HJC News - Bamidbar
Our 150th Anniversary Gala Banquet this past Tuesday May 24 was magnificent. The shul owes a tremendous amount of gratitude to Lenny Beer and his committee who made Tuesday evening beautiful and meaningful. Thanks to all who attended.
Mazel Tov to David Klarfeld on his wedding this coming Sunday.
This week at Shalosh Seudos, we continue our insights on Chapter 5 of Pirkei Avos. We will also continue our Yohrtzeit Discussions of great Rabbis. This week we will discuss Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato, the author of Mesilas Yesharim, Derech Hashem and many other works, whose yohrtzeit is the 26th of Iyar.
This week, the pre-Shacharis Gemara Shiur is starting the fourth Chapter of Sanhedrin, and the pre-Mincha Mishna shiur will be starting Eiruvin. This makes it a wonderful time to join or rejoin. Also, the Mincha-Maariv break shiur is reviewing Hilchos Yom Tov, giving everyone another reason to join our evening minyanim.Shacharis this Monday, Memorial Day, will be at 8:00am. I will be delivering the invocation at the program following the parade.
We encourage everyone to join us this Wednesday June 1 at 7:40pm for the third installment of the "The Phenomenon of Baalei Teshuva" series, entitled Baalei Teshuva and their communities.
One does not need to have attended the previous classes in order to appreciate this one. This series is for everyone, not only Baalei Teshuva. Especially this week, when dealing with Communities, there are a number of points also directed to long-time members of the Orthodox Community. We look forward to seeing you there. All men and women are encouraged to attend.
The series is sponsored by Steve and Beth Bakerin memory of Beth's mother, Esther bas Yaakov.
Rosh Chodesh Sivan is this Friday.
Please join us for our next Hot Topics "Ask the Rabbi" Breakfast, scheduled for next Sunday June 5 at 9am. All questions on any topic are welcomed and encouraged. Please note: Questions may be asked at the breakfast, as well as beforehand for those who feel more comfortable asking privately.
Please read the attached important letter about HJC's Summer Camp plans, which some people may not have received in an earlier email.
Friday, May 27
Candle lighting latest 8:31 PM
Saturday, May 28 (Bamidbar)
Parsha class 8:30 AMShacharis 9:00 AM
Latest Shema 9:40 AM
Navi class 7:50 PM
Mincha-Shalosh Seudos 8:20 PM
Shabbos ends 9:40 PM
Sunday, May 29
Shacharis 8:00 AM Monday, May 30 (Memorial Day) Gemara class Cancelled
Shacharis 8:00 AM Mishnayos 8:10 PM Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:40 PM
Tuesday-Thursday, May 31-June 2 Gemara class 6:15 AM Shacharis 6:45 AM Mishnayos 8:10 PM (Except for Wednesday, when the "Baalei Teshuva and their communities" Class will begin at 7:40 PM) Mincha-Ma'ariv 8:40 PM
Shacharis 8:00 AM
Friday, June 3 (Rosh Chodesh)
Gemara class CancelledShacharis 6:30 AM
Candle lighting latest 8:37 PM
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