Friday, May 19, 2017


Refuah Sheleimah Rabbeinu Moreinu Harav Raphael Davidovich. The Rabbi is making very good progress in rehab.  Goals have been set for time spent walking and other routine activities and he is very near meeting these goals.

Mazel Tov to Jack and Sharon Klein and Barbara, Shimon and Rivah Schlesinger and family on the Bar Mitzvah of Yakov Schlesinger.

Submit names in the Shavuos Yizkor book by contacting the office.

We will be having all night learning on Shavous evening.  Details will follow. Start time of 12:45 A.M. followed by Shacharis at 5:20 A.M.

Rabbi Dov Lieberman will be our guest speaker between Shacharis and Mussaf.

The Rebbetzin and Rabbi are getting tremendous chizuk (strength) from the e-mails being sent to them. Again, they are requesting that anyone who wants to contact them should please refrain from visiting, calling or texting their phones and email


 The Simcha Kiddush is co-sponsored by……….

·         Rob and Jan Altshuler in honor of their 43 year Wedding Anniversary, Holly Corbett's Birthday, Sara Leah Borochovitz's Birthday, and for a refuah for Rabbi Davidovich.

·         Steve and Beth Baker in the merit that the Rabbi should have a complete, speedy refuah sheleimah.

·         Lenny and Penny Beer in honor of Lenny's retirement.

·         Rabbi Jason and Sandra Claude in honor of Sandra's Birthday, the Birthday of the State of Israel, and Rabbi Davidovich's continued recovery.

·         Morton Cohen in honor of his Birthday and his mother and brother Gary's Birthday.

·         Edna Edelman wishing a Refuah Sheleimah to Rabbi Davidovich.

·         Adam and Rena Gardin in celebration of the birth of their baby girl Chayli.

·         Akiva and Chana Feinstein Refuah Sheleimah Rabbi Davidovich.

·         Yossi and Channa Ireland for the zechus for the Rabbi's refuah. Channa & the kids in honor of Yossi's birthday.

·         Boris and Rachel Kagarlitskiy for a Refuah Sheleimah for Rabbi Davidovich.

·         Jack and Sharon Klein in honor of Yakov Schlesinger's Bar Mitzvah.

·         Rabbi Dov Leiberman in honor of the graduation of Chaya Rivka Lieberman and on getting your Masters of Architecture! May you be zoche to build many many houses in the future!

·         Martin and Marla Lipman wishing the Rabbi a refuah sheleimah, and in appreciation of Rob Altshuler for keeping the Shul going and Rabbi Jason Claude for his Divrei Torah.

·         Marni & Yoyo Moore asking H"B to grant a complete and speedy recovery for Rabbi D. May you return to us in full health soon, AMEN. 

·         Joel and Sharon Peerless With wishes for a Refuah Sheleimah for Rabbi Davidovich and with appreciation to Rob Altshuler for his leadership of our shul during this difficult time of our Rabbi's illness.

·         Irwin and Lorna Shulman for a refuah Sheleimah for Rabbi Davidovich.

·         Dan and Randi Waxman for the Rabbi's complete healing and in honor of Randi, Edna, and Melanie's June Birthdays.

·         Clifford and Linda Wolf for a full refuah for Rabbi Davidovich.

·         Chuck and Sandra Zeitler in honor of our granddaughter Shoshana's Birthday.



Friday, May 19

Mincha 6:55 pm

Early Candle-Lighting 7:10 pm

Late Candle-Lighting 8:24 pm


Parshas Behar/Bechukosai, May 20

Parsha Shiur CANCELLED

Shacharis 9:00 am


Mincha 8:15 pm

Shabbos ends after 9:3 pm


Sunday, May 21

Shacharis 8:00 am

Mincha-Maariv 8:30 pm

Mishna Shiur CANCELLED


Monday- Thursday, May 22-25

Gemara Shiur CANCELLED

Shacharis 6:30 am

Mincha-Maariv 8:30 pm

Mishna Shiur CANCELLED



Gemara Shiur CANCELLED

Shacharis 6:30

      7:00 pm Mincha

      Early Candle-Lighting 7:15 pm

      Late Candle-Lighting 8:30 pm


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