Wednesday, August 31, 2022

HJC Alliyos for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

Dear Friend,

Once again we are conducting a silent auction via email for alliyos on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.  The alliyos available are listed below.  Bidding starts at $36 per alliyah.  We may move your bid to a different alliyah (with your permission) in order to balance them out.  

We will once again make available P'sicha for Ne'ela on Yom Kippur.  This kavod will continue to be given to the Rav as it has been since I have been a member; however, we are now offering the opportunity to sponsor the Rav for this kavod.

As the Rabbi has reminded us in prior years:

The Mishna Berura (Ch.584:S.K.8) quotes the great compendium on all Yomim Noraim matters, the Mateh Ephraim, as follows: 

"It is appropriate for every G-d fearing man to make an effort to get an Aliyah on the Yomim Noraim (Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur). Even in places where the Aliyos are usually auctioned off [to the wealthy], one should "purchase" an Aliya for that time of year for as much as his means allow. 

"[And lest one think that there is something degrading about purchasing an Aliyah at such a holy time of year, the truth is] just the opposite: There is greater spiritual advantage in a Mitzvah that comes one's way through monetary expenditure than in a Mitzvah that has come one's way free of charge."

If you are interested in taking the initiative in acquiring this merit for yourself or someone else and investing in our Kehilla at the same time, please call the office (216-382-1958), or contact Martin Lipman at

The alliyos are:

Rosh Hashanah, First Day








Rosh Hashanah, Second Day



Shlishi  (note – reserved for a chiyav)





Yom Kippur, morning









Yom Kippur, Mincha




Sponsor the Rav for P'sicha Ne'ela

Kol Tuv,


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Got Wine?

Order your wine by the case through Heights Jewish Center. The price list is attached (prices listed are per bottle and include sin tax). An additional $1.00 per bottle will be added as a donation to Heights Jewish Center.  Contact or 216-382-1958 to place your order. Order by Friday, September 9th at 12:00 PM EST.

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Friday, August 26, 2022

HJC News - Parshas Re'ei - Shabbos Rosh Chodesh

Shalosh Seudos this week is sponsored by Rabbi Barry and Anne Reichman l'zecher nishmas Alte Mishkat bas R' Alexander Yitzchok on her fourth Yahrtzeit.

The big day is here: THIS SUNDAY, AUGUST 28 is the day of the SHUL PICNIC, starting at 11:30 a.m. at South Chagrin Reservation (The Shelter Place).
Please e-mail Larry Mervine ( or call him at 216-701-7252 if you need help or want to help.  See you there!

This Shabbos and Sunday are Rosh Chodesh Elul. 

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich

Shabbos Parshas...Re'ei
English dates: Friday/SaturdayAugust 26-27
Rosh Chodesh
Friday Mincha6:35 PM
Earliest Candle-Lighting6:46 PM
Latest Candle-Lighting7:51 PM
Dr. Bela Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur8:30 AM
Shacharis9:00 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema (GR"A/Baal Hatanya)10:07 AM
Navi Shiur7:05 PM
Shabbos Mincha7:35 PM
Maariv8:58 PM
Mincha the following Sunday through Thursday7:50 PM
Weekday Davening Times
Sunday8:00 AM
Monday-Friday6:45 AM
Other Shiurim
Midrash Shiur M-F6:15 AM

Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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Friday, August 19, 2022

HJC News - Parshas Eikev - Shabbos Mevorchim

Everyone is invited to join us at Heights Jewish Center this Shabbat following The 9AM Davening for a Deluxe Cholent Kiddush sponsored by 
Yoyo & Marni Moore in honor of their daughter Shayna's Bat Mitzvah! 
We look forward to seeing you there! 

We are very excited that our young Children's Shabbos Program is up and running: Welcome back to Chaya Leba Winters!   
As always, thank you to Rabbi Kirsch for his incomparable sharing of Torah with the older kids.

Remember - the younger group starts at 9:15 and runs until Kiddush.  
Rabbi Kirsch has the older kids from 10:15 to 11:00 (or so).

This Shabbos at Shalosh Seudos I will speak about R' Chaim Soloveitchik, Reb Chaim Brisker, whose Yohrtzeit was the 21st of Av.

The Shul Picnic is coming up, on Sunday August 28, Rosh Chodesh Elul. You should have received a number of notices by now.  We look forward to the participation of the whole community.  Please contact Larry Mervine at or 216-701-7252 if you are able to help out or if you have questions regarding the picnic.

This Shabbos is Shabbos Mevorchim. Rosh Chodesh Elul is next Shabbos and Sunday.

