Hello, All,
Having just completed an invigorating Yomim Norium and Succos, with all its SIMCHA, it is time to get back to the business of building our future.
Per our constitution, our annual congregational meeting will be on Sunday, October 17, 2021, at 9:30 A.M.
At that time two items of business will transpire:
A proposed amendment to our constitution will be read and voted upon. the existing provision and the proposed revision are as follows:
Existing provisions under our current constitution:
Article VII - Elections:
All officers and members of the Board of Trustees shall be elected at the October
general meeting in each odd numbered year, by secret ballot.... Proposed revision:
Amendment to Constitution, Article VII - Elections:
The following shall be inserted within the provision to Article VII after the words "secret ballot":
In the event of an uncontested election, i.e., where there is only one candidate for each Officer position and number of candidates for the Board of Trustees is less than or equal to the number of members of the Board of Trustees, a motion may be entered and seconded among the members present to elect the Officers and Board of Trustees via acclamation. If so moved, all candidates are elected immediately, foregoing election by secret ballot.
Should this revision pass, the proposed slate of officers will be