Friday, March 29, 2019


§  Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka).

§  Condolences on the passing of Mrs. Sandra Mandel, mother of Barbara Seltzer; grandmother of Hillel (Zehava) Seltzer.

§  Rebbetzin Deena Davidovich's Monday morning class for women at 9:30am at the Moore Home 2392 Bromley Rd.

§  The Simcha Kiddush is co-sponsored by…..

§  Rob and Jan Altshuler in honor of grandson Tuvia Mordechai's birthday.

§  Lenny and Penny Beer in honor of the birth of our new granddaughter Rainey Noa to Jacob and Stephanie Beer in Detroit.

§  Yosef and Esther Burmark in honor of Aryeh Pinchas turning 9 months old.

§  Aaron Wolf and Jason Claude in honor of esteemed Gabbai Corey Adler - There. Are. Two. Sifrei. Torah. (Read with British accent.)

§  Edna Edelman Shabbat Shalom to all!

§  Bob and Debby Jacob in honor of their son Danny Jacob's birthday and to commemorate the first Yahrzeit of Bob's father Armin Jacob A'H.

§  Martin and Marla Lipman in honor of the birthday of Yehudis Lipman and the anniversaries of Avramy and Yocheved Lipman and Aharon and Sarah Lipman.

§  Jack Pink to commemorate his father's yahrzeit-Tzvi Eli Melech Ben Yitzchok Isaac A'H.

§  Larry and Phylis Pomerantz Greetings from the Holy land! Mazel Tov to Rabbi Joel and Riva Pomerantz on the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Raiza to Yehuda Blumenthal of Telzstone, Israel.

§  Barbara Schlesinger in honor of her son Shimon's Birthday.

§  Yosef Chaim and Esti Weiss in honor of the three year work anniversary of Shimshon Taub's employee Brian Rappaport.

§  Chuck and Sandra Zeitler in honor of Sandra's Birthday.


Davening Times at HJC

Parshas Shemini-Parshas Parah


Friday, March 29

Candle-Lighting                        7:30 pm

Mincha                                       7:30 pm


Shabbos, March 30

Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur              8:30 am

Shacharis                                                      9:00 am

Navi Shiur                                                      6:45 pm

Mincha                                                           7:15 pm

Shabbos ends                                               8:40 pm



Sunday through Thursday, March 31- April 4


Sunday                                                                 8:00 am

Monday-Thursday                                               6:45 am

(Medrash Shiur  6:15 am)


Sunday through Thursday                                 7:40 pm

followed by Mishna Shiur


Friday, April 5

Medrash Shiur                6:15 am

Shacharis                        6:45 am



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Monday, March 25, 2019


SIMCHA KIDDUSH THIS WEEK!!!! Name submissions for a minimum of $18.00 per name. 
Contact or call 216-382-1958.

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Friday, March 22, 2019


 Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka).

§  The office has been trying to improve our tracking of your payments to HJCS. To assist us in this effort, please be sure to include in the 'memo' line of your checks the purpose of the payment. When using paypal please use the comment line.

§  Rebbetzin Deena Davidovich's Monday morning class for women at 9:30am at the Moore Home 2392 Bromley Rd.


Davening Times at HJC

Parshas Tzav


Friday, March 22

Candle-Lighting                        7:22 pm

Mincha                                       7:25 pm


Shabbos, March 23

Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur             8:30 am

Shacharis                                                      9:00 am

Navi Shiur                                                      6:40 pm

Mincha                                                            7:10 pm

Shabbos ends                                                8:32 pm



Sunday through Thursday, March 24-28


Sunday                                                                 8:00 am

Monday-Thursday                                               6:45 am

(Medrash Shiur  6:15 am)


Sunday through Thursday                                 7:30 pm

followed by Mishna Shiur




Friday, March 29

Medrash Shiur                6:15 am

Shacharis                         6:45 am

Candle-Lighting               7:30 pm

Mincha                              7:30 pm



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Friday, March 15, 2019


§  Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka).

