Sunday, March 29, 2009

Shabbos Hagodol plans, slightly altered. Please read.

Starting next Shabbos, on Friday Night April 3, we will be starting Shabbos early.  Mincha will be at 6:20 PM.  The earliest time to Light Shabbos Candles is at 6:34 PM.  Candles will be made available in shul. 

The dinner afterwards and the Shabbos Lunch are by reservation only.  Because they are being catered, reservations must be in by Tuesday March 31 at noon.  Please RSVP to the shul office 382-1958 or  We won't be able to be nice and let you come to either meal if you haven't reserved. So please make your reservations before the deadline.  We don't like to be mean. 

The member cost for the Friday night meal is $12 per person. For non-members the charge is $15 per person.

If anyone has time to help set up Friday afternoon, or even during davening on Friday evening, your help will be greatly appreciated.  Please reply if you can commit to that.  Even if you cannot commit to that, your help serving and clearing during the meal if possible, is appreciated.

We would like to thank Fred and Katia Bolotin for co-sponsoring the Shabbos Meals in memory of Fred's mother.

The Shabbos Lunch is being sponsored by the members of Deena's Tuesday Class, in honor of their recent completion of Eishes Chayil.  The Lunch is therefore free of charge for members. The charge for non-members is $5 per person.  Even though the Lunch is being sponsored, it is also by reservation only.  All who wish to attend the lunch must reserve by Tuesday March 31 at noon. 

  • The Shabbos Hagodol Drasha is at 6:15 PM.

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Friday, March 27, 2009

HJC News - Vayikra

  • Kiddush this Shabbos is sponsored by Alex Adelman in memory of his wife Blanche. 

  • The Third of the Pre-Pesach Classes will take place this coming Monday March 30 at 8:15 PM.  The first two very informative, practical and insightful classes are available on the shul's website.

Starting next Shabbos, on Friday Night April 3, we will be starting Shabbos early.  Mincha will be at 6:20 PM.  The earliest time to Light Shabbos Candles is at 6:34 PM.  Candles will be made available in shul. 

The dinner afterwards and the Shabbos Lunch are by reservation only.  Because they are being catered, reservations must be in by Tuesday March 31 at noon.  Please RSVP to the shul office 382-1958 or  We won't be able to be nice and let you come to either meal if you haven't reserved. So please make your reservations before the deadline.  We don't like to be mean. 

The member cost for the Friday night meal is $12 per person. For non-members the charge is $15 per person.

If anyone has time to help set up Friday afternoon, or even during davening on Friday evening, your help will be greatly appreciated.  Please reply if you can commit to that.  Even if you cannot commit to that, your help serving and clearing during the meal if possible, is appreciated.

We would like to thank Fred and Katia Bolotin for co-sponsoring the Shabbos Meals in memory of Fred's mother.

The Shabbos Lunch is being sponsored by the members of Deena's Tuesday Class, in honor of their recent completion of Eishes Chayil.  The Lunch is therefore free of charge for members. The charge for non-members is $5 per person.  Even though the Lunch is being sponsored, it is also by reservation only.  All who wish to attend the lunch must reserve by Tuesday March 31 at noon.  

  • The Cleveland Parnassa Group is hosting a Job Fair at Young Israel this coming Sunday March 29 at 1PM.  Anyone who is interested in career opportunities for themselves or a friend is encouraged to attend.  I will be delivering the opening remarks at the event.
  • I will be available to arrange for the Sale of Chometz all of next week after Shacharis and after Maariv, and by appointment.
Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, March 27       

    Mincha    7:30 PM
    Candle lighting    7:28 PM

Saturday, March 28 (Vayikra)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Navi class    6:50 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    7:20 PM
    Shabbos ends    8:37 PM

Sunday, March 29       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    7:35 PM

Monday-Thursday, March 30-April 2       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    7:35 PM

    (Monday)  Part 3 of 3-part special class on Pesach    8:15 PM

Friday, April 3       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Important Info re: Shabbos Hagodol Meals in Shul

Hello everybody,

The Shabbos Hagodol meals in shul are being planned as follows:

On Friday Night April 3, we will be starting Shabbos early.  Mincha will be at 6:20 PM.  The earliest time to Light Shabbos Candles is at 6:34 PM.  Candles will be made available in shul. 

