Sunday, July 29, 2007

Correcting kindly

Correcting with kindness in shul

"What is hateful to you, do not do to others…" R' Hillel

When correcting others, one must be careful not to embarrass them in public.  No one here wants to embarrass or hurt another on purpose, but sometimes we do so inadvertently.  Here are some tips on how to correct with kindness:

  1. If noise is the problem and an individual does not get the message simply by waiting, it would be better to take the individual out of the sanctuary to speak to them rather than announcing the issue to the whole congregation.   If one must make a general announcement, it should be simple directions, and not contain any words of rebuke.
  2. Begin the correction with something positive "We are so glad you are here, you add so much to our shul."
  3. State the problem in a kind way "Probably you didn't realize that your voice/your baby's voice carried to the rest of the shul and makes it hard for people to concentrate.  I am sure if you realized that, you would have gone to the kiddish room to speak/ gone out to calm your baby and then returned."
  4. End on a positive note, with a kind voice, and a smile when appropriate  "Thank you so much for your understanding.  We really are glad to have you here and we hope you will come to our shul often. "
Remember that people of all ages can be embarrassed and hurt.  We would not like to be embarrassed or hurt, so we should strive to be kind in our rebuke.


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Friday, July 27, 2007

OOPS! Important ADDENDUM: Cholent Kiddush

This week's cholent Kiddush is sponsored by Sandy and Chuck Zeitler in honor of their children.
Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Sherrie and Izzy Mendenhall in memory of Sherrie's father Yosef Peretz ben Moshe,
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich


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HJC Important Announcements - Shabbos Nachamu

Hello everyone,
Please pay attention to the following announcements:
There will be a Ladies' Shalosh Seudos held at our home, 14385 Washington Blvd., this Shabbos, tomorrow,  at 7:30pm. 
The shul is having its biennial meeting this Sunday, July 29, at 9am.  At the meeting, the nominating committee will present nominations for the Board and Officers for the next two years.  Please plan to attend.
The time for Shacharis from Monday through Friday is being changed to 6:45am.  It used to be 6:55am.  Starting this Monday July 30, it will now be 6:45am.  The pre-Shacharis Gemara Shiur in Masechta Sanhedrin is still at 6:15am and is not being moved back. 
I will be going away after the Annual meeting for a few days.  I will be returning sometime this Wednesday, August 1.  I will not have guaranteed access to email during that time. The shul office has my cell phone number in case of urgent necessities that require my personal attention. 
Have a Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich
Friday evening, July 27       
    Early candle lighting    7:18 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:31 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:05 PM
Saturday, July 28 (Va'eschanan - Nachamu)       
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:54 AM
    Navi class    7:50 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    8:20 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:38 PM
Sunday, July 29       
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:30 PM
Monday-Thursday, July 30-August 2       
    Gemara class Thursday only this week   6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Daf Yomi    Thursday only this week 7:45 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:30 PM
Friday, August 3       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

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Sunday, July 15, 2007


I recently mentioned my discomfort at saying the Tefilla for the Medina.  However, I have still been saying it.  People wonder why. 
I continue to reluctantly say it only because my intention in pronouncing the words of the prayer is that the state be blessed by an infusion of Wisdom from On High to its leaders that they abandon the suicidal paths they have taken in the last several years.  Even Rabbi Schur Z"L pronounced the words that ask God to shine His light and wisdom on the Land's leaders, ministers and advisers.  His change from 'Medinas Yisrael' to 'Eretz Yisrael' did not change that.  I am in full agreement with Rabbi Schur's sentiments when he made that change when he witnessed the insanity of the post-Oslo era.  Some great men have opined that the inherent mechanism of the State is corrupt and is undeserving of prayer on its behalf.  I cannot pass judgment like that without some Ruach Hakodesh (Divine Inspiration) of my own.  So in the meantime, I intend for my prayer to be in the vein of a prayer one would recite for a chronically sick and gangrened body that for better and for worse is in control of the Holy Land, no more and no less.

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A black day for Eretz Yisroel

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The inner rot of the State

This explains why I don't like saying the "Tefila LiShlom Hamedina", despite the fact that I take the words "Reishis Tzemichas Geulaseinu" out.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

HJC announcements - CHULENT KIDDUSH

Hello everyone,
I'm back.  I'm American.
Chulent Kiddush after davening. 
Rosh Chodesh Av is this Monday, so don't forget to launder and buy stuff before Sunday night, 
Gut Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich
Friday evening, July 13       
    Early candle lighting    7:26 PM
    Regular candle lighting    8:42 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    7:15 PM
Saturday, July 14 (Mattos-Massei)       
    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:48 AM
    Navi class    8:00 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    8:30 PM
    Shabbos ends    9:49 PM
Sunday, July 15       
    Daf Yomi catch-up    7:15 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:00 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:45 PM
Monday, July 16 (Rosh Chodesh)       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:40 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:00 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:45 PM
Tuesday-Thursday, July 17-19       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM
    Daf Yomi    8:00 PM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    8:45 PM
Friday, July 20       
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:55 AM

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