§  Mazel tov to Mendy and Shira Schwarzmer on the birth of a baby boy. The Shalom Zachor will take place Friday 4358 Silsby Rd. The Bris will be Sunday at the Dencigar shul-Khal Chassidei Aleksander.

§  HJCS will be having a break the fast light dinner following Megillah reading which is at 8:24 pm on March 20th, Wednesday night. The menu includes soup, chicken, salad, vegetables, rice, Hamantashen. Member price $10.00 /Non- members $12.00/ Children $5.00.

§  Heights Jewish Center is selling Purim Cards. Prices for cards are 10 for $20.00 ($2.00 each card) or 20 cards for $36.00 contact the office by calling 216-382-1958 or email

§  Thank you to Rebbetzin Deena Davidovich, Esther Abramowitz, Rachel Covitch, Marni Moore, Hannah Porter and Rivah Schlesinger for all your hard work making the shul's cooking event a success.

§  This Monday Rabbi Davidovich will speak about Purim at  Rebetzin Deena Davidovich's Monday morning class for women at 9:30am at the Moore Home 2392 Bromley Rd.

§  If you are a HJCS member (paid in full) and your child will be spending a post high school year in Israel, you are eligible for a $1,000 stipend towards your child's tuition costs through Heights Jewish Center.


Davening Times at HJC

Parshas Vayikra Parshas Zachor – ×¤×¨×©×ª זכור


Friday, March 15

Candle-Lighting                        7:15 pm

Mincha                                       7:20 pm


Shabbos, March 16

Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur         8:30 am

Shacharis                                                 9:00 am

Navi Shiur                                                6:30 pm

Mincha                                                     7:00 pm

Shabbos ends                                            8:25 pm




Sunday through Tuesday, March 17-19


Sunday                                                                 8:00 am

Monday, Tuesday                                               6:45 am

(Medrash Shiur  6:15 am)


Sunday through Tuesday                                 7:25 pm

followed by Mishna Shiur


Wednesday, March 20   (Taanis Esther)

Fast Begins 6:18 AM

Medrash Shiur                    6:15 AM

Shacharis            6:30 AM

Mincha     7:10 PM

Maariv                     8:10 PM

Fast Ends          8:24 PM

Megilla Reading    8:24 PM

Thursday, March 21 (Purim)

Shacharis 8:00 AM, Megillah ~8:35 AM

Second Megillah Reading  10:00 AM

Mincha         4:00 PM



Friday, March 22             (Shushan Purim)

Medrash Shiur                6:15 am

Shacharis                         6:45 am

Candle-Lighting              7:22 pm

Mincha                             7:25 pm


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Monday, March 11, 2019

HJCS BREAK the FAST (light dinner)

HJCS will be having a break the fast light dinner following Megillah reading on March 20th, Wednesday night.

Details attached  

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Friday, March 8, 2019


§  Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka).

§  Mazel Tov to Toby Geduld on the birth of a great granddaughter after 5 boys.

§  Heights Jewish Center is selling Purim Cards. Prices for cards are 10 for $20.00 ($2.00 each card) or 20 cards for $36.00 contact the office by calling 216-382-1958 or email

§  Rebbetzin Davidovich's Monday morning class at 9:30 am resumes at the Moore Home 2392 Bromley Rd.


Davening Times at HJC
Parshas Pekudei

Friday, March 8 (Rosh Chodesh)
Candle-Lighting                        6:07 pm
Mincha                                            6:10 pm

Shabbos, March 9
Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur       8:30 am
Shacharis                                               9:00 am
Sof z'man Krias Shema                    9:43 am

Navi Shiur                                             5:25 pm
Mincha                                                    5:55 pm
Shabbos ends                                      7:17 pm

                Sunday through Friday, March 10-15
                Sunday                                                  8:00 am
                Monday through Friday             6:45 am

               (Medrash Shiur 6:15 am)

                Sunday through Thursday             7:15 pm
                followed by Mishna Shiur
                Friday                                                         7:20 pm