Shabbos Parshas...Eikev
English dates: Friday/SaturdayAugust 19-20
Shabbos Mevorchim
Friday Mincha6:40 PM
Earliest Candle-Lighting6:55 PM
Latest Candle-Lighting8:02 PM
Dr. Bela Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur8:30 AM
Shacharis9:00 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema (GR"A/Baal Hatanya)10:05 AM
Navi Shiur7:15 PM
Shabbos Mincha7:45 PM
Maariv9:09 PM
Mincha the following Sunday through Thursday8:00 PM
Weekday Davening Times
Sunday8:00 AM
Monday-Friday6:45 AM
Other Shiurim
Midrash Shiur M-F6:15 AM
Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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Friday, August 12, 2022

HJC News: Addendum

Se'udah Shlishit is sponsored by the Claude family in memory of Jason's aunt, Gail Avidon (Nechama bas Yaakov Yosef) A'H.

Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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HJC News - Parshas Va'es'chanan and Shabbos Nachamu

Condolences to Edna Edelman on the passing of her brother Maksim. 

We are very excited that our young Children's Shabbos Program is up and running.   Thank you to Shalva Davidovich for running the program for the last few weeks, and welcome back to Chaya Leba Winters!   

As always, thank you to Rabbi Kirsch for his incomparable sharing of Torah with the older kids.

Remember - the younger group starts at 9:15 and runs until Kiddush.  
Rabbi Kirsch has the older kids from 10:15 to 11:00 (or so).

The Simcha Kiddush this Shabbos is co-sponsored by:

  • Rob and Jan Altshuler in honor of Shaul and Amy Borochovitz's (Ilka's) chai anniversary, Yasher Koach to Larry Mervine on all the work he has put in on the picnic, in appreciation to Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu for the progress Marla Lipman has made, returning home!
  • Steve and Beth Baker to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Steve's father Eliezer Dovid Ben Moshe Yehutiel.  (29th Av)
  • Rabbi Jason and Sandra Claude in celebration of Abigail's 7th birthday.
  • Edna Edelman in memory of her brother Maksim Z'L.
  • Betty Hoffer and family Mazel Tov to Abe Pollack on his 100th Birthday
  • Bob and Debby Jacob in honor of their grandson, Aharon's, birthday.
  • Danny and Ruth Jacob in honor of the birthdays of Ruth and Aharon.
  • Dan Kralik Mazel Tov to YoYo and Marni on Shayna's upcoming Bas Mitzvah.
  • Martin and Marla Lipman In honor of Chaya Mendelson's birthday and celebrating Marla's return home.
  • Larry and Barbara Mervine in honor of our 56th Wedding Anniversary. I would like to remind the congregation and friends about the shul's picnic on August 28th. A pre- event menu is available (at a lower cost) from the office and must be completed by August 15th with payment. Come one! Come all! Enjoy the picnic and meet friends and members of our shul.
  • Jeff and Melanie Muller in honor of Rivah and Shimon Schlesinger for all they do for HJC and for their friendship.
  • The Setnik family, in honor of Zaki and Ariella Setnik moving to Cleveland, and Olivia Setnik for moving back to the East Side and beginning a new career with Southern Glazer's Wine and Spirits Co.
  • Chuck and Sandra Zeitler for a speedy recovery for Chuck's son Chris.

This week at Shalosh Seudos I will speak about Nochum Ish GamZu, the originator of the phrase "Gam Zu LeTova", and R' Yaakov Leiner, the Ishbitzer Rebbe, the most important Rebbe you might never have heard of, whose yohrtzeits are both the 15th of Av.
Special thanks to Boris Kargilitsky for his continual enhancement of our Shalosh Seudos!  Remember, sponsorships for Shalosh Seudos are available - and even on non-sponsored weeks, feel free to donate to enhance Shalosh Seudos for the Shul!

The Shul Picnic is coming up, on Sunday August 28, Rosh Chodesh Elul. You should have received a number of notices by now.  We look forward to the participation of the whole community.  Please contact Larry Mervine at or 216-701-7252 if you are able to help out or if you have questions regarding the picnic.

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich

Shabbos Parshas...Va'es'chanan
English dates: Friday/SaturdayAugust 12-13
Shabbos Nachamu
Friday Mincha6:50 PM
Earliest Candle-Lighting7:02 PM
Latest Candle-Lighting8:12 PM
Dr. Bela Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur8:30 AM
Shacharis9:00 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema (GR"A/Baal Hatanya)10:02 AM
Navi Shiur7:25 PM
Shabbos Mincha7:55 PM
Maariv9:19 PM
Mincha the following Sunday through Thursday8:10 PM
Weekday Davening Times
Sunday8:00 AM
Monday-Friday6:45 AM
Other Shiurim
Midrash Shiur M-F6:15 AM
Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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Monday, August 8, 2022

Simcha Kiddush Reminder

The next Simcha Kiddush will take place this Shabbos (Shabbos Nachamu) on August 13th.  Please send in your name submissions by email to or call 216-382-1958. Sponsor for just $18.00 minimum per name.

