Friday, August 9, 2019

Fwd: Schedule for Shabbos Parshas Devarim / Shabbos Chazon and Tisha B'Av

§  Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka), and Bryan Rubenstein (Beryl Yosef Ben Shayna Bracha.

§  The next Simcha Kiddush for July/ August will be August 17th. Submit your announcement for a minimum of $18.00 per name. Please call the office 216-382-1958 or email

§  Heights Jewish Center is having a dinner September 16th honoring Rabbi and Rebbetzin Davidovich, Gershon Ireland, and Steven Perlin. Barbara Adler Kleid will be contacting you for Ads. Please send in your ads for the journal to hjcsoffice@gmail,com. Reservations for the dinner can be made by going to the shul website and clicking on "Banquet information" or by calling the office at 216-382-1958.

§  Kiddush is sponsored by the Kiddush Consortium.

Shabbos Parshas...Devarim*
English dates: Friday/SaturdayAugust 9-10
Shabbos Chazon
Friday Mincha6:55 PM
Earliest Candle-Lighting7:07 PM
Latest Candle-Lighting8:16 PM
Dr. Glaser memorial Chumash Shiur8:30 AM
Shacharis9:00 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema (GR"A/Baal Hatanya)10:00 AM
Navi Shiur5:30 PM
Mincha*6:00 PM
Tisha B'Av Schedule (Nidcheh)
Saturday-Sunday, August 10-11
Sunset, stop eating and drinking at8:33 PM
Shabbos Ends9:23 PM
Maariv9:50 PM
Shacharis8:30 AM
Chatzos1:31 PM
Mincha-Maariv7:45 PM
Fast Ends9:17 PM
Mincha-Maariv Monday thru Thursday8:15 PM

Even though we don't use the weekly announcements email to teach Halacha, this week is different.
There are a number of Halachos and Customs that are different this year, due to the fact that the ninth of Av is actually on Shabbos and the fast is deferred. We will list only those practices that are different and often might lead to confusion.

One may bathe and shower and go to the Mikvah this Erev Shabbos as one would ordinarily do, with no limitations.

On Shabbos Chazon, our custom is to wear regular Shabbos clothing in honor of Shabbos, just like every other Shabbos.

Because of the holiness of Shabbos, the fast of the Tisha B'Av is postponed to after Shabbos. On Shabbos we may eat meat, drink wine, and rejoice as is customary.
Marital relations are forbidden on Friday night, unless it is Mikvah night.
On the afternoon immediately before the fast, even on Shabbos, many have the practice of not studying Torah except for those sections of Torah which are permitted to be studies on Tisha B'Av.  Many poskim disapprove of limiting Torah study on Shabbos in this manner. I adhere to this latter view, and encourage people to learn whatever Torah they are scheduled to learn on Shabbos afternoon. We will have our Navi Shiur as usual, 30 minutes before our earlier Mincha.  The Shabbos afternoon Gemara chabura will meet as well.  

However, the widespread minhag to say Pirkei Avos if it is your minhag to so every Shabbos during the summer is suspended this Shabbos. 

The Navi Shiur will meet at 5:30 pm. Shabbos Mincha is earlier than on a regular Shabbos, at 6:00pm, so there will be enough time get home to eat before the fast.  There will be no Shalosh Seudos in Shul this Shabbos.  Shalosh Seudos has none of the limitations of the pre-fast meal; I.e. no sitting on the floor, no food dipped in ashes, no Seuda Hamafsekes limitations on what may be eaten.

One must stop all eating and drinking by 8:33pm on Shabbos. But it is still Shabbos and one can bentch after 8:33pm.  

Shabbos ends at 9:23pm. We say Baruch Hamavdil Bein Kodesh Lechol and then change into non-leather shoes. We do not make Havdalah on this Motzei Shabbos. However, the blessing over the fire, is made over a candle in Shul before Eicha, or at home. This bracha is only said on Saturday night, and not on Sunday when Havdala will be said.

Maariv at shul on Motzoei Shabbos will be at 9:50pm.

One may not break one's fast before making Havdala. Therefore, anyone over Bar/Bas Mitzvah who must eat and is exempt from fasting must make havdala before eating. On the day of the fast, one should not make havdala on wine. One may use bear or coffee or tea or fruit juice instead. Those who fast will make havdala at the end of the fast on Sunday night and may make havdala on wine. However, we do not make a bracha on Besamim at havdala at all this week.

On Sunday night, Havdalah is made without a blessing on the Besamim, spices, and fire, even if one forgot to make the blessing on Motzei Shabbos.

After the fast:
No meat or drinking wine or music/parties until Monday morning.
Laundry and grooming and cutting hair are permitted immediately after the fast is over on Sunday night.

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