Monday, September 23, 2019

Friendly Reminders

Rosh Hashanah is only one week away. Here are some reminders……..

§  Please reserve your seats and babysitting for Rosh Hashanah/ Yom Kippur by calling the office 216-382-1958 or email In order to have babysitting available for your child you must reserve and pre-pay $10.00 per day per kid. We are accepting children ages 6 yrs. and under.

§  Please reserve your Lulav and Esrog by contacting the office or 216-382-1958. $65.00 / member  Non member/$70.00

§  Please submit names for Yizkor book by emailing

§  Please contact Fred Bolotin if you are able to Blow Shofar for people in need or if you need shofar blown for yourself. We will try to accommodate .

Have a Happy, Healthy New Year!!!

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