Friday, December 9, 2022

HJC News - Parshas Vayishlach

HJC will be having an Oneg tonight, December 9 at 8:15pm at the home of Fred and Katia Bolotin, 2383 Miramar. Please join us for camaraderie, food, drinks, song and Torah. 

The Coffee Club will be open Shabbos morning at 8:30am, in conjunction with the Parsha Shiur named for Dr Bela Glaser A"H.

We love to see your children in shul. Chaya Leba Winters runs the program for the younger children. Rabbi Kirsch's youth group starts at 10:15am. 
Kiddush is sponsored by Dr. Larry and Phylis Pomerantz in honor of Larry's Bar Mitzvah.

This Shabbos at 4pm, the Navi Shiur is starting Sefer Yechezkel, chapter one, which is Yechezkel's vision of the Merkava, the Divine Chariot!

This Shabbos at Shalosh Seudos, I will speak about and share niggunim from the Imrei Shaul, Rabbi Shaul Taub, the Modzitzer Rebbe, whose 75th Yohrtzeit is this Shabbos the 16th of Kislev.

This Motzei Shabbos, join Steve Baker and his musical group Mekimi for a free performance!  They will be playing at Milky Way Restaurant, 1980 Warrensville Center Rd. In South Euclid, starting at 9 pm. Hope to see you there! 

Special thank you to Melanie Muller, Marni Moore, and Rebbetzin Deena Davidovich for the women's Paint Night last Sunday. We had a wonderful turnout and a lot of fun. We are all looking forward to the next event at HJC. 
Our next Simcha Kiddush will be on Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Chanukah, Parshas Mikeitz, December 24, 2022. Please submit names to the Office of those you wish to honor. Sponsorship is a minimum of $18 per name.

Remember that sponsoring a kiddush or Shalosh Seudos is a great way to commemorate any occasion, including birthdays, yahrzeits, and simchas. Contact the office for details. As the end of the year approaches, please remember that your donations to Heights Jewish Center are tax deductible.  The Shul appreciates your generosity!

A brief shiur on the Mitzvah from this week's parsha: Summary and insights into the Mitzvah not to eat from the Gid Hanasheh.

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Davidovich

Shabbos Parshas...Vayishlach
English dates: Friday/SaturdayDecember 9-10
Candle-Lighting4:38 PM
Friday Mincha4:38 PM
Dr. Bela Glaser memorial Chumash Shiur8:30 AM
Shacharis9:00 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema (GR"A/Baal Hatanya)10:00 AM
Navi Shiur4:00 PM
Shabbos Mincha4:30 PM
Maariv5:47 PM
Mincha the following Sunday through Thursday4:45 PM
Weekday Davening Times
Sunday8:00 AM
Monday-Friday6:45 AM
Other Shiurim
Medrash Shiur Monday-Friday 6:15 AM
Rabbi Kirsch Gemara, Sunday evenings after Maariv
Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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