Friday, December 13, 2019

Davening Times at HJC Parshas Vayishlach- פרשת וישלח

§  Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka), and Hillel Joseph (Hillel Dov Ben Chasia).

§  We will be having a Shabbos Chanukah luncheon. The new officers and board will be formally installed at that time.

§   HJC will once again be holding a free dues raffle. Tickets are $10.00 each; 2 for $15.00; 3 for $20.00. The winner can apply their winning ticket to current year or next year's dues, or they can transfer the win to another member of their choice. Contact the office for tickets at or 216-382-1958.

§  Did you know??? For only $35.00 you can dedicate and purchase an Artscroll siddur for the shul.

The Simcha Kiddush is sponsored by……

§  Rob and Jan Altshuler in honor of Jan's November milestone birthday, and Rob's reaching the age of 'required minimum distribution', and in honor of Chaya Devorah Corbett's Birthday.

§  Steve and Beth Baker on the celebration of the marriage of their daughter Andrea Rosen to Josh Wajcman.

§   Rabbi Jason Claude in gratitude to Harold Males, cough drop provider, and Corey Adler, water bearer.

§  Edna Edelman Shabbat Shalom to you all!

§  The Geduld family is happy to announce the engagement of Koby Geduld to Ariel Cohen.

§  Bob and Debby Jacob in commemoration of the Yahrzeits of our mothers Elizabeth Jacob and Elsie Mandel and in honor of the birthdays of our grandsons Avi and Dylan.

§  Danny and Ruth Jacob in honor of Avi's birthday.

§  Martin and Marla Lipman in honor of the birthdays of Miriam Lipman, Tova Mendelson, Leah Mendelson, Talya Lipman, Yocheved Lipman and Martin Lipman, and the anniversaries of Martin and Marla Lipman and Josh and Sora Mendelson. Wishing all remaining in Cleveland a mild winter.

§  In loving memory of SHIMON DAVID YEHOSHUA Ben MOSHE Z"L. A true Loving husband & father who is forever missed. By: The Makalsky & Moore Families.

§  Micha and Batya Muskal in honor of uncle yank for all the hard work he puts into the Friday night Oneg!

§  Joel Peerless in honor of Sharon's birthday.

§  Wendy Rose in honor of the birth of her grandson Moshe Amram (Ami for short) born 11/17. Parents are Danny and Shoshana Rose of Miami Beach, Florida.

§  Helen Rothman in honor of her granddaughter Erika's Birthday.

§  Bryan and Julie Rubenstein Mazel Tov on the marriage of our daughter Emma (Beachwood) and her new husband Sruly Baum (Flatbush) the Wedding was September 16th. Mazel tov on them making Aliyah. Mazel tov to our triplets on their 25th Birthdays: Hannah Porter, Emma Baum, and Jonah Rubenstein, and to Bryan Mazel Tov on his 6 month heart surgery anniversary.

§  Hillel and Zahava Seltzer in celebration of Meir's birthday December 25th.

§  Yosif and Tovli Somiran in honor memory of Yosif's grandmother Brana Bas Yonah A'H.

§  Shimshi Taub in honor of Yosef Chaim Weiss's improvement in his Kavanah during davening.

Davening Times at HJC

Parshas Vayishlach - פרשת וישלח


Friday, December 13

Candle Lighting   4:39 PM

Mincha                4:40 PM


Shabbos, December 14

Dr Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur will not meet

Shacharis                         9:00 AM

Sof Zman Krias Shema     10:03 AM

Navi Shiur                  will not meet

Mincha                            4:25 PM

Shabbos ends                   5:48 PM



Sunday-Friday, December 15-20



Sunday                        8:00 AM

Monday-Friday           6:45 AM

Medrash Shiur T-F      6:15 AM



Sunday through Thursday           4:45 PM

Followed by Mishna Shiur

Friday   4:45 PM


Candle-Lighting next Friday, December 20

4:43 PM 

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