Friday, September 3, 2021

HJC Last Rosh Hashanah update

Here are the latest bids.  Bidding for Rosh Hashanah closes at 2 pm on Sunday.  If you have bid and have not heard back from me otherwise, you still have the highest bid.  I will let the winners know on Sunday.  We ask that if you have an aliyah scheduled for Rosh Hashanah that you bring a list for the gabbai for your Mi Shebeirach.

Have a great Shabbos,


Rosh Hashanah Day One
Cohen 36
Levi 36
Shlishi 108
Rivii 100
Chamishi 100
Maftir 100
Rosh Hashanah Day Two
Cohen 100
Levi 36
Shlishi Chiyuv
Rivii 108
Chamishi 72
Maftir 100
Yom Kippur Day
Cohen 0
Levi 0
Shlishi 108
Rivii 54
Chamishi 0
Shishi 108
Maftir 100
Yom Kippur Mincha
Cohen 36
Levi 0
Yona 100
Neila 500

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