Friday, October 28, 2022

HJC News - Parshas Noach

Mazel Tov to Alex and Betty Schnittlinger on the engagement of their granddaughter Sorah Stoll to Yosef Gershon Efroymson of Cleveland Heights.

A Cholent Kiddush this Shabbos is sponsored by Shami and Chani Kirsch in honor of their daughter Devorah Miriam.

Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Rabbi Jason and Sandra Claude l'zekher nishmat Maran HaRav Ovadiah Yoseph ben Ya'aqov  ZT"L.  

This year, the Parsha Shiur which meets on Shabbos morning at 8:30am, will focus on the deep Chassidishe insights of the sefer Torah Ohr on the parsha.  This coincides with the Heights Coffee Club. Mezonos refreshments for those who need some calories and need to eat before davening will be there as well. 

In an effort to help and encourage families, we have child care available on Shabbos morning; younger children have a program run by Chaya Leba Winters. And Rabbi Kirsch runs a stellar youth program starting at 10am.  

Until the clocks change, the earliest time to put on Tallis and Tefillin is quite late. This coming week, Monday-Friday Shacharis will start at 6:50am.  Brochos on Tallis and Tefillin should be only made at the end of Psukei D'Zimrah. 

The latest podcasts are online. There are several new recordings, which can be accessed 

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Davidovich

Shabbos Parshas...Noach
English dates: Friday/SaturdayOct. 28-29
Candle-Lighting6:08 PM
Friday Mincha6:08 PM
Dr. Bela Glaser memorial Chumash Shiur8:30 AM
Shacharis9:00 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema (GR"A/Baal Hatanya)10:32 AM
Navi Shiur5:25 PM
Shabbos Mincha5:55 PM
Maariv7:15 PM
Mincha the following Sunday through Thursday6:05 PM
Weekday Davening Times
Sunday8:00 AM
Monday-Friday6:50 AM
Legal Holidays8:00 AM
Other Shiurim
Medrash Shiur Monday-Friday 6:15 AM
Rabbi Kirsch Gemara, Sunday evenings after Maariv
Gemara Chabura, Shabbos afternoon before the Navi Shiur
Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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