The dinner afterwards is reservation only.  Because it is being catered, reservations must be in by Tuesday March 31 at noon.  Please RSVP to the shul office 382-1958 or  We won't be able to be nice and let you come if you haven't reserved. So please make your reservations before the deadline.  We don't like to be mean. 

The cost for the Friday night meal is $12 per person.

If anyone has time to help set up Friday afternoon, or even during davening on Friday evening, your help will be greatly appreciated.  Please reply if you can commit to that.  Even if you can not commit to that, your help serving and clearing during the meal if possible, is appreciated.

The Shabbos Lunch is being sponsored by the members of Deena's Tuesday Class, in honor of their recent completion of Eishes Chayil.  The Lunch is therefore free of charge.

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Friday, March 20, 2009

HJC - Vayak'hel Pekudei - Hachodesh

Kiddush this Shabbos is sponsored by Martin and Marla Lipman in memory of Marla's mother.

Mazel Tov to Rivkah Rosenberg on her upcoming marriage to Yehuda Reischler. Rivkah's Shabbos Kallah will take place tomorrow at 6pm at the home of Rabbi Moshe and Marilyn Berger, 2465 South Belvoir, corner Washington.

The first pre-Pesach class is now available on the shul's website. 
The second class will take place at shul this coming Monday, March 23, at 8:05pm.

There is enough interest in having the Shabbos Hagodol meals for April 3-4 in the shul to warrant taking reservations.

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, March 20       

    Mincha    7:25 PM
    Candle lighting    7:21 PM

Saturday, March 21 (Vayakhel-Pekudei/HaChodesh)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Navi class    6:40 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    7:10 PM
    Shabbos ends    8:30 PM

Sunday, March 22       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    7:25 PM

Monday-Wednesday, March 23-25

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    7:25 PM

    (Monday)  Part 2 of 3-part special class on Pesach    8 PM

Thursday, March 26 (Rosh Chodesh)       

    Gemara class    Cancelled
    Shacharis    6:30 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    7:25 PM

Friday, March 27       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Get Ready for Pesach - Shiur at HJC tonight at 8pm

Don't forget:
Get Ready for Pesach - Shiur at HJC tonight at 8pm- home by 9pm.
Part 1 of 3.
For men and women.

Stuff you need to hear.
About the weeks before Pesach, Erev Pesach, Yom-Tov, Chol Hamoed.
See you there.

Rabbi Davidovich

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Friday, March 13, 2009

HJC News - Ki Sissa/Parah

This Shabbos we have a very special cholent Kiddush in honor of Rabbi Schur's upcoming Yahrzeit.

This Monday night at 8PM at the shul, we will be having the first of three Pre-Pesach classes. The three shiurim will be dealing with halachos and outlooks of preparations, Erev Pesach, the Sedarim and Yom-Tov itself. Men and women are encouraged to attend.

The shul is considering hosting Shabbos meals for Shabbos HaGodol, the Shabbos before Pesach.  We are thinking about both Friday night dinner and Shabbos lunch, if there is interest. There would be a charge to cover our costs. Please contact the office if you think you might attend either or both meals.

Welcome to new members Michael and Yael Moss.

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, March 13       

    Mincha    7:15 PM
    Candle lighting    7:13 PM

Saturday, March 14 (Ki Sissa/Parah)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM  followed by special kiddush in memory of Rabbi Schur zt"l
    Navi class    6:35 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    7:05 PM
    Shabbos ends    8:22 PM

Sunday, March 15       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    7:20 PM

Monday-Thursday, March 16-19       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    7:20 PM

    (Monday)  Part 1 of 3-part special class on Pesach    8 PM

Friday, March 20       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

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Friday, March 6, 2009

HJC - Purim gets its own email.

