Esrog And Lulav Sets
Please reserve your Esrog and Lulav sets by emailing or calling 216-382-1958. Please note prices for Lulav/Esrog sets have increased this year by $5. That means $55 for members and $65 for non-members.
A blog by Rabbi Raphael Davidovich of Heights Jewish Center, University Heights Ohio.
12:21 PM
"It is appropriate for every G-d fearing man to make an effort to get an Aliyah on the Yomim Noraim (Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur)..."[And lest one think that there is something degrading about purchasing an Aliyah at such a holy time of year, the truth is] just the opposite: There is greater spiritual advantage in a Mitzvah that comes one's way through monetary expenditure than in a Mitzvah that has come one's way free of charge."
9:50 AM
"It is appropriate for every G-d fearing man to make an effort to get an Aliyah on the Yomim Noraim (Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur)..."[And lest one think that there is something degrading about purchasing an Aliyah at such a holy time of year, the truth is] just the opposite: There is greater spiritual advantage in a Mitzvah that comes one's way through monetary expenditure than in a Mitzvah that has come one's way free of charge."
11:00 AM
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