Thursday, December 27, 2007

HJC Announcements and Schedule - Shemos

  • Mazel Tov to David and Devorah Goldblatt on the birth of a baby girl, Talia Zlata.  Mazel Tov to the grandparents Rabbi and Mrs. Yehudah Appel and the great-grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Males.

  • Refuah Sheleima to Betty Hoffer and Marsha Baumgarten.
  • Shacharis on Tuesday January 1 is at 8AM.
  • Taharas Hamishpacha Review Courses for Men and Women.  Please put these dates on your calendar: 
For men:  Mondays January 7,14,28 and February 4 at 8PM. 
For women: Wednesdays January 9,16,30 and February 6 and 13 at 8PM.

If more classes are needed, we will extend the review.

The review of the halachos and hashkafos (insights) of Taharas Hamishpacha should be a very high priority.  If you have other chavrusas at these times, please reschedule them or bring the chavrusas along.  If the kids are at home, find a babysitter if the other parent can't be at home.   Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, the classes will not be made available online.  They will be recorded and made available to individuals upon request. 

If you have a question you would like to see answered or a comment about the topics, please call or contact me or Deena (  If you wish to remain anonymous, we have opened an email account from which you can send messages anonymously.  The  address is  Go to and type in anonhjc as the address. The password is question.  You can then send an email to me or Deena.  (If you wish even more privacy, you can go to the sent folder after you have sent your message and delete it.)

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, December 28       

    Candle lighting    4:46 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:50 PM

Saturday, December 29 (Shemos)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Navi class    4:10 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:40 PM
    Shabbos ends    5:54 PM

Sunday, December 30       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:50 PM

Monday, December 31       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:50 PM

Tuesday, January 1       

    Gemara class    7:30 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:50 PM

Wednesday-Thursday, January 2-3       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:50 PM

Friday, January 4       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

Friday evening, January 4       

    Candle lighting    4:51 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:55 PM

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Reminder: HJC News

Teves 17, 5768
Wednesday December 26, 2007
  • Mincha this afternoon is at 4:45PM.
  • Part Three of "The War We Don't Know: Chanukah, Asarah B'Teves and Christianity" will take place tonight at 8PM at the shul. 
Rabbi Davidovich

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

HJC Schedule and announcements - Vayechi

  • Mazel Tov to Arlene Bennett on the engagement of Chaim Bennett to Tehilla Feld, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Feld.

  • Part Three of the "The War we don't Know: Chanukah, Asarah B'Teves and Christianity" will take place this coming Wednesday December 26 at 8PM.

  • A very important series of review classes in Taharas Hamishpacha will take place in January. 
Four Monday evening classes for men begin January 7 at 8PM, given by me. 
Four Wednesday evening classes for women begin Wednesday January 9 at 8PM, given by Deena.
Everyone to whom these halachos apply is very strongly encouraged to attend, even at the expense of your usual chavrusas.  If anything, bring them along.

Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, December 21       

    Candle lighting    4:41 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:45 PM

Saturday, December 22 (Vayechi)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Navi class    4:05 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:35 PM
    Shabbos ends    5:50 PM

Sunday, December 23       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:45 PM

Monday, December 24       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:45 PM

Tuesday, December 25       

    Gemara class    7:30 AM
    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:45 PM

Wednesday-Thursday, December 26-27       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:45 PM

Friday, December 28       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Reminders: HJC News

Teves 10, 5768
Wednesday December 19, 2007
  • Mincha this afternoon is at 4:25PM.
  • The fast ends this afternoon at 5:43PM.

  • Part Two of "The War We Don't Know: Chanukah, Asarah B'Teves and Christianity" will take place tonight at 8PM at the shul. 

Have an easy fast,

Rabbi Davidovich

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Friday, December 14, 2007

HJC Announcements and Schedule - Vayigash

  • Deena's Eishes Chayil Class will not take place this Tuesday December 18.

  • The Asarah B'Teves Fast is this Wednesday.  The full schedule appears below.
  • Part Two of "The War We Don't Know: Chanukah, Asarah B'Teves and Christianity" will take place this Wednesday December 19 at 8PM at the shul.  The first class is available for downloading or listening on the shul's website at, along with previous shiurim as well.

Gut Shabbos,

Rabbi Davidovich

Friday evening, December 14       

    Candle lighting    4:39 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:40 PM

Saturday, December 15 (Vayigash)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Navi class    4:00 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:30 PM
    Shabbos ends    5:47 PM

Sunday, December 16       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Monday-Tuesday, December 17-18       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Wednesday, December 19 (Asara B'Teves)       

    Fast begins    6:36 AM
    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:30 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv    4:25 PM
    Fast ends    5:43 PM

Thursday, December 20       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Friday, December 21       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

Friday evening, December 21       

    Candle lighting    4:41 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:45 PM

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tonight at 8PM at HJC: Chanukah: The War We Don't Know

The War we don't know and its aftermath!  