  • We have a Break-Fast Seuda planned for Monday night, after the Megillah reading.  The charge is $5. Please RSVP. 
    •  We will have
      • a Kids' Carnival.
      • Skits.
      • Music. (Please contact me if you have a portable CD Player you can bring. Or an IPod with Speakers.  Oh, and music too.)
      • Jail. (Please reply to send in your Warden Application.)
      • Amazing $1 Raffles
  • One of Three extravagantly themed Mishloach Manos,
  • a massage from Johanna Ratner, 
  • 90 minute Garden Consultation,
  • Small repair from Rob Althsuler,
  • Three hours of assistance from wonderful young girls.
  • And more...!
  • Mincha on Tuesday is at 4pm. 
  • Deena and I welcome people to stop in at our home to say hello and make a L'Chaim.
  • The Cedar-Green Kollel will be having a post-seudah music filled Purim bash at our shul Tuesday at 7:30PM.  All are welcome to attend.

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HJC News - Tetzaveh / Zachor

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yehuda and Channa Appel on their son Shaya's engagement. Mazel Tov to grandparents Harold and Feige Males.

Kiddush this Shabbos is co-sponsored by Hillel and Zahava Seltzer in memory of Hillel's father.

Shalosh Seudos this Shabbos is sponsored by Jack Pink in memory of his father.

We have a Break-Fast Seuda planned for Monday night, after the Megillah reading.  The charge is $5. Please RSVP. 
We will have
  • a Kids' Carnival.
  • Skits.
  • Music. (Please contact me if you have a portable CD Player you can bring.)
  • Jail. (Please reply to send in your Warden Application.)
  • Amazing Raffles of 3 Beautiful Shalach Manos Baskets
  • Amazing Raffles of some great Local Service Providers' Time and Skills
Please pay attention to all the Changed Purim Times.  Mincha is at 4pm.  Deena and I welcome people to stop in at our home to say hello and make a L'Chaim.

The Cedar-Green Kollel will be hosting a post-Purim bash at our shul Tuesday night at 7:30PM.  All are welcome to attend.

There will be a Board Meeting this Wednesday March 11 at 8PM.

Next Shabbos the Cholent Kiddush will be held to honor Rabbi Schur's upcoming Yohrtzeit. If you wish to sponsor or co-sponsor, please contact the office.

This Sunday March 8 at 10:45AM, Bonei Olam, a vital organization that helps Jewish couples all over the country, will have its Annual Brunch at Green Road Synagogue.    I will deliver the opening remarks.  Please try to attend and support them.  There is no charge.

Good Shabbos and a Freilichn Purim
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, March 6       

    Mincha    6:10 PM
    Candle lighting    6:05 PM

Saturday, March 7 (Tetzaveh/Zachor)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:44 AM
    Navi class    5:30 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    6:00 PM
    Shabbos ends    7:14 PM


Sunday, March 8       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    7:10 PM

Monday, March 9 (Ta'anis Esther)       

    Fast begins    6:36 AM
    Gemara class    Cancelled
    Shacharis    6:30 AM
    Mincha    6:55 PM
    Ma'ariv-Megillah    8:00 PM

Tuesday, March 10 (Purim)       

    Gemara class    Cancelled
    Shacharis    6:30 AM
    Megillah    7:00 AM
    Second Megillah Reading: 9:30 AM
    Mincha    4:00 PM

Wednesday-Thursday, March 11-12       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    7:10 PM

Friday, March 13       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha    7:15 PM
    Candle lighting    7:13 PM

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Important Idea: Looking for Yes

As a general rule, I do not believe in forwarding "stuff". 
I am sending this to you all because I think it is important for our shul, our "tribe" (see my message in this month's newsletter), and each of us, to live with and adopt this attitude.

