Fwd: Parashas Acharei -Mos Kedoshim
From: Peninim on the Torah <peninim@hac1.org>
Date: Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 1:26 PM
Subject: Parashas Acharei -Mos Kedoshim
To: Peninim on the Torah <peninim@hac1.org>
For distribution – thank you
A blog by Rabbi Raphael Davidovich of Heights Jewish Center, University Heights Ohio.
For distribution – thank you
9:45 AM
For distibution – thank you
9:39 AM
§ Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka), David Geduld (Dovid Ozer Ben Toba Gittel), Hillel Joseph (Hillel Dov Ben Chasia), June Klein (Golda Channa Bas Rivka), and Harry Schuster (Tzvi Ben Chaya Shayna).
§ Mazel Tov to Alex and Betty Schnittlinger on the birth of a granddaughter, Rivkah Perel. Parents are Dovid Moshe and Leah Schnittlinger of Lakewood, NJ.
§ If you are in need of assistance with anything or if you can offer assistance to someone in need please contact Rob Altshuler 216-387-3340, we should all be well. Davening at the Shul is postponed until further notice.
9:43 AM
§ Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka), Hillel Joseph (Hillel Dov Ben Chasia), June Klein (Golda Channa Bas Rivka), Harry Schuster (Tzvi Ben Chaya Shayna), Shira Katz (Shira Shlima Liba Bas Leah).
§ Get your car/ van cleaned for Pesach at the Heights Jewish Center by Dan the "crumb police"! 10% of each cleaning will be donated to the Shul! cars $30.00, vans $45.00 , call Dan at (216) 324-7958 ASAP to make an appointment & SECURE YOUR SPOT IN THE SCHEDULE! Thanks in advance for your business.
§ Did you know??? Did you know that we will not be having a burning for chometz at Heights Jewish Center this year. Each individual can burn their chometz on their own grill at home, be sure to burn it totally including the center of it and do not wrap in aluminum foil. Do not soak in accelerant because it will render it botul (null/void) and you will not have fulfilled the mitzvah.
§ If you are in need of assistance with anything or if you can offer assistance to someone in need please contact Rob Altshuler 216-387-3340, we should all be well. Davening at the Shul is postponed until further notice.
Friday, April 3
Earliest Candle-Lighting 7:13 PM
Latest Candle-Lighting 7:36 PM
Shabbos, April 4
Sof Zman Krias Shema 10:16 AM
Maariv/Shabbos Ends 8:46 PM
9:53 AM
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