Thursday, February 28, 2019
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
11:53 AM
Friday Night Oneg
11:29 AM
Friday, February 22, 2019
HJCS Times-Parshas Ki Sisa
§ Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka).
§ Condolences to Steven Perlin on the passing of his sister Jennifer Lynn Boyd A'H.
§ The Shloshim for Rebbetzin Schur, Z"l will be on Friday, March 1, 2019. Heights Jewish Center will be dedicating the kiddush on Shabbos Parshas Vayakhel (March 2) to commemorate the shloshim. Contact the office at or call 216-382-1958 to make a donation towards the Kiddush and have your name included as a sponsor.
§ Heights Jewish Center is selling Purim Cards. Prices for cards are 10 for $20.00 ($2.00 each card) or 20 cards for $36.00 contact the office by calling 216-382-1958 or email
§ Rebbetzin Davidovich's Monday morning class at 9:30 am resumes at the Moore Home 2392 Bromley Rd.
§ Save the Date!! Stock your freezers before Yom Tov by attending Heights Jewish Centers cooking event. Sunday, March 10th from 10:00 am-12:00 pm. See attached flyer.
The Simcha Kiddush is co-sponsored by……
§ Rob and Jan Altshuler in honor of our granddaughter Menucha's birthday
§ Rabbi Jason and Sandra Claude in celebration of their anniversary.
§ Edna Edelman in honor of Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom.
§ Joel and Lynn Goldstein in honor of Lenny and Penny Beer's latest grandchild, Rainey Noa Beer.
§ Larry and Dianne Josefovitz In honor of Rachel Gordon's recent birthday, and in memory of Steven Perlin's sister, Jennifer Boyd A'H.
§ Jack and Margarita Judkovich in honor of Dovid's Birthday.
§ Boris and Rachel Kagarlitskiy thanks to Hashem for everything.
§ Robert Kleyman to commemorate the yahrzeit of his mother Bryna Bas Elle A'H.
§ Zev and Leah Kushner in memory of Yakov Moshe Ben Elchanan A'H, and Herbert Roth A'H. Also, in honor of Zev's birthday and the birthday of our grandchild Sofie Goetz.
§ Martin and Marla Lipman, happy birthday to Hadassah Leah Lipman, Sora Mendelson and Aharon Lipman.
§ Jeff and Melanie Muller in appreciation to Dr. Joel Peerless and family for all their help and support.
§ Helen Rothman in honor of her daughter Ingrid's Birthday and to commemorate the yahrzeit of her husband Ephraim Fishel Simcha A'H.
§ Shimon and Rivah Schlesinger in honor of Barbara Schlesinger's Birthday.
§ Alex and Betty Schnittlinger in honor of our dear son R' Dovid on his acceptance of Semicha from Beth Medrash Govoha (Lakewood, New Jersey).
§ Hillel and Zahava Seltzer in celebration of a milestone birthday for Hillel's mother, Barabara Seltzer, and in celebration of Benyamin's upcoming legal birthday - be sure to have a l'chaim with him next week.
§ Linda and Clifford Wolf Gratitude to Hashem for providing everything we need including Simchas.
Davening Times at HJC
Parshas Ki Sisa
Friday, February 22
Candle-Lighting 5:50 pm
Mincha 5:55 pm
Shabbos, February 23
Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur 8:30 am
Shacharis 9:00 am
Navi Shiur 5:10 pm
Mincha 5:40 pm
Shabbos ends 7:00 pm
Sunday through Friday, February 24-March 1st
Sunday 8:00 am
Monday through Friday 6:45 am
(Medrash Shiur 6:15 am)
Sunday through Thursday 6:00 pm
followed by Mishna Shiur
Friday 6:15 am
Candle-Lighting next Friday, March 1st
5:58 pm
9:35 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Fwd: Cooking Event
You need to sign up for one meal in each you will choose 4 things total. You can sign up for
1. Soup: A. French Onion soup and garlic knots OR B. Barley Vegetable Soup
2. Meat A. Taco Soup for crockpot OR B. Steak Strip Wrapped Potatoes
3. Chicken on the bone: A. Crockpot Honey Garlic ChickenOR B. Crock Pot Beer Chicken
4. Boneless chicken: A. Crispy Coated Garlic Shnitzel ORB. Cranberry Chicken
9:24 AM
Monday, February 18, 2019
Simcha Kiddush
10:34 AM
Friday, February 15, 2019
§ Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka).
§ Mazel Tov to grandparents Lenny & Penny Beer (Cleveland); Terry & JoAnne Nosan (Detroit) and to the parents Jacob & Stephanie Beer of Detroit on the birth of Rainey Noa Beer.
§ Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Hillel and Zahava Seltzer to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Hillel's father Josh Seltzer-Yehoshua Mordechai Ben Alexander A'H and his grandmother Jeanette Seltzer-Shaina Dubba Bas Hillel Zalman HaCohen A'H.
