Friday, April 24, 2015

HJC News - Tazria-Metzora

Refuah Sheleima to Sandy Cohen.

Note the schedule change: Beginning this Sunday and throughout the summer, the weekday Mishnayos Shiur will be before Mincha, and not after Maariv.  This week, the Mishnayos Shiur will begin at 7:45pm.  Afterwards, it will be 30 minutes before Mincha, Sunday through Thursday. 

During the Drasha this Shabbos, I will be speaking about the impact of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein ZT"L, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Har Etzion, who was niftar this week.

During Shalosh Seudos until Rosh Hashana, we will be studying Pirkei Avos, Chapter Three emphasizing what I call the less obvious but equally important lessons of Pirkei Avos.

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich

Friday, April 24 
Gemara Shiur  6:15 AM
Shacharis   6:45 AM  
Mincha   6:40 PM 
Candle lighting   6:51 PM - 7:58 PM

Saturday, April 25
Parsha shiur   8:30 AM
Shacharis   9:00 AM
Navi shiur   7:20 PM
Mincha      7:50 PM
Shabbos ends 9:08 PM

Sunday, April 26
Shacharis  8:00 AM
Mishnayos  7:45 PM
Mincha-Maariv  8:05 PM

Monday-Thursday, April 27-30
Gemara Shiur 6:15 AM
Shacharis 6:45 AM 
Mishnayos  7:45 PM
Mincha-Maariv 8:05 PM 

Friday, May 1 
Gemara Shiur  6:15 AM
Shacharis   6:45 AM  
Mincha   6:45 PM 
Candle lighting   6:57 PM - 8:06 PM

The April Simcha Kiddush is co-sponsored by:
  • Rob and Jan Altshuler in honor of Mike Swirski going on social security this month.
  • Steve and Beth Baker in memory of Beth's mother Ester bas Yakov, and Steve's Aunt Sara Tehilla bas Alter.
  • Jason and Sandra Claude in celebration of Yom Ha'atzmaut.
  • Mark and Edna Edelman in honor of Mark Golan's miracle recovery.
  • Yossi and Channa Ireland in honor of the Chicago Bears forthcoming dismal season.
  • Robert and Maya Kleyman in memory of the Yahrzeit of Sara Bas Yakov Shamshon.
  • Martin and Marla Lipman in celebration of the demise of the snow pile, ushering in Spring. 
  • Richard and Cecilia Rogow in honor of Spring and the Days of the Omer.
  • Dr. Larry and Phylis Pomerantz in honor of Phylis's Birthday.
  • Irwin and Lorna Shulman in honor of her grandson Eliezer's safe return to Israel.
  • Mike and Marian Swirski in honor of Rob going on Social Security this month.
  • Shimshi and Miriam Taub in honor of the Chicago Bears forthcoming dismal season.
  • Stuart and Jennifer Mintz in honor of Jackie's birthday.

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