Friday, May 25, 2007
HJC Schedule Parshas Naso and the week ahead
- Friday evening, May 25
Regular candle lighting 8:30 PM
Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos 7:05 PM
- Saturday, May 26 (Naso)
Shacharis 9:00 AM
Latest Shema 9:41 AM
Navi class 7:50 PM
Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv 8:20 PM
Shabbos ends 9:39 PM
- Sunday, May 27
Shacharis 8:00 AM
No Daf Yomi Class this Sunday
Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:35 PM
- Monday-Thursday, May 28-31
Shacharis 6:55 AM
Daf Yomi 7:50 PM
Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:35 PM
- Friday, June 1
Shacharis 6:55 AM
2:03 PM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
HJC Shavuos Schedule - Important Announcement
- According to many poskim, whose names are available upon request, the custom of waiting until dark on the night of Shavuos only applies to making Kiddush, not davening Maariv. Accordingly, we will be davening Maariv right after sunset (8:45pm) tonight. People can then head home and choose to make kiddush after dark, beginning their meal then. Men should remember to repeat Krias Shema after dark.Tuesday, May 22 (Erev Shavuos)
Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:30 PM
12:49 PM
unintended consequences
10:42 AM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Yevomos, Parshas Behar, Ruth and Shavuos
6:34 PM
Patent Law, or reinventing the wheel
If I was interested in spending tens or thousands of dollars to create a new thing, I would want to make sure that the thing did not already exist. Why bother spending millions to invent a wheel, or develop a bread-slicing machine when I could purchase one for a couple hundred dollars?
6:31 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
announcements from HJC and schedule from HJC
- Hello everybody,The upcoming week's schedule is below the announcements.Gut Shabbos,Rabbi Davidovich-------------------------------------------------------------
- Panim Chadashos - New Facets'Shavuos is "His wedding day"': medrash rabbaThe celebration of a wedding requires panim chadashos, a new face at every new gathering.Join us Shavuos Night at midnight as we explore different and new facets of some supposedly well-known parts of the Torah.Midnight: Krias Shema - Halachic Facets12:45am: Krias Shema - Political Facets1:30am: Krias Shema - Spiritual Facets2:15am: Krias Shema - The War of the Worlds: Analyzing the war between the first and second paragraphs of the Shema3am: Aseres Hadibros - Halachic Facets3:45am: Aseres Hadibros - Historical Facets4:30am: Themes in the Aseres Hadibros------------------------------------------------------------------------Friday evening, May 11
Regular candle lighting 8:16 PM
Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos 6:55 PM
- Saturday, May 12 (Behar-Bechukosai)
Shacharis 9:00 AM
Latest Shema 9:47 AM
Navi class 7:40 PM
Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv 8:10 PM
Shabbos ends 9:25 PM
- Sunday, May 13Daf Yomi catch-up 7:15 AM
Shacharis 8:00 AM
Daf Yomi 7:35 PM
Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:20 PM
Monday-Thursday, May 14-17Gemara class 6:15 AM
Shacharis 6:55 AM
Daf Yomi 7:35 PM
Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:20 PMFriday, May 18 (Rosh Chodesh)Gemara class 6:00 AM
Shacharis 6:40 AM
9:49 AM
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Music etc.
10:48 PM
Monday, May 7, 2007
Daf Yomi - why Yevamos first?
6:47 PM
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Shavuos is coming up
5:03 PM
Friday, May 4, 2007
Chagigah - closing thoughts
12:30 PM
Announcements and Schedule
- Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Appel on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Elazar Simcha this Shabbos. Mazel Tov to the grandparents Harold and Faige Males.
- Mazel Tov to our Yomim Noraim Chazan, Rabbi Simcha Mann and his wife, on the upcoming wedding of their daughter Dassah this Sunday evening.
- One may get a haircut and shave today l'kovod Shabbos even though Lag B'Omer is not until Sunday. The other Sefira customs are only lifted on Sunday morning.
- Mincha this evening is at 6:50 PM. As this time, there is no later erev Shabbos minyan.
- Note to those who don't show up on Shabbos morning at 9AM sharp: Morning Z'man Krias Shema is at 9:51AM this Shabbos and getting earlier and earlier now.
- The Shul's Lag B'Omer picnic is taking place behind the shul this Sunday May 6, from noon to 3pm. We would love to see you there.
- Mincha-Maariv during the week is at 8:15PM. Daf Yomi precedes it at 7:30PM.
- This Shabbos at Shalosh Seudos there will be a siyum on Masechta Chagigah and Seder Moed.
- The Daf Yomi shiur will be starting Masechta Yevamos (and Seder Nashim) on Sunday morning at 7:15AM.
- Don't forget to check the website,, and the shul's blog for updates.
Early candle lighting 6:59 PM
Regular candle lighting 8:09 PM
Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos 6:50 PM
Saturday, May 5 (Emor)
Parsha class 8:30 AM
Shacharis 9:00 AM
Latest Shema 9:51 AM
Navi class 7:30 PM
Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv 8:00 PM
Shabbos ends 9:18 PM
Sunday, May 6 (Lag B'Omer)
Daf Yomi catch-up 7:15 AM
Shacharis 8:00 AM
Daf Yomi 7:30 PM
Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:15 PM
Gemara class 6:15 AM
Shacharis 6:55 AM
Daf Yomi 7:30 PM
Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:15 PM
Gemara class 6:15 AM
Shacharis 6:55 AM
11:18 AM
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Daf Yomi - Chagigah 24 - Tumah-Chometz comparisons
Learning these gemaras about one hand being tamei while the other hand is tahor, u'kidomeh, I cannot help but remember the tension of the two weeks before erev Pesach, when parts of the house were Kosher L'Pesach, while other areas were full of chometz. The tension involved in getting the children to understand those boundaries, not to mention their father, is by far my least favorite part of the entire Passover experience. In fact, Pesach becomes easy and enjoyable once everything is Pesachdik. Imagine going through all of YomTov with this half-and-half existence! I simply cannot imagine how much more tense this Tahara experience described in Chagigah must have been.
I can truly believe that the people who lived in that era were of a higher spiritual stature, if they could go through a Yom-Tov in Yerushalayim, follow these rules, and still experience Simchas Yom-Tov and come away uplifted and in one piece.
(I realize that this insight says more about me than it does about the Gemara in Chagigah.)
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