Friday, June 30, 2017


Refuah Sheleimah Mr.Herb Geduld and Dr. Ricky Prizant.

Our biannual meeting for nomination of officers and the board of trustees will be Sunday morning, July 16 at 9:00 am.  A light breakfast will be served.  All full members in good standing are invited to attend.

Did you know you could sponsor a leaf on our Simcha tree outside the main sanctuary for just $54.00? Call the office to order yours today!

A Mezonos Kiddush is sponsored by Rabbi Raphael and Deena Davidovich, Sender and Carol Radcliffe, Gedaliah and Holly Corbett, Steven and Elana Perlin. In honor of Canada's 150th Birthday and in honor of Shalva Davidovich's 18th B-day.


Friday, June 30

Mincha 7:15 pm

Early Candle-Lighting 7:29 pm

Late Candle-Lighting 8:45 pm


Parshas Chukas, July 1

Parsha Shiur 8:30 am

Shacharis 9:00 am

Latest Shema 9:42 am

Navi Shiur 8:05 pm

Mincha-Shalosh Seudos-Maariv 8:35 pm

Shabbos ends after 9:53 pm


Sunday, July 2

Shacharis 8:00 am

Mincha-Maariv 8:50 pm

Mishna Shiur CANCELLED


Monday, July 3

Gemara Shiur CANCELLED

Shacharis 6:45 am

Mincha-Maariv 8:50 pm

Mishna Shiur CANCELLED


Tuesday, July 4

Gemara Shiur CANCELLED

Shacharis 8:00 am

Mincha-Maariv 8:50 pm

Mishna Shiur CANCELLED


Wednesday-Thursday, July 5-6

Gemara Shiur CANCELLED

Shacharis 6:45 am

Mincha-Maariv 8:50 pm

Mishna Shiur CANCELLED


Friday, July 7

Gemara Shiur CANCELLED

Shacharis 6:45 am

Mincha 7:15 pm

Early Candle-Lighting 7:28 pm

Late Candle-Lighting 8:44 pm


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