               Candle-Lighting next Friday, March 15th
                7:15 pm


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Friday, March 1, 2019

Davening Times at HJC: March 1-8

Davening Times at HJC
Parshas Vayak'hel-Shabbos Mevorchim-Parshas Shekalim

Friday, March 1
Candle-Lighting                        5:58 pm
Mincha                                      6:00 pm

Shabbos, March 2
Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur          8:30 am
Shacharis                                                9:00 am
Sof z'man Krias Shema                          9:49 am

Navi Shiur                                             5:15 pm
Mincha                                                  5:45 pm
Shabbos ends                                         7:09 pm

                Sunday through Friday, March 3-8
                Sunday                                                  8:00 am
                Monday through Wednesday               6:45 am
               Thursday and Friday (Rosh Chodesh) 6:30 am

               (Medrash Shiur 6:15 am)

                Sunday through Thursday             6:05 pm
                followed by Mishna Shiur
                Friday                                            6:10 pm

               Candle-Lighting next Friday, March 8th
                6:07 pm

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HJC TIMES-Parshas Vayak’hel-Shabbos Mevorchim-Parshas Shekalim

§  Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka).

§  The Friday night oneg and Parsha shiur for men given by Rabbi Davidovich will take place at 8:30 pm at the home of Marc and Dana Bander 2500 S. Green Rd. (next door to Rabbi Katz's Kollel). Everyone is welcome to attend!

§  Tomorrow is Shabbos Mevorchim.

§  Heights Jewish Center is selling Purim Cards. Prices for cards are 10 for $20.00 ($2.00 each card) or 20 cards for $36.00 contact the office by calling 216-382-1958 or email

§  If you would like to order wine by the case please contact or call 216-382-1958 for wine and pricing. Deadline for all orders is Wednesday, March 6th by 12:00 PM.

§  Rebbetzin Davidovich's Monday morning class at 9:30 am resumes at the Moore Home 2392 Bromley Rd.

§  Stock your freezers before Yom Tov by attending Heights Jewish Centers cooking event. Sunday, March 10th from 10:00 am-12:00 pm. See attached flyer. Rsvp by Sunday, March 3rd.

§  The Shloshim for Rebbetzin Schur, Z"l is today, March 1, 2019. Heights Jewish Center will be dedicating the kiddush on Shabbos Parshas Vayakhel (March 2) to commemorate the Shloshim. Thank you to our co-sponsors:

§  Rob and Jan Altshuler

§  Shmuel and Esther Abramowitz

§  Steve and Beth Baker

§  Toby Geduld

§  Danny and Ruth Jacob

§  Jack and Margarita Judkovich

§  Martin and Marla Lipman

§  Harold and Faiga Males

§  Yisroel and Sherrie Mendenhall

§  Jeff and Melanie Muller

§  Neil and Isabel Parks

§  Joel and Sharon Peerless

§  Frederick Prizant and Alyza Shapiro

§  Barbara Schlesinger and family

§  Alex and Betty Schnittlinger

§  Harold and Edith Shachter

§  Yosif & Tovli Somiran

§  Irwin and Lorna Shulman

§  Dan and Randi Waxman

§  Chuck and Sandra Zeitler


Davening Times at HJC
Parshas Vayak'hel-Shabbos Mevorchim-Parshas Shekalim

Friday, March 1
Candle-Lighting                        5:58 pm
Mincha                                      6:00 pm

Shabbos, March 2
Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur       8:30 am
Shacharis                                               9:00 am
Sof z'man Krias Shema                         9:49 am

Navi Shiur                                             5:15 pm
Mincha                                                  5:45 pm
Shabbos ends                                         7:09 pm

                Sunday through Friday, March 3-8
                Sunday                                                  8:00 am
                Monday through Wednesday               6:45 am
               Thursday and Friday (Rosh Chodesh) 6:30 am

               (Medrash Shiur 6:15 am)

                Sunday through Thursday             6:05 pm
                followed by Mishna Shiur
                Friday                                            6:10 pm

               Candle-Lighting next Friday, March 8th
                6:07 pm


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