Friday, January 29, 2010

HJC News - Beshalach/Shabbos Shira/Tu B'Shvat

Mazel Tov to Moshe and Eta Boyce on the birth of a grandson.

Shalosh Seudos this Shabbos is sponsored by Rob and Jan Altshuler in memory of Rob's father. This Shabbos we will discuss Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan.

The Marriage Review Classes start this week.  For women, Monday evenings from 7:30PM to 9 PM (not 9:30 !)  For men, Tuesday evenings from 8PM - 9PM.  The classes cover the Halachos and Hashkafos of Taharas Hamishpacha and Sholom Bayis.  All married men and women are encouraged to attend. 

Next Sunday, February 7 at 9AM, we will have our next Hot Topics breakfast.  Controversial and often painful communal issues and topics will be discussed.  If you are interested in knowing what's really going on behind the scenes on some of the most divisive and integral issues to the Jewish community, you will want to join us for the Breakfast. 

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich

Friday evening, January 29      

  Mincha   5:25 PM
  Candle lighting   5:21 PM
  Dinner and Tu B'shvat seder   BY RESERVATION ONLY

Saturday, January 30 (Beshalach/Tu B'Shevat)      

  Parsha class   8:30 AM
  Shacharis   9:00 AM
  Navi class   4:45 PM
  Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv   5:15 PM
  Shabbos ends   6:30 PM

Sunday, January 31      

  Shacharis   8:00 AM
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   5:30 PM

Monday-Thursday, February 1-4      

  Gemara class   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   5:30 PM
 (Monday)  Taharas Ha-mishpacha for women   7:30 PM
 (Tuesday)  Taharas Ha-mishpacha for men   8 PM

Friday, February 5      

  Gemara class   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Herb Speiser A"H

Condolences to the family of Herb Speiser.  Herb used to come to Heights Jewish Center along with Larry Crane.  The funeral will be this afternoon at 3:00 pm graveside at Mount Sinai Cemetery.













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Friday, January 22, 2010

HJC News - Bo

Kiddush this Shabbos is sponsored by Sam and Alla Galperin.

Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Harold and Feiga Males in memory of her mother.

This Shabbos at Shalosh Seudos we will discuss Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the sixth Chabad Rebbe, whose Yortzeit is this Monday. (I know: Two Chabad Rebbes in a row, but it's just a coincidence.  Really.)

The Shul is hosting a Tu B'Shvat Seder (Friday night dinner) NEXT Friday January 29th after davening.  The charge for members is $12 per person over age 3. Charge for Non-members is $15 per person over age 3.  Please call or email the office soon to RSVP.

The shul will host a comprehensive Taharas Hamishpacha Review in February.  The Women's Review, given by Deena, will take place on Monday nights, February 1,8,15,22 from 7:30pm-9pm.  The Men's review, given by me, will take place on Tuesday nights February 2,9,16,23 from 8pm-9pm.  Topics including halacha, hashkafa and sholom bayis will be covered.   This review is open to all married people in the community, not only members of Heights Jewish Center.

The next Ask the Rabbi Breakfast will take place on Sunday February 7 at 9AM.  The food has been great, the topics have been engaging and we look forward to even greater participation. 

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday evening, January 22      

  Mincha   5:15 PM
  Candle lighting   5:12 PM

Saturday, January 23 (Bo)      

  Parsha class   8:30 AM
  Shacharis   9:00 AM
  Navi class   4:35 PM
  Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv   5:05 PM
  Shabbos ends   6:22 PM

Sunday, January 24      

  Shacharis   8:00 AM
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   5:20 PM

Monday-Thursday, January 25-28      

  Gemara class   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   5:20 PM

Friday, January 29      

  Gemara class   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

HJC News- Va'era-Rosh Chodesh

Mazel Tov to Rob and Jan Altshuler on the birth of granddaughter in Israel.

Mazel Tov to Ariel and Ayala (Hindi) Gordetzky on the birth of a daughter, Tirtza.

Our condolences to Sandy Cohen on the passing of her husband George Cohen A"H.  Shiva is ending Friday afternoon.

This Shabbos at Shalosh Seudos we will discuss R' Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the first Chabad Rebbe, whose Yortzeit was this past Sunday.

The shul will host a comprehensive Taharas Hamishpacha Review in February.  The Women's Review, given by Deena, will take place on Monday nights, February 1,8,15,22 from 7:30pm-9pm.  The Men's review, given by me, will take place on Tuesday nights February 2,9,16,23 from 8pm-9pm.  Topics including halacha, hashkafa and sholom bayis will be covered.   This review is open to all married people in the community, not only members of Heights Jewish Center.

The Shul is hosting a Tu B'Shvat Seder (Friday night dinner) on Friday January 29th after davening.  The charge for members is $12 per person over age 3. Charge for Non-members is $15 per person over age 3.  Please call or email the office to RSVP.

The next Ask the Rabbi Breakfast will take place on Sunday February 7 at 9AM.  The food has been great, the topics have been engaging and we look forward to even greater participation. 

This Shabbos is Rosh Chodesh.
Good Shabbos and Good Chodesh,
Rabbi Davidovich

Friday evening, January 15      

  Mincha   5:10 PM
  Candle lighting   5:04 PM

Saturday, January 16 (Va'era/Rosh Chodesh)      

  Parsha class   8:30 AM
  Shacharis   9:00 AM
  Navi class   4:25 PM
  Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv   4:55 PM
  Shabbos ends   6:13 PM

Sunday, January 17      

  Shacharis   8:00 AM
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   5:10 PM

Monday-Thursday, January 18-21      

  Gemara class   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   5:10 PM

Friday, January 22      

  Gemara class   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM

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Friday, January 8, 2010

HJC News - George Cohen A"H

Condolences to Sandy Cohen and family on the passing of her husband George


The funeral will be held Sunday January 10 at 3:00 pm at Berkowitz-Kumin

Burial at Mount Olive Cemetery


The family will sit shiva at their home, 3794 Bushnell, through Friday


Marla Lipman is arranging meals for the Cohens.  Please call her at 216-382-1503 if you would like to participate.













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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

HJC News - Parshas Shemos

Mazel Tov to Shaya and Dassi Shtern on the birth of a baby girl, Navah Raiza.

Condolences to Jack Judkovich and family on the passing of his mother Rose Judkovich.  Jack is sitting shiva till Monday morning.

There will be no Parsha Shiur or Navi Shiur this Shabbos. 

The third shiur on Tefilla will take place this coming Tuesday night at 8PM.

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich

Friday, January 8      

  Gemara class   Cancelled
  Shacharis   6:45 AM

Friday evening, January 8      

  Mincha   5:00 PM
  Candle lighting   4:57 PM

Saturday, January 9 (Shemos)      

  Parsha class   Cancelled
  Shacharis   9:00 AM
  Navi class   Cancelled
  Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Ma'ariv   4:50 PM
  Shabbos ends   6:06 PM

Sunday, January 10      

  Shacharis   8:00 AM
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   5:05 PM

Monday-Thursday, January 11-14      

  Gemara class   (No class on Monday)   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM
  Mincha-Ma'ariv   5:05 PM

Friday, January 15      

  Gemara class   6:15 AM
  Shacharis   6:45 AM

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rose Judkovich A"H

Condolences to Jack Judkovich and family on the passing of his mother Rose.

The funeral will be held Tuesday January 5 at 2:00 PM at Berkowitz-Kumin.
Burial at Mount Olive Cemetery.

The family will sit shiva at Rose's home, 14181 Cedar Road, through Monday morning.

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