§ Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka), Shira Katz (Shira Shlima Liba Bas Leah), Simcha Meyer Liss (Simcha Meyer Ben Shimcha), and Chaya Mintz (Chaya Musha Zelda Bas Chasia Devorah).
§ Mazel tov to Alex and Betty Schnittlinger on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Tuli Stoll. Mazel tov to parents Sender and Rochel Stoll.
§ A Chanukah Boutique will be taking place at Heights Jewish Center on Wednesday, November 28th from 7-10 pm. Heights Jewish Center will receive a percentage of all sales made.
§ Rebbetzin Davidovich's Monday class for women will be studying Pirkei Avos from 9:30-10:30 AM at the home of Yoyo and Marni Moore 2392 Bromley.
§ Contact the office at 216-382-1958 or hjcsoffice@gmail.com to purchase your raffle tickets. 1 for $25.00, 2 for $40.00, 3 for $50.00 for a chance to win free membership at Heights Jewish Center for 2019. Drawing will be held Sunday, December 9th at the shul Chanukah party/carnival 12:30- 3:30 pm. Details to follow.
§ A singles Shabbatton at Heights Jewish Center is planned for January 25-27th. Please see attached flyer. For more information or for volunteer opportunities please contact YoYo Moore 443.430.1548
§ If you have been enjoying our weekly Kiddush please consider contributing towards the Kiddush Consortium. Please contact the office at 216-382-1958 if you would like to make a donation and be part of the Kiddush Consortium. (Please notify the office if your name has been accidentally omitted). At this time we would like to thank:
Rob & Jan Altshuler
Steve & Beth Baker
Lenny & Penny Beer
Jordan and Rochie Berkowitz
Yossi & Channa Ireland
Gershon & Mary Ireland
Danny & Ruth Jacob
Martin & Marla Lipman
Joel & Sharon Peerless
Shimon & Rivah Schlesinger
Yosef & Esti Weiss
Clifford & Linda Wolf
Shimshi & Miriam Taub
Chuck and Sandra Zeitler
Davening Times-Parshas Vayishlach
Friday, November 23
Candle-Lighting 4:42 pm
Mincha 4:45 pm
Shabbos, November 24
Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur 8:30 am
Shacharis 9:00 am
Sof Zman Krias Shema 9:49 am
Navi Shiur 4:00 pm
Mincha 4:30 pm
Shabbos ends 5:51 pm
Sunday through Friday, November 25-30
Sunday 8:00 am
Monday through Friday 6:45 am
(Medrash Shiur 6:15 am)
Sunday through Thursday 4:45 pm
followed by Mishna Shiur
Friday 4:40 pm
Next Friday Candle-Lighting, November 30
4:40 pm
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