§ The next Simcha Kiddush will take place on February 23rd. Submit names for a minimum donation of $18.00 per name by calling 216-382-1958 or email
§ The Shloshim for Rebbetzin Schur, Z"l will be on Friday, March 1, 2019. Heights Jewish Center will be dedicating the kiddush on Shabbos Parshas Vayakhel (March 2) to commemorate the shloshim. Contact the office at or call 216-382-1958 to make a donation towards the Kiddush and have your name included as a sponsor.
§ The Friday night class is cancelled tonight.
§ Heights Jewish Center is selling Purim Cards. Prices for cards are 10 for $20.00 ($2.00 each card) or 20 cards for $36.00 contact the office by calling 216-382-1958 or email
§ Rebbetzin Davidovich's Monday morning class at 9:30 am resumes at the Moore Home 2392 Bromley Rd.
§ Save the Date!! Stock your freezers before Yom Tov by attending Heights Jewish Centers cooking event. Sunday, March 3rd from 10:00 am-12:00 pm. More details to follow.
Davening Times at HJC
Parshas Tetzaveh
Friday, February 15
Candle-Lighting 5:42 pm
Mincha 5:45 pm
Shabbos, February 16
Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur 8:30 am
Shacharis 9:00 am
Navi Shiur 5:00 pm
Mincha 5:30 pm
Shabbos ends 6:52 pm
Sunday through Friday, February 17-22
Sunday 8:00 am
Monday through Friday 6:45 am
(Medrash Shiur 6:15 am)
Sunday through Thursday 5:50 pm
followed by Mishna Shiur
Friday 6:15 am
Candle-Lighting next Friday, February 22
5:50 pm
9:53 AM
Friday, February 8, 2019
§ Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka).
§ Welcome back Rob and Jan Altshuler!
§ Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Jeff and Melanie Muller to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Melanie's father Hersh Elimelech ben Hertzel- Harold Berk A'H.
§ The next Simcha Kiddush will take place on February 23rd. Submit names for a minimum donation of $18.00 per name by calling 216-382-1958 or email
§ Heights Jewish Center is selling Purim Cards. Prices for cards are 10 for $20.00 ($2.00 each card) or 20 cards for $36.00. Contact the office by calling 216-382-1958 or email to order your cards today!
§ Rebbetzin Davidovich's Monday morning class will not be meeting on Monday, February 11.
Davening Times at HJC
Parshas Terumah
Friday, February 8
Candle-Lighting 5:33 pm
Mincha 5:35 pm
Shabbos, February 9
Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur 8:30 am
Shacharis 9:00 am
Navi Shiur 4:50 pm
Mincha 5:20 pm
Shabbos ends 6:43 pm
Sunday through Friday, February 10-15
Sunday 8:00 am
Monday through Friday 6:45 am
(Medrash Shiur 6:15 am)
Sunday through Thursday 5:40 pm
followed by Mishna Shiur
Friday 5:45 pm
Candle-Lighting next Friday, February 15
5:42 pm
9:25 AM
Friday, February 1, 2019
§ Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka), and Chaya Mintz (Chaya Musha Zelda Bas Chasia Devorah).
§ Condolences on the passing of Rebbetzin Shoshana Schur, wife of the late Rabbi Doniel Schur. The Rebbetzin will be dearly missed. Shiva is at 3650 Severn Road through Saturday night.
§ We would like to welcome Evelyn Lichtenberg, and Eliyahu Meir & Rena Richelson as new members at Heights Jewish Center. Mazel Tov to Eliyahu Meir and Rena on their recent marriage.
§ Mazel Tov to Gershon and Mary Ireland on the birth of a granddaughter Maya Atarah. Parents are Milach and Adina Muskal.
§ The Friday night learning series for men with Rabbi Davidovich will take place at the home of Jeff and Melanie Muller 2440 Elmdale Rd. at 8:30 PM. Please bring your friends! If you are interested in hosting a Friday night class in your home please contact Jeff Muller 216-381-2701.
§ Tomorrow is Shabbos Mevorchim.
§ The next Simcha Kiddush will take place on February 23rd. Submit names for a minimum donation of $18.00 per name by calling 216-382-1958 or email
§ Rebbetzin Davidovich's Monday class for women will be studying Pirkei Avos from 9:30-10:30 AM at the home of Yoyo and Marni Moore 2392 Bromley.
Davening Times at HJC
Parshas Mishpatim
Shabbos Mevorchim
Friday, February 1
Candle-Lighting 5:24 pm
Mincha 5:25 pm
Shabbos, February 2
Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur 8:30 am
Shacharis 9:00 am
Navi Shiur 4:40 pm
Mincha 5:10 pm
Shabbos ends 6:34 pm
Sunday through Friday, February 3-8
Sunday 8:00 am
Monday, Thursday, Friday 6:45 am
Tuesday-Wednesday Rosh Chodesh Adar Rishon 6:30 am
(Medrash Shiur 6:15 am)
Sunday through Thursday 5:30 pm
followed by Mishna Shiur
Friday 5:35 pm
Candle-Lighting next Friday, February 8
5:33 pm
10:11 AM
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