Thursday, February 12, 2015

HJC News - Mishpatim / Parshas Shekalim

Mazel Tov to Nachum and Yael Tesler on the birth of twins, a girl, Eliana Yaffa, and a boy. There will be a Shalom Zachar at the Tesler home, 23413 Greenlawn in Beachwood, on Friday night after the seuda.  

This Shabbos's Simcha Kiddush is sponsored by the following people
  • Rob and Jan Altshuler in honor of the IC4BD committee who tirelessly brings IC4BD to HJC each year.
  • Jason and Sandra Claude in honor of their Wedding Anniversary.
  • Edna Edelman in honor of Mark's Birthday.
  • Ken and Eileen Goldblatt in honor of their children, grandchildren and their move to this wonderful community.
  • Joel and Lynn Goldstein in honor of the Birthdays of Joel and Michal.
  • Gershon and Mary Ireland and Stu and Jennifer Mintz in honor of  Jacki, Tali and Zohar's visit from Eretz Yisrael.
  • Jack and Margarita Judkovich in honor of their son David's Birthday.
  • Robert and Maya Kleyman in honor of the Yahrzeit of Brana Bas Elya.
  • Martin and Marla Lipman in honor of Hadassah Leah Lipman, Sora Mendelson and Aharon Lipman's Birthday.
  • Chanan and Sorah Perkel in honor of Chanan's recovery.
  • Helen Rothman in honor of her granddaughter Ingrid's Birthday.
  • Irwin and Lorna Shulman in honor of Irwin's Birthday and their grandson Shmuel's 16th Birthday.
Mincha next week will be at 5:45pm.  It's getting later each week, but we still need all the help we can get. Please try to help out.

Rosh Chodesh Adar is next Thursday and Friday.
Purim is then right around the corner.  Please contact the office right away to order your Purim Cards.

And then remember to make reservations for the Shul's Purim night party, on Wednesday evening March 4, at 8pm, after the Megilla reading.  

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich

Friday, February 13 
Gemara Shiur  6:15 AM
Shacharis   6:45 AM  
Candle lighting   5:39 PM
Mincha   5:40 PM 

Saturday, February 14
(Mishpatim/Parshas Shekalim)
Parsha shiur   8:30 AM
Shacharis   9:00 AM
Navi shiur   5:00 PM
Mincha      5:30 PM
Shabbos ends 6:49 PM

Sunday, February 15
Shacharis  8:00 AM
Mincha-Maariv  5:45 PM
Mishnayos   6:30 PM

Monday-Wednesday, February 16-18
Gemara Shiur 6:15 AM
Shacharis 6:45 AM 
Mincha-Maariv 5:45 PM
Mishnayos 6:30 PM 

Thursday, February 19  (Rosh Chodesh)
Gemara Shiur won't meet
Shacharis 6:30 AM 
Mincha-Maariv 5:45 PM
Mishnayos 6:30 PM 

Friday, February 20  (Rosh Chodesh)
Gemara Shiur  won't meet
Shacharis   6:30 AM  
Candle lighting   5:48 PM
Mincha   5:50 PM 

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