Monday, May 8, 2023

Shavuos Yizkor Book

Dear Congregant,


            It is the custom during Yizkor to honor our dear departed by making a donation.  Heights Jewish Center has developed a Yizkor memorial booklet that will be available on the day Yizkor is said.

            Yizkor will be said on Shavuos, May 27th. Please consider honoring the departed by adding their names to this booklet.


Please return the bottom portion of this letter to the shul by May 22, 2023 to ensure your name placement in the Yizkor book.


Thank you,



Memorial Booklet- Shavuos


Your name: _________________________________________


Address: ___________________________________________




Phone     ____________________E-mail_______________________


Name(s) of dear departed:          or    ______Same as last memorial booklet




_ Enclosed   ___Please Bill me   ___Credit card # ____________exp___/____

      ___$54   ___$72   ___ $100   ___$180   ___ other $___________


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