Thursday, January 29, 2015

HJC News - Beshalach - Shabbos Shira

Mincha next week will be at 5:30pm.  It's getting later each week, but we still need all the help we can get. Please try to help out.

The next Simcha Kiddush is scheduled for February 14.  Please contact the office or Jason Claude to co-sponsor the Kiddush for $18 or more per name.

I am away until Tuesday.  Please behave.

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich


Friday, January 30 
Gemara Shiur will not meet
Shacharis   6:45 AM  
Candle lighting   5:21 PM
Mincha   5:25 PM 

Saturday, January 31
Parsha shiur will not meet
Shacharis   9:00 AM
Navi shiur   will not meet
Mincha      5:15 PM
Shabbos ends 6:31 PM

Sunday, February 1
Shacharis  8:00 AM
Mincha-Maariv  5:30 PM

Monday-Thursday, February 2-5
Gemara Shiur 6:15 AM  (except Monday)
Shacharis 6:45 AM 
Mincha-Maariv 5:30 PM
Mishnayos 6:10 PM (except Monday)

Friday, February 6 
Gemara Shiur  6:15 AM
Shacharis   6:45 AM  
Candle lighting   5:30 PM
Mincha   5:35 PM 

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