Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Shiva hours and Minyan times

We regret to inform you of the passing  of  Stanley Corbett, father of Gedaliah Corbett.  The funeral was held Monday in Toronto. Gedaliah will be sitting shiva at his home 4113 Wyncote in South Euclid starting today (Wednesday) following Mincha.

Shiva times are as follows:

Wednesday- after Mincha

Thursday -whole day

Friday -morning until 2:00 PM

Saturday-Motzei Shabbos

Shiva Minyanim

Wednesday Mincha at  4:45 PM followed by Ma'ariv

Thursday Shachris at 8:00 AM

Mincha / Ma'ariv at 4:45 PM

Friday Shacharis at 7:00 AM

May we only share in Simchas.

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