Thursday, September 17, 2020

Fwd: An Open Letter from 60 Doctors to Cleveland’s Orthodox Jewish Community


I am forwarding this letter to our members and Friends.  Please take the time to read it.  Rob Altshuler.

Dear Community Synagogue:

I write this email as a one of a number of local physicians who are deeply concerned about the risk of a new outbreak of COVID19 in the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish community.  This threat is more acute in light of the upcoming holidays and the general loosening of infection control standards that appears to be the evolving norm.  


Attached is an open letter, signed by 60 medical professions from a range of specialities,  to warn the community about the need to remain vigilant in all of the necessary infection control measures.  We have highlighted several specific examples of problematic behavior, not to point fingers, but as an attempt to plug significant gaps in our preparedness for a disease that is still very dangerous. We do not represent a specific ideological or religious viewpoint - what unifies us is concern for our community.  


We ask that you post this letter in a prominent location and distribute as widely as possible.

May we be blessed with a year of good health and safety 

בּבּרכּת שׁנת חיים טובים וארוּכים

Ira Taub


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