Chanukah, Asarah B'Teves and Christianity

Join us for
An unconventional look at the events that preceded and followed the rededication of the Beis HaMikdash.
Taught by Rabbi Raphael Davidovich

Wednesdays December 12, 19 and 26 at 8:00 PM

What was the fight which led to Chanukah really about?
What does the Tenth of Teves, only one week after Chanukah, have to do with it?
How do those days define Jewish identity in Golus?
Find out the answers to these and many other questions by attending this unconventional course. 
Each class will also cover practical halachos that are germane to the ideas presented.  

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Monday, December 10, 2007

My opinion of the Kosher Survey (revised)

I am of the opinion that if the local Kosher establishments are aware of what the public thinks of the quality of services they offer, they will maintain or increase their quality of service, as the case may be. It is clearly l'toeles. If the principle of "Chas Al Mamonam Shel Yisroel" applies to business owners, it applies to consumers as well.

I don't think that any establishment is afraid of the "Loshon Horo" that would result, i.e. is afraid that people would talk to one another about the experiences they have had in stores and restaurants. All restaurant and store owners are aware that this is already occurring when Jews talk to one another. If anything, it seems to me that there is more toeles in this public survey manner than when it is just done by one person kvetching to another. I am sure they would wish to upgrade their services in order to increase business. I don't think anyone would mind.

Well intentioned people inadvertently misinterpret Hilchos Loshon Horo by minimizing the important caveat of "l'toeles" that is always applicable. And the Chofetz Chaim's warnings that even "L'toeles" has to be Lishma certainly apply here. I have no bone to pick with any store. Neither do the makers of the survey. They are just interested in improving the quality of kosher service in our community.

We in kosher community all over America are at a natural disadvantage when it comes to our kosher establishments. The laws of supply and demand favor the establishments, at least as long as they stay open. In the treif world, if you don't like one restaurant, there are a few hundred others to choose from within a ten-minute drive. Quality of service increases accordingly when managers know their potential customers' numerous options. We do not have those options. There is nobody to blame for this. It is the unseen hand that guides an economy. But any advantage we consumers can create for ourselves within the derech of halacha should be taken. And when all is said and done, the establishments that want to increase their business will be grateful too.

I don't know if I'm jumping into a hornet's nest here. But I did this not for my honor and not for the honor of my father's house, but in order to improve the lot of Acheinu Beis Yisroel in Cleveland, a community I would like to see maintained at the highest standards possible. I have no problems admitting the error of my ways if they are pointed out to me. But I do not think I was wrong in requesting the survey.

UPDATE: Some people are not clear about what the survey entails. Completed surveys of other major Kosher Communities in the USA, the rabbis of whom raised no public protests, are available here. As anyone can see, it is not a loshon horo free-for-all that some might fear.

Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center Synagogue

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Kosher Community Survey

From: Neil Rosenbaum <>

I was hoping you could please post the following community-related
message to your shul members.

Thank you,
Neil Rosenbaum

What do you think of the Cleveland's kosher restaurants, bakeries, and stores?

Share your opinion about local kosher establishments through the first ever
Cleveland Area Kosher Community Survey! The survey can be found at the
following link: A final
report of the full results will be distributed to the community.

Please e-mail Neil Rosenbaum at if
you have any questions.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

HJC Schedule and Announcements - Mikeitz

The Schedule follows the announcements.

  • Mincha this afternoon is at 4:30PM.  Please ensure that we start on time so that we can light the Menorah before sunset.
  • Mincha this upcoming week is at 4:40PM.  Please make it a priority to attend.
  • Rabbi Kirsch is away this Shabbos.
  • Rosh Chodesh is this Monday, one day only.
  • This Wednesday December 12 I will give another class in a three-part series of talks entitled
"The War we don't know and its aftermath"
Chanukah, Asarah B'Teves and Christianity

An unconventional halakhic and hashkafic look at the events that preceded and followed the rededication of the Bais HaMikdash.
It will continue on Wednesdays December 19 and 26 at 8:00 PM
Refreshments will be served.

  • This January my wife and I will be giving review classes in Taharas Hamishpacha, on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Details will be publicized in the coming week.
  • The evening Post-Maariv Rambam shiur just started learning Hilchos Nedarim, in anticipation of the upcoming Daf Yomi masechta.
  • Mazel Tov to the incoming shul officers and Board members who are being installed at the reservation-only Luncheon this Shabbos.
Gut Shabbos and Happy Chanukah,
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, December 7 (Chanukah)       

    Candle lighting    4:38 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:30 PM

Saturday, December 8 (Miketz-Chanukah)       

    Parsha class    8:30 AM
    Shacharis    9:00 AM
    Latest Shema    9:59 AM
    Navi class    4:00 PM
    Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv    4:30 PM
    Shabbos ends    5:46 PM

Sunday, December 9 (Chanukah)       

    Shacharis    8:00 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Monday, December 10 (Chanukah-Rosh Chodesh)       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:30 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Tuesday-Wednesday, December 11-12 (Chanukah)       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:40 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Thursday, December 13       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM
    Mincha-Ma'ariv-Rambam    4:40 PM

Friday, December 14       

    Gemara class    6:15 AM
    Shacharis    6:45 AM

Friday evening, December 14       

    Candle lighting    4:39 PM
    Mincha-Kabalas Shabbos    4:40 PM

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