Friday, February 1, 2019


§  Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka), and Chaya Mintz (Chaya Musha Zelda Bas Chasia Devorah).

§  Condolences on the passing of Rebbetzin Shoshana Schur, wife of the late Rabbi Doniel Schur. The Rebbetzin will be dearly missed. Shiva is at 3650 Severn Road through Saturday night.

§  We would like to welcome Evelyn Lichtenberg, and Eliyahu Meir & Rena Richelson as new members at Heights Jewish Center. Mazel Tov to Eliyahu Meir and Rena on their recent marriage.

§  Mazel Tov to Gershon and Mary Ireland on the birth of a granddaughter Maya Atarah. Parents are Milach and Adina Muskal.

§  The Friday night learning series for men with Rabbi Davidovich will take place at the home of Jeff and Melanie Muller 2440 Elmdale Rd. at 8:30 PM. Please bring your friends! If you are interested in hosting a Friday night class in your home please contact Jeff Muller 216-381-2701.

§  Tomorrow is Shabbos Mevorchim.

§  The next Simcha Kiddush will take place on February 23rd. Submit names for a minimum donation of $18.00 per name by calling 216-382-1958 or email

§  Rebbetzin Davidovich's Monday class for women will be studying Pirkei Avos from 9:30-10:30 AM at the home of Yoyo and Marni Moore 2392 Bromley.


Davening Times at HJC

Parshas Mishpatim

Shabbos Mevorchim


Friday, February 1

Candle-Lighting                                             5:24 pm

Mincha                                                        5:25 pm


Shabbos, February 2

Dr. Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur            8:30 am

Shacharis                                                    9:00 am

Navi Shiur                                                       4:40 pm

Mincha                                                        5:10 pm

Shabbos ends                                                  6:34 pm




Sunday through Friday, February 3-8



Sunday                                        8:00 am

Monday, Thursday, Friday     6:45 am

Tuesday-Wednesday Rosh Chodesh Adar Rishon 6:30 am

(Medrash Shiur 6:15 am)



Sunday through Thursday             5:30 pm

followed by Mishna Shiur

Friday         5:35 pm


Candle-Lighting next Friday, February 8

 5:33 pm




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