Sunday, August 29, 2021


Good morning, everyone.
  I have received calls from some members who have not received their new annual dues statements.  These went out by email the week of August 10. (they are dated as of September 1 for accounting purposes).  If you did not receive yours, it may have gone to your spam folder.  Try searching your email for a message from     If you do not find it there, please call Esther at 216-382-1958 and she will resend it to you.  

  Reminder - the annual invoice does NOT include your seats.  If you need seats for the Holidays, please contact Esther at the above number as soon as possible to make your reservations.  This new invoice does not include any old balances you may have from prior year(s).  If you have an old balance, this is due now, to remain current in your obligation as a member in good standing.

  If you will be needing babysitting, we must have your children's name and ages to arrange for the proper number of sitters.  All babysitting will be by prepaid reservation ONLY.  This is necessary to allow us to hire the proper number of sitters in advance. 

  Lastly, Esther has started a list of those who wish to order arbah minim thru the shul.  Please let her know if you need to be added to this list.  

Shana Tova, 
Rob Altshuler, President


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