HJC News - Parshas Metzora - Shabbos Hagadol
- Rabbi and Rebbetzin Davidovich in memory of the Rebbetzin's father Rabbi Marc Messing - Harav Mordechai Hershel ben Shmuel Dovid Z"L.
- Eve Messing in memory of her husband Rabbi Marc Messing - Harav Mordechai Hershel ben Shmuel Dovid Z"L.
- Rob and Jan Altshuler in honor of grandson Tuvia Mordechai's birthday, Rob's birthday, and a Refuah Sheleima for Marla Lipman.
- Steve and Beth Baker in honor of grandfather Alter Yitzhok Ben Shlomo, and in honor of Mayo Schwartz.
- Beth Baker in honor of my husband Steve. Beyond Grateful for all you do for me. May Hashem continue to bless you.
- Fred and Katia Bolotin to commemorate the yahrzeit of Fred's mother, Yocheved bas Binyamin Nachman HaLevi.
- Edna Edelman Shabbat Shalom and Happy Birthday Helen Rothman and many more, I love you.
- Bob and Debby Jacob in commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Bob's father, Armin Jacob, and in honor of the birthday of our son, Danny Jacob.
- June Klein best of health to everyone.
- Dan Kralik in honor of Heights Jewish Center. Thanks for everything!
- Larry and Barbara Mervine in honor of Rabbi Davidovich for his teaching many classes. We wish all members of the Shul a "zissen Pesach".
- Dr. Ricky Prizant and Gretchen Shapiro in honor of our 18th Wedding Anniversary.
- The Setnik Family in honor of Dovid Ben Tor (grandson of "Ima" Ben Tor) drafting into the IDF.
- Chuck and Sandy Zeitler in honor of Chuck's great granddaughter Roxanne.
Shalosh Seudos this Shabbos is sponsored by Rabbi and Rebbetzin Davidovich in memory of Rabbi Marc Messing - Harav Mordechai Hershel ben Shmuel David Z"L, and by Martin and Marla Lipman to commemorate the yahrzeit of Martin's mother Florence Lipman, Frumit Puah bas Avraham A'H. At Shalosh Seudos I will be speaking about Rabbi Messing.
This Shabbos is Shabbos Hagadol. The Shabbos Hagadol Drasha will be at 6:30pm. The theme of the Drasha is "The Halachos and stories of the Four Sons."
This Sunday, I will be accepting assignments to sell people's Chometz. I will be available from 9am till 10:30am, as well as after Maariv Sunday through Thursday, and by appointment.
Newest Shiur uploaded:
Tanya Chapter 25:
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/raphael-davidovich/episodes/Tanya-Chapter-25-e1gu4l8
Audio: https://audio.hjcs.org/shiur/tanya-chapter-25-610
Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich
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