A Freilichn Purim.
Rabbi Davidovich

PS: Don't forget to RSVP for the shul's Break-Fast Purim Meal next Monday night. 
Contact the shul office at or 216-382-1958.

Looking for yes

I hate going to the post office in the town next to mine. Every time I go, they look for a reason not to ship my package. "Too much tape!" "Not enough tape!" "There's a logo!"

On the other hand, I really enjoy the few times I have something weird to ship fast... and I bring it to Fedex. The guy at the desk has a totally different approach. He's not looking for a reason to say no, he's looking for an opportunity to say yes. "Here's some tape, we'll just add it right here..."

The obvious reason is that the person at this post office has no incentive to make a sale. Okay, fine. But why doesn't she? Why is it okay to have employees in any organization who look for a no? It turns out that the post office in my little town has a few yes men, people who look for a reason to ship my package even though they work for a big government bureaucracy.

The same thing happens with the tech crew before I give a speech. About 75% of the time, the lead tech guy (it always seems to be a guy) explains why it's impossible. Impossible to use a Mac, impossible to use the kind of microphone I like, impossible to use my own clicker, etc. And then, the rest of the time, using the same technology, the producer asks, "how can I help make this work for us?" and everything is about yes, not no.

I don't think it should matter whether or not you're trying to make a profit. If you're out to provide a service, or organized to deliver a product, then look for a yes. At every interaction.

--Seth Godin

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our Tribe

A shul is often thought of as a place of prayer.  The largest room in the Heights Jewish Center building is the sanctuary after all.  Yet I think that we need to enhance our perspective.  I have started to think of the shul as something that strives to be a gathering place for Torah, Avodah and Gemilus Chasadim. 

The scheduled shiurim offered at our shul are only the beginning of the commitment we have to Talmud Torah.  Private learning is going on all the time. All a person has to do is ask!  Our davening is sincere and taken seriously by those who are fortunate enough to join us.  Our commitment to those who need help is strong.  The community we have been creating for 150 years, that currently spans three and even four generations of members, is something we can all be proud of. 

There is something that encompasses all three of these pillars.  I have been trying to find the right words to describe it.  I think I have recently found the word. That word is tribe.  I know we associate that word with our baseball team--or with the twelve tribes of
Israel.  Some use the word as a euphemism for the Jewish People as a whole.  A slang term for Jew that has appeared in the last few years is MOT, Member Of the Tribe. 

Beyond the broader meanings of the term, there is a tribal identity that we create with a much smaller group of people. This tribal identity is not about what clan you are born into.  It is not about neighborhood.  It is about sharing your Jewish sense of life and ideals and gathering together a community that connects to those things.  I think that is why we call a shul a "Beit Knesset", place
of gathering together. 

Some tribes' shared traits are superficial, like profession or fashion sense. 

What is at the root of our Tribe?  What traits are our members proud to share? 

All over the city, it is known that:

We are frum, while open to others.
Our members are serious about Torah and Mitzvos, but not snobbish.
Committed to our Faith and Devotion, we are also intellectually open.
We have high standards as well as compassion.  These two are often seen to be at odds with each other.  In our "tribe", our Beis Medrash Hagodol, they are in harmony. 

Very often, a tribal identity excludes others.  Yet it is known to one and all that our shul welcomes one and all, member and non-member, committed members of other shuls or of no shul.

Purim stands for the ideal of Ish L'Reyeihu U'Matanos L'Evyonim:  Bringing a man close to his friend and giving to the not-as-fortunate.  We have taken people who would otherwise be mefuzar u'meforad, wandering and alienated, and brought them together.  All of you who understand and internalize this are proud friends and members of the group I am proud to call my Tribe.

Deena and I wish you all a Freilich'n Purim.

Rabbi Raphael Davidovich

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