Wednesday, June 9, 2021

CPR class at HJCS

Dear Heights Jewish Center Synagogue members, supporters and friends.

In conjunction with the shul's Safety and Security Committee, we have arranged through the UH Fire Department to hold a CPR class at the shul. The class will be taught by University Hospitals on Sunday July 11 from 9:00 - Noon. There will be an electronic certificate e-mailed to all of the participants, provided by the American Heart Association.

The class is free to the participants but the shul would appreciate donations in any amount to help offset ancillary costs. The health and safety requirements from University Hospitals is that participants must be socially distant and masks must be worn. However, vaccine status is not required. The class will be held in the shul's basement social hall. 

University Hospitals is limiting the class to a maximum of 15 participants. If you are interested, Gedaliah Corbett is volunteering to collect registrations. Please e-mail him at or call his cell at 216-501-0625. You may also direct any inquiries to Gedaliah.


Heights Jewish Center Synagogue

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