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Friday, August 5, 2022

HJC News and Times - Parshas Devarim - Shabbos Chazon - Tisha B'Av

We are very excited that our young Children's Shabbos Program is up and running.  Thanks to our Coordinator Chaya Leba Winters, and to Tova Herskovic.  While Chaya Leba is on maternity leave from the Program, we're pleased to announce that Shalva Davidovich will be running the Program this Shabbos.  Remember - the Program starts at 9:15 and runs until Kiddush.  

Please note that Rabbi Kirsch will not be here this Shabbos.

Kiddush is sponsored by Hillel and Zahava Seltzer in commemoration of the yahrzeits of Zahava's brother Donny Adler, Don Aryeh ben HaChaver Gershon, and Hillel's great grandmother Anna Rose Seltzer, Channa Raizel bas Michel.

Rebbetzin Deena Davidovich will speak this Shabbos as part of the Zichron Chaim Women's Lecture Series at the Yavne Building on the topic of "Judging one favorably" at 5:30 PM. 

Please note the changes to the schedule this Shabbos afternoon and Motzoei Shabbos. The Navi Shiur is at 5:30pm and Shabbos Mincha is at 6pm, earlier in the afternoon, to allow people to have a nice Shalosh Seudos at home, where none of the rules of a Seuda Hamafsekes apply.  One must stop eating and drinking at shkia/sunset. The other Tisha B'Av practices only begin once Shabbos ends, at which point one should say "Baruch Hamavdil Bein Kodesh L'Chol". 

The bracha on the Havdala candle is made after Shabbos. There is no smelling of spices. 

The other blessings of Havdala are said after the fast, before eating. People who are not fasting need to say Havdala on Tisha B'Av before eating, in which case one should use a beverage other than wine or grape juice. 

The eating of meat and drinking of discretionary wine may be resumed Monday morning.

All other "Three Weeks" and  "Nine Days" practices end as soon as the fast is over. 

A Tisha B'av children's video by the Chofetz Chaim Heritage foundation will be shown at Heights Jewish Center in the downstairs social hall from 3:30-4:30 PM on Sunday. The film is entertaining and focuses on overcoming jealousy, for ages 7 and up. The cost is $5.00 per child/Maximum $15.00 per family. All proceeds go to benefit the Chofetz Chaim Heritage foundation.

The Shul Picnic is coming up, on Sunday August 28, Rosh Chodesh Elul. You should have received a number of notices by now.  We look forward to the participation of the whole community.  Please contact Larry Mervine at or 216-701-7252 if you are able to help out or if you have questions regarding the picnic.

The Tuesday Lunch-and-Learn is on hiatus until after the summer.

Torah Thought for Parshas Devarim

A thought for Shabbos Tisha B'Av

Have a Good Shabbos and an easy Fast
Rabbi Davidovich

Shabbos Parshas...Devarim*
English dates: Friday/SaturdayAugust 5-6
Shabbos Chazon
Friday Mincha7:00 PM
Earliest Candle-Lighting7:10 PM
Latest Candle-Lighting8:21 PM
Dr. Bela Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur8:30 AM
Shacharis9:00 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema (GR"A/Baal Hatanya)9:59 PM
Navi Shiur5:30 PM
Shabbos Mincha6:00 PM
Maariv10:00 PM
Mincha the following Monday through Thursday8:20 PM*
Tisha B'Av Schedule
Saturday, August 6
Sunset8:37 PM
Shabbos Ends9:28 PM
Maariv and Eicha and Kinos10:00 PM
Sunday, August 7
Shacharis (No Talis or Tefillin)9:00 AM
Kinos startafter 9:40am
Chatzos1:32 PM
Mincha (Talis and Tefillin)7:50 PM
Sunset8:37 PM
Fast Ends9:22 PM

Weekday Davening Times
Sunday8:00 AM
Monday-Friday6:45 AM
Other Shiurim
Midrash Shiur M-F6:15 AM
Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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Thursday, August 4, 2022

HJC Torah x 2

Tanya Chapter 35


Shoftim Chapter 8

Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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Monday, August 1, 2022

HJC Torah x 2

Tefilla Shiur: Insight into Krias Shema - "V'Dibarta Bam"


Mitzvah 35 - Do not commit adultery


Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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