15am and is not being moved back. 
I will be going away after the Annual meeting for a few days.  I will be returning sometime this Wednesday, August 1.  I will not have guaranteed access to email during that time. The shul office has my cell phone number in case of urgent necessities that require my personal attention. 
Have a Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich
Friday evening, July 27       
    Early candle lighting    7:18 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:31 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:05 PM
Saturday, July 28 (Va'eschanan - Nachamu)       
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:54 AM
    Navi class    7:50 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    8:20 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:38 PM
Sunday, July 29       
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:30 PM
Monday-Thursday, July 30-August 2       
    Gemara class Thursday only this week   6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Daf Yomi    Thursday only this week 7:45 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:30 PM
Friday, August 3       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

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Sunday, July 15, 2007


I recently mentioned my discomfort at saying the Tefilla for the Medina.  However, I have still been saying it.  People wonder why. 
I continue to reluctantly say it only because my intention in pronouncing the words of the prayer is that the state be blessed by an infusion of Wisdom from On High to its leaders that they abandon the suicidal paths they have taken in the last several years.  Even Rabbi Schur Z"L pronounced the words that ask God to shine His light and wisdom on the Land's leaders, ministers and advisers.  His change from 'Medinas Yisrael' to 'Eretz Yisrael' did not change that.  I am in full agreement with Rabbi Schur's sentiments when he made that change when he witnessed the insanity of the post-Oslo era.  Some great men have opined that the inherent mechanism of the State is corrupt and is undeserving of prayer on its behalf.  I cannot pass judgment like that without some Ruach Hakodesh (Divine Inspiration) of my own.  So in the meantime, I intend for my prayer to be in the vein of a prayer one would recite for a chronically sick and gangrened body that for better and for worse is in control of the Holy Land, no more and no less.

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A black day for Eretz Yisroel

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The inner rot of the State

This explains why I don't like saying the "Tefila LiShlom Hamedina", despite the fact that I take the words "Reishis Tzemichas Geulaseinu" out.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

HJC announcements - CHULENT KIDDUSH

Hello everyone,
I'm back.  I'm American.
Chulent Kiddush after davening. 
Rosh Chodesh Av is this Monday, so don't forget to launder and buy stuff before Sunday night, 
Gut Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich
Friday evening, July 13       
    Early candle lighting    7:26 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:42 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:15 PM
Saturday, July 14 (Mattos-Massei)       
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:48 AM
    Navi class    8:00 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    8:30 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:49 PM
Sunday, July 15       
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:00 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:45 PM
Monday, July 16 (Rosh Chodesh)       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:40 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:00 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:45 PM
Tuesday-Thursday, July 17-19       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:00 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:45 PM
Friday, July 20       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM

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Friday, June 29, 2007

HJC Announcements and Schedule

Hello everyone,
Don't forget that
  • Morning Zman Krias Shema is still quite early
  • Tuesday is a fast day, (different schedule)
  • Wednesday is Independence Day (different schedule)
What we're learning:
  • Monday thru Friday before Shachris (usually at 6:15am) we're learning Masechta Sanhedrin
  • Sunday before Shachris and Sunday thru Thursday before Mincha we're currently in Yevamos
  • Sunday thru Thursday between Mincha and Maariv we're learning Rambam; Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah
  • Shabbos morning at 8:30 there is a Parsha Shiur
  • Shabbos afternoon a half hour before Mincha we're learning Navi.  We're currently near the end of Sefer Yehoshua (Ch.23)
  • During Shalosh Seudos we're learning Pirkei Avos Ch.1.
  • More shiurim will begin in Elul.  Stay tuned... 
Gut Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich
Friday evening, June 29        
    Early candle lighting    7:29 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:46 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:20 PM
Saturday, June 30 (Balak)        
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:43 AM
    Navi class    8:05 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    8:35 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:54 PM
Sunday, July 1        
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:05 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:50 PM
Monday, July 2        
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:05 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:50 PM
Tuesday, July 3 (Fast of 17th of Tammuz)        
    Fast begins    4:45 AM
    Gemara class    Cancelled
    Shacharis    6:30 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:45 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:30 PM
    Fast ends    9:54 PM
Wednesday, July 4        
    Gemara class    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:05 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:50 PM
Thursday, July 5        
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:05 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:50 PM
Friday, July 6 
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

HJC Schedule - Parshas Chukas

Mazel Tov to Ben and Sarah Rancman on the birth of a baby boy this Wednesday.
Don't forget that we have babysitting and Shabbos morning programs available at the shul on Shabbos morning for children aged 1 thru 13ish.  Andrea Rosen and Bracha Olgin run the 1 to 5 year old group on the Lower Level starting at 10am and Rabbi Kirsch runs the youth group upstairs starting at 10:30am. 
Have a wonderful Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich
Friday evening, June 22       
    Early candle lighting    7:29 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:46 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:20 PM
Saturday, June 23 (Chukas)        
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:41 AM
    Navi class    8:05 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    8:35 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:54 PM
Sunday, June 24        
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:05 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:50 PM
Monday-Thursday, June 25-28        
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:05 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:50 PM
Friday, June 29       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM

