Friday, July 27, 2018

Times at HJC: Shabbos Parshas Va'eschanan - Shabbos Nachamu

·         Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen, Eileen Goldblatt, and Ted Lidsky.

·         Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yosef and Gila Kirsch on the birth of a grandson born to Moshe and Rivka Kirsch of Nevada. (The children's class will not meet this Shabbos).

·         Table Tennis for men is at 11:00 AM on Sunday, women's tennis is at 7:00 PM on Wednesday. All welcome and all skill levels.

·         Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Rabbi Jason and Sandra Claude in memory of Jason's aunt, Gail Avidon (Nechama bat Ya'akov Yosef (dairy Ice cream will be served).

The Simcha Kiddush is co-sponsored by….

·         Rob and Jan Altshuler in honor of our son-in law Gedalia's perseverance and good results.

·         Yosef and Esther Burmark in honor of the birth of their son Aryeh Pinchas.

·         Rabbi Jason and Sandra Claude in honor of the 242nd birthday of the United States.

·         Edna Edelman - Shabbat Shalom!

·         Bob and Debby Jacob in honor of the birthdays of Bob, daughter- in -law Ruth, and grandson Aharon.

·         Diane Josefovitz In appreciation to Jason Claude for his recent time and input as I take on a new role, and in gratitude for my son's Birthright trip last month.

·         Martin and Marla Lipman welcome the Virginians – Aharon, Sarah, Yehudis, Hadassah Leah and Bracha Lipman.

·         Joshua and Sarah Lehmann in memory of the 15th Yahrzeit of Joshua's Father, Moshe ben Meir, may his neshamah have an Aliyah, for the 1 year anniversary of their move to Cleveland and wonderful community that has welcomed them so graciously, for Hakadosh Baruch Hu, for the Brocha and Hatzlacha he has granted them in the last year.

·         Stuart and Jennifer Mintz in honor of Stu's mother, Rita Mintz's 87th birthday.

·         Barbara Seltzer- Happy Birthday to Ami.

·         YoYo and Marni Moore in honor of Shayna's 8th birthday and Eli's 6th birthday.

·         Joel and Sharon Peerless in honor of their 30th wedding anniversary.

·         Mr. Jack Pink in memory of Bella Pinkas-Baila Bas Yitzhok-Yaakov Ha-Kohen A'H.

·         Alex and Betty Schnittlinger in honor of Sandi Friedman who is visiting from Israel.

·         Phil and Kim Setnik in memory of Kim's mother Joyce Bernzweig's yahrtzeit A'H.

·         Irwin and Lorna Shulman in honor of their daughter Stacey's Birthday and Lorna's Birthday.




Friday, July 27

Mincha                           7:05 pm

Early Candle-Lighting    7:19 pm

Late Candle-Lighting      8:31 pm


Shabbos, July 28- Parshas Vaeschanan-Shabbos Nachamu

Dr. Bela Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur   8:30 am

Shacharis                                                        9:00 am

Sof Zman Krias Shema                        9:55 am

Navi Shiur                                                     7:45 pm

Mincha                                                          8:15 pm

Shabbos ends                                                9:38 pm




Sunday through Friday, July 29-August 3


Sunday                                    8:00 am

Monday through Friday     6:45 am

                 (Gemara Shiur                   6:15 am)



Sunday through Thursday    8:30 pm

Mishna Shiur                           8:00 pm

Friday                                        7:00 pm


Candle-Lighting next Friday, August 3  

7:13 pm-8:23 pm


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