Friday, January 17, 2020

Davening Times at HJC: Parshas Shemos - פרשת שמות

§  Refuah Sheleimah to Sylvia Cohen (Tzipporah Bas Malka), Hillel Joseph (Hillel Dov Ben Chasia), and June Klein (Golda Channa Bas Rivka).

§  Mazel Tov to Eliyahu and Rena Richelson on the birth of Ariella Tova. The Kehilla is invited to a Kiddush at the home of Nachman and Lisa Muskal, 2307 South Belvoir Blvd. after davening.

§ Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Michael and Marian Swirski to commemorate the yahrzeit of Michael's father Shimon Ben Moshe.

§  The Simcha Kiddush will take place January 25th. Honor someone or honor an occasion for a minimum donation of $18.00 per submission. Please contact or 216-382-1958 for name submissions. This month we are also honoring all of our new members from 2019 to the present. You too can honor these new members with a donation to the Kiddush. Please welcome Josh and Yaffa Bernstein, Edna Edelman, Chaim and Penina Kazen, Evelyn Lichtenberg, Refoel and Tamar Nussbaum, Eliyahu Meir and Rena Richelson, Wendy Rose, Herschel and Rachel Shaw, John Sommerville, Yosif and Tovli Somiran, Rebecca Spielberg, and Aaron Taub. Please join us by sharing in the Simcha Kiddush with a sponsorship in their honor.

§  The HJC free dues raffle deadline has been extended, drawing will take place around Purim time. Tickets are $10.00 each; 2 for $15.00; 3 for $20.00. The winner can apply their winning ticket to current year or next year's dues, or they can transfer the win to another member of their choice. Contact the office for tickets at or 216-382-1958.

§ Did you know??? HJCS has a post high school Israel travel scholarship fund for children of members. Does your high school child qualify?  Contact Phil Setnik 216-381-5077 or Harold Males 216-382-0099 for more details.

Davening Times at HJC

Parshas Shemos - פרשת שמות


Friday, January 17

Candle Lighting   5:05 PM

Mincha              5:10 PM


Shabbos, January 18

Dr Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur   8:30 AM

Shacharis                         9:00 AM

Sof Zman Krias Shema      10:13 AM

Navi Shiur                  4:25 PM

Mincha               4:55 PM

Shabbos ends                    6:15 PM



Sunday-Friday, January 19-24



Sunday                8:00 AM

Monday through Friday       6:45 AM

Medrash Shiur M-F    6:15 AM



Sunday through Thursday           5:15 PM

Followed by Mishna Shiur

Friday   5:10 PM


Candle-Lighting next Friday, January 24

5:14 PM

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