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Friday, June 15, 2007

HJC Schedule - Parshas Korach

Good morning everyone,
-Mazel Tov to new members Simon and Irit Kol on the Bat-Mitzvah of their daughter being celebrated this weekend at the shul. 
-Mincha/Maariv during the week is at 8:45pm.  This time gets in the way of many scheduled Chavrusas at the Kollel and has resulted in a tighter minyan these past couple of weeks.  Please consider davening at Heights in the evenings if you usually daven elsewhere.
Have a gut Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich
Friday evening, June 15       
    Early candle lighting    7:27 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:44 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:15 PM
Saturday, June 16 (Korach - Rosh Chodesh)       
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:39 AM
    Navi class    8:05 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    8:35 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:52 PM
Sunday, June 17 (Rosh Chodesh)       
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:00 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:45 PM
Monday-Thursday, June 18-21       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:00 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:45 PM
Friday, June 22       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Mazel Tov. Not soon enough.

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Korach and his friends

One of the first medrashim in Medrash Raba on Parshas Korach states that the nesiim were part of Korach's cabal against Moshe.  That puts the rebellion in a totally different light. Although the medrash only mentions the nasi from Mateh Reuven by name, Elitzur Ben Shedei'ur, the medrash implies that it was he and his chaveirim, i.e. fellow nessim who were involved.  This would mean that Nachshon ben Aminadav was one of the rebels as well!
The different light is that the rebellion is no longer about the smooth-talking Korach who convinces the masses with his rousing populism.  Sanhedrin leaders, Tribal leaders!  This was big.  Very different from the Asafsuf who started making trouble when the Jews left Har Sinai.
This forces me to reevaluate Korach's merits.  And reevaluating Korach forces me to reevaluate Moshe.  Because after all, Moshe was right and Korach was wrong.  So if we raise Korach to a higher level, Moshe's retort has to be comparatively deeper.

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Friday, June 8, 2007

Strawberries etc.

Here is what the Star-K is saying about checking strawberries:
1. Fill basin with water and some dishwashing liquid* or special strawberry wash (such as Tsunami 100).

2. Soak strawberries in soapy water.
3. Wash strawberries under a stream of water.
4. Strawberries may now be used.
Click here: to watch our strawberry bug video.

Click here: to see a list of all our insect checking videos.

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

HJC Announcements and Schedule - Parshas Shelach

Hello everyone,
This Shabbos after davening, there will be a cholent kiddush sponsored by Mendenhall family in memory of Sherri Mendenhall's mother, Zlotta bas Yosef Velvel.

Have a wonderful Shabbos,

Rabbi Davidovich
Friday evening, June 8
Early candle lighting 7:24 PM
Regular candle lighting 8:40 PM
Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos 7:15 PM
Saturday, June 9 (Sh'lach)

Parsha class 8:30 AM
Shacharis 9:00 AM
Latest Shema 9:39 AM
Navi class 8:00 PM
Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv 8:30 PM
Shabbos ends 9:49 PM

Sunday, June 10
Daf Yomi catch-up 7:15 AM
Shacharis 8:00 AM
Daf Yomi 8:00 PM
Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:45 PM
Monday-Thursday, June 11-14
Gemara class 6:15 AM
Shacharis 6:55 AM
Daf Yomi 8:00 PM
Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:45 PM
Friday, June 15
Gemara class 6:15 AM
Shacharis 6:55 AM

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Friday, June 1, 2007

HJC Schedule Parshas Beha'aloscha

Don't miss the next showing of Inspired Too - Kiruv Across America.  The next showing will be held at Heights Jewish Center on Sunday, June 3 at 10 am. Babysitting will be available. The event is free and open to the frum community.  I will be speaking after the showing.
Friday evening, June 1        
    Early candle lighting    7:20 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:35 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:10 PM
Saturday, June 2 (Beha'aloscha)  
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:39 AM
    Navi class    7:55 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    8:25 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:44 PM
Sunday, June 3  
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:55 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:40 PM
Monday-Thursday, June 4-7
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:55 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:40 PM
Friday, June 8    
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Correction: Memorial Day

This Monday morning shachris is at 8:00 AM.

