Monday, August 31, 2009

HJC Rosh Hashana-Yom Kippur

The Mishna Berura (Ch. תקפ"ח 584:S.K.8) quotes the great compendium on all Yomim Noraim matters, the Mateh Ephraim, as follows: 

"It is appropriate for every G-d fearing man to make an effort to get an Aliyah on the Yomim Noraim (Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur). Even in places where the Aliyos are usually auctioned off [to the wealthy], one should "purchase" an Aliya for that time of year for as much as his means allow. 

"[And lest one think that there is something degrading about purchasing an Aliyah at such a holy time of year, the truth is] just the opposite: There is greater spiritual advantage in a Mitzvah that comes one's way through monetary expenditure than in a Mitzvah that has come one's way free of charge."

In the coming weeks, representatives of the shul will be offering some of you the opportunity to "purchase" an aliyah for the upcoming Yomim Tovim.  They will not be able to contact everyone.  If you are interested in taking the initiative in acquiring this merit for yourself or someone else and investing in our Kehilla at the same time, please call the office (216-382-1958), or contact Martin Lipman at

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

HJC News - Ki Seitzei

This Friday's Mincha is at 6:30PM.  This will be the last of summer's really early Friday Minchas this year.   Mincha next Friday September 4 will be at 7:20PM.

Kiddush this Shabbos is sponsored by Isak and Marion Kampinski in honor of their daughter's wedding anniversary and their granddaughter's recent marraige in Israel.

Shalosh Seudos this Shabbos is sponsored by Shimon and Rivah Schlesinger in memory of Rivah's father.

Mazal Tov to Milach and Adina Muskal on the birth of a girl last Shabbos - Menucha Esther.  Mazel Tov to the grandparents Gershon and Mary Ireland.

Mazel Tov to Jeff and Linda Bookman on the birth of a granddaughter.

There will be a Women's Shalosh Seudos this Shabbos August 29 at Deena Davidovich's house, 14385 Washington, at 6:00PM.

The Rambam shiur is on hiatus. 

The Garden of Peace Chabura is on hiatus until further notice.

Starting this Tuesday at 8:25PM, September 1, and continuing on September 8 and 15 after Maariv:
  A 3-part special class following Maariv:
      "Enhance Your Yamim Noraim".  The short class, less than 45 minutes long, will explore the Rambam's 13 Ikrei Emunah, Principles of Faith, to prepare us for a more meaningful Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Heights Jewish Center is holding a  "Spruce up the Shul in Elul" event on Sunday September 13th. From 9am to 3pm, our doors will be open and members of our community are invited to pitch in and help us tackle small projects designed to maintain or repair our building. You don't need to know how to swing a hammer or lift heavy objects:  there are projects to organize, clean and repair things so that our Shul is sparkling for the holidays.

[To prepare for the cleaning and organizing, we ask that you take a moment to peruse the cloakroom and remove any belongings. On that Sunday the 13th, all coats, scarves, shoes, hats, and any other clothing, which is hanging in our coat rooms and has not been claimed or otherwise marked as belonging to YOU, will be declared Hefker, and will be donated to a Gemach, or otherwise disposed of.  ]

As you know, in Elul we increase our mitzvos, including the giving of tzedakah. Tzedakah can be your time as well as money. We ask that you join us, even if you only have an hour or two, have the opportunity to get to know the other members and contribute to our shul in a meaningful way. If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation, the money will be used to purchase the supplies to clean and repair on that day.

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich

Friday evening, August 28      

  Mincha   6:30 PM
  Candle lighting early   6:42 PM
  Candle lighting late   7:47 PM

Saturday, August 29 (Ki Setze)      

  Parsha class   8:30 AM
  Shacharis   9:00 AM
  Navi class   7:05 PM
  Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv   7:35 PM
  Shabbos ends   8:54 PM

Sunday, August 30      

  Shacharis   8:00 AM
  Rambam shiur   On hiatus
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   7:45 PM

Monday-Thursday, August 31-September 4      

  Gemara class   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM
  Rambam shiur   On hiatus
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   7:45 PM

Friday, September 5      

  Gemara class   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM

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Friday, August 21, 2009

HJC Schedule - Shoftim

I am away until Monday night.

Have a good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich

Friday evening, August 21      

  Mincha   6:40 PM
  Candle lighting early   6:52 PM
  Candle lighting late   7:59 PM

Saturday, August 22 (Shoftim)      

  Parsha class   CANCELLED
  Shacharis   9:00 AM
  Navi class   CANCELLED
  Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv   7:50 PM
  Shabbos ends   9:05 PM

Sunday, August 23      

  Shacharis   8:00 AM
  Rambam shiur   Cancelled
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   8:00 PM

Monday-Thursday, August 24-27      

  Gemara class starting again on Tuesday: 6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM
  Rambam shiur   starting again on Tuesday 7:30 PM
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   8:00 PM

Friday, August 28      

  Gemara class   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM


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Friday, August 14, 2009

HJC News- Re'eh

Mazel Tov to Hillel and Zahava Seltzer, and Avi too, on his Bar-Mitzvah this Shabbos.  Mazel Tov to Jeanette Seltzer.

Mazel Tov to Jack and Sharon Klein on Noah's Aufruf this Shabbos and wedding this Sunday to Miriam Ribikow.

Mazel Tov to Oren and Talia Gahanian on the birth of a daughter.

Rosh Chodesh Elul is this Thursday and Friday. Shacharis on those days is at 6:30AM.

Rosh Hashana Shiurim: On Tuesdays September 1, 8 and 15, immediately after Maariv, I will be giving shiurim on preparing for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. The topic will be "Using the 13 Principles of Faith to enhance your Yomim Noraim." 

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich

Friday evening, August 14      

  Mincha   6:45 PM
  Candle lighting early   7:00 PM
  Candle lighting late   8:09 PM

Saturday, August 15 (Re'eh)      

  Parsha class   8:30 AM
  Shacharis   9:00 AM
  Navi class   7:30 PM
  Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv   8:00 PM
  Shabbos ends   9:15 PM

Sunday, August 16      

  Shacharis   8:00 AM
  Rambam shiur   Cancelled
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   8:10 PM

Monday-Wednesday, August 17-19     

  Gemara class   Cancelled
  Shacharis   6:45 AM
  Rambam shiur   Cancelled
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   8:10 PM

Thursday -Friday, August 20-21 (Rosh Chodesh)      

  Gemara class   Cancelled
  Shacharis   6:30 AM
  Rambam shiur   Cancelled
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   8:10 PM

Friday, August 21 (Rosh Chodesh)

  Gemara class   Cancelled
  Shacharis   6:30 AM
  Mincha   6:40 PM

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Friday, August 7, 2009

HJC Schedule - Eikev

The men's "Garden of Peace" chabura will take place this Shabbos at the home of Chuck Zeitler, 4315 University Parkway, at 6:15PM. 

Good Shabbos

Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, August 7      

  Mincha   6:55 PM
  Candle lighting early   7:07 PM
  Candle lighting late   8:18 PM

Saturday, August 8 (Eikev)      

  Parsha class   8:30 AM
  Shacharis   9:00 AM
  Latest Shema   10:00 AM
  Navi class   7:40 PM
  Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv   8:10 PM
  Shabbos ends   9:25 PM

Sunday, August 9      

  Shacharis   8:00 AM
  Rambam shiur   7:50 PM
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   8:20 PM

Monday-Thursday, August 10-13      

  Gemara class   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM
  Rambam shiur   7:50 PM
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   8:20 PM

Friday, August 14      

  Gemara class   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM

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