Friday, December 15, 2017


Refuah Sheleimah to Marla Lipman (Malka Chana Bas Leah).

Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Hillel and Zahava Seltzer in honor of the yahrtzeit of Zahava's father Gershon Adler- Hachaver Gershon ben Hachaver Gad Meir z"l.

The Shabbos Chanukah Luncheon will take place tomorrow, officers and members of the board will be installed at that time. Luncheon is by reservation only.

Heights Jewish Center will be hosting an Art Auction fundraiser February 11th. Assistance with the auction is greatly needed. Please contact Melanie Muller for volunteer opportunities 381-2701.

Simcha Kiddush will take place December 23rd. Just $18.00 per name.

Rebbetzin Deena Davidovich is giving a class entitled "Eishes Chayil, Woman in Tanach through the lens of Shlomo Hamelech." Mondays at 9:30 AM at the home of YoYo and Marni Moore 2392 Bromley Rd. Children are welcome to come play.


Friday, December 15   (Chanukah)

Candle-Lighting    4:39 pm

Mincha            4:30 pm (Note earlier time) 


Shabbos, December 16 (Mikeitz-Chanukah)

Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur   8:30 am

Shacharis 9:00 am

Navi Shiur      4:00 pm

Mincha-Shalosh Seudos   4:30 pm

Shabbos ends after 5:48 pm


Sunday, December 17 (Chanukah) 

Shacharis    8:00 am

Mincha-Maariv 4:45 pm


Monday-Tuesday, December 18-19 (Rosh Chodesh-Chanukah)

Gemara Shiur  will not meet

Shacharis         6:40  am  (Brochos on Talis and Tefillin 6:49 am) 

Mincha-Maariv    4:45 pm


Wednesday, December 20  (Zos Chanukah)

Gemara Shiur    6:15 am

Shacharis         6:40 am   (Brochos on Talis and Tefillin 6:50 am) 

Mincha-Maariv    4:45 pm

Mishna Shiur after Maariv


Thursday, December 21

Gemara Shiur    6:15 am

Shacharis         6:45 am   (Brochos on Talis and Tefillin 6:50 am) 

Mincha-Maariv    4:45 pm

Mishna Shiur after Maariv


Friday, December 22

Gemara Shiur    6:15 am

Shacharis         6:45 am (Brochos on Talis and Tefillin 6:51 am) 

Candle-Lighting    4:42 pm

Mincha            4:45 pm




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