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HJC Schedule Parshas Naso and the week ahead

Friday evening, May 25       
    Early candle lighting    7:15 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:30 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:05 PM
Saturday, May 26 (Naso)       
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:41 AM
    Navi class    7:50 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    8:20 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:39 PM
Sunday, May 27       
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    No Daf Yomi Class this Sunday
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:35 PM
Monday-Thursday, May 28-31       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM (No Gemara Class this Monday)
    Shacharis    6:55 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:50 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:35 PM
Friday, June 1       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

HJC Shavuos Schedule - Important Announcement

According to many poskim, whose names are available upon request, the custom of waiting until dark on the night of Shavuos only applies to making Kiddush, not davening Maariv.  Accordingly, we will be davening Maariv right after sunset (8:45pm) tonight.  People can then head home and choose to make kiddush after dark, beginning their meal then.  Men should remember to repeat Krias Shema after dark.
Tuesday, May 22 (Erev Shavuos)       
    Candle lighting                                         8:27 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv                                      8:30 PM
    Tzeis Hakochavim (50 minutes)              9:35PM

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unintended consequences

Imagine trying to do something nice for some birds and as a result 800,000 people die every year!

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Eruv

The Cleveland Eruv is kosher.  Period.

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Yevomos, Parshas Behar, Ruth and Shavuos

random thoughts:
Inheritance, Yibum, land and marriage are all intertwined themes.  SeferRus brings them all together. 
More about this on Shavuos in Shul.

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Patent Law, or reinventing the wheel

If I was interested in spending tens or thousands of dollars to create a new thing, I would want to make sure that the thing did not already exist.  Why bother spending millions to invent a wheel, or develop a bread-slicing machine when I could purchase one for a couple hundred dollars? 

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Friday, May 11, 2007

announcements from HJC and schedule from HJC

Hello everybody,
The upcoming week's schedule is below the announcements.
Gut Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich

-Rosh Chodesh Sivan is Friday.

Panim Chadashos - New Facets
'Shavuos is "His wedding day"': medrash rabba
The celebration of a wedding requires panim chadashos, a new face at every new gathering.
Join us Shavuos Night at midnight as we explore different and new facets of some supposedly well-known parts of the Torah.
Midnight:  Krias Shema - Halachic Facets
12:45am:  Krias Shema - Political Facets
1:30am:    Krias Shema - Spiritual Facets
2:15am:    Krias Shema - The War of the Worlds:  Analyzing the war between the first and second paragraphs of the Shema 
3am:  Aseres Hadibros - Halachic Facets
3:45am: Aseres Hadibros - Historical Facets
4:30am:  Themes in the Aseres Hadibros
Friday evening, May 11       
    Early candle lighting    7:04 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:16 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    6:55 PM
Saturday, May 12 (Behar-Bechukosai)       
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:47 AM
    Navi class    7:40 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    8:10 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:25 PM
Sunday, May 13        
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:35 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:20 PM
Monday-Thursday, May 14-17        
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM
    Daf Yomi    7:35 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:20 PM
Friday, May 18 (Rosh Chodesh)   
    Gemara class    6:00 AM
    Shacharis    6:40 AM

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Music etc.

We had a family over at our house this past Friday night.  They have a married son who stopped by.  The family is very musically inclined, and those of you who know me know that this means very much to me.  I had my own me'ein olam haba able to sing rare niggunim with them, and hear rare niggunim I hadn't heard of.
Anyway, there is a Bobov version of Y-ah Ribon that has mesmerized me for years.  But I was never able to commit it to memory. Not only did the son know it, he told me he has a CD with that very tune, and other Chassidish favorites on it as well.  I just started listening.  I am so happy right now.  Maybe tonight I have a neshama yeseira since it's shtei p'amim chai la'omer!

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Daf Yomi - why Yevamos first?

Why does Seder Nashim begin with Yevamos?  A person needs to get married before his wife becomes a widow in need of Yibum or Chalitzah!
Various rishonim, most notably the Rambam in his Peirush on Mishnayos, offer different thematically based reasons for the order of masechtos within a Seder of Mishnayos. 
However, Rav Reuven Margolios in his small-in-size but high- in-content sefer Yesod Hamishna Va'arichasa, suggests that Masechtos were arranged in order of size.  Masechtos with more chapters were placed at the beginning of each order while those with the fewest chapters are at the end.  He then deals with all the exceptions that are found throughout Shas.  For example, he deals with the fact that the Three Bavas of ten chapters each precede the eleven-chapter Sanhedrin by pointing out that the three Bavas were previously seen as one large Masechta Mezikin, which was followed by the original Sanhedrin which comprised Makkos as well, totaling fourteen chapters. 

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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Shavuos is coming up

Shavuos is fast-approaching!
I think that the shul should have its own learning taking place on Leil Shavuos.  After all, Rabbi Schur is the one who introduced Shavuos-night learning to this neighborhood.  If anybody has any ideas for shiurim, I would love to hear them.  And please let me know if you would be coming to Heights Shavuos night. 
Enjoy the rest of Lag B'Omer
Rabbi Davidovich

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Friday, May 4, 2007

Chagigah - closing thoughts

I have noticed a tension, some might even say a dialectic tension, in masechta Chagigah.  These last few pages highlight a real division within Klal Yisrael in that last century of Bais Sheini.  Besides the Torah-mandated division between the Priestly caste and the non-Cohanim, there appeared a stark contrast between those who were well-versed in the many complex rules of Tahara and Terumah and those who could not keep it all straight.  People could not touch other people's things, food could not be shared, even by those who were trusted on the sheer kashrus of their food. 
People like me who have been involved in Kiruv know how important it is to have an open house to invote people over for Shabbos, Yom-Tov, picnics, luncheons etc.  Can you imagine a Klal Yisrael where Talmidei Chachomim are not allowed to have less learned people into their own homes? 
But as the last pages of chagigah point out, during Yom-Tov an exception was made to the rule.  It was only motzoei- Yom Tov that everything in the Beis Hamikdash and elsewhere was toiveled and repurified.  It sounds all very nice and Jewish-unity centered, if you like that cliche. But how could they ignore halacha?
I think the response is that they were not ignoring the halachos of tahara.  Remember, when an Am Haaretz is considered tamei, it means that the Halacha gave them a presumption.  If it was more than that, thatis, if I knew for a fact that a Jew was tamei, I would have no right to close my eyes.  The Rabbis created that presumption.  Yom-Tov comes along and the Rabbis say "don't presume".  To use a modern catchphrase, "Don't ask, don't tell".  That is a different attitude than shutting your eyes to halachos.  It is choosing not to notice other people's shortcomings!  What a concept!
Holidays are called "Chag".  A chug, Ches-Gimel, is also a circle.  Rav SR Hirsch says that this is the imperative of the Chag, to be joined together in a circle, where all points are equidistant from the center.  So much of halacha creates divisions, hierarchies between people.  Those are important to maintain.  Halacha is not egalitarian.  Life is not egalitarian.  I say "Shelo Asani Goy, Shelo Asani Aved, Shelo asani Isha" every day.  Even among men, halacha and life form many barriers to true unity. 
Then Yom Tov comes.  As the first pages of Chagigah say, the Torah says "Kol Zechur'cha", all your males should come see Me, says Hashem.  There should be no tours or times where only certain people go up because of side considerations.  Either all may go, or none need to go.  After Yom-Tov, we will revert to some or most of the old patterns, but for a week here and there, Chag Hamatzos, Chag Hashavuos and Chag Hasuccos, we re-enact K'Ish Echad B'Leiv Echad, not only in a mushy touchy-feely way, but in a concrete halachic sense as well. 

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Announcements and Schedule

The times for this Shabbos and the upcoming week are below the announcements.
  • Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Appel on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Elazar Simcha this Shabbos.  Mazel Tov to the grandparents Harold and Faige Males.

  • Mazel Tov to our Yomim Noraim Chazan, Rabbi Simcha Mann and his wife, on the upcoming wedding of their daughter Dassah this Sunday evening. 

  • One may get a haircut and shave today l'kovod Shabbos even though Lag B'Omer is not until Sunday.  The other Sefira customs are only lifted on Sunday morning. 
  • Mincha this evening is at 6:50 PM.  As this time, there is no later erev Shabbos minyan.
  • Note to those who don't show up on Shabbos morning at 9AM sharp: Morning Z'man Krias Shema is at 9:51AM this Shabbos and getting earlier and earlier now.
  • The Shul's Lag B'Omer picnic is taking place behind the shul this Sunday May 6, from noon to 3pm.  We would love to see you there.
  • Mincha-Maariv during the week is at 8:15PM.  Daf Yomi precedes it at 7:30PM.
  • This Shabbos at Shalosh Seudos there will be a siyum on Masechta Chagigah and Seder Moed. 
  • The Daf Yomi shiur will be starting Masechta Yevamos (and Seder Nashim) on Sunday morning at 7:15AM. 
Have a wonderful Shabbos and Lag B'Omer.
Rabbi Davidovich
Friday evening, May 4   
 Early candle lighting 6:59 PM 
 Regular candle lighting 8:09 PM 
 Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos 6:50 PM
Saturday, May 5 (Emor)
 Parsha class 8:30 AM 
 Shacharis 9:00 AM 
 Latest Shema 9:51 AM 
 Navi class 7:30 PM 
 Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv 8:00 PM  
 Shabbos ends 9:18 PM 

Sunday, May 6 (Lag B'Omer)   
 Daf Yomi catch-up 7:15 AM 
 Shacharis 8:00 AM 
 Daf Yomi 7:30 PM 
 Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:15 PM 
Monday-Thursday, May 7-10   
 Gemara class 6:15 AM 
 Shacharis 6:55 AM 
 Daf Yomi 7:30 PM 
 Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:15 PM 
Friday, May 11   
 Gemara class 6:15 AM 
 Shacharis 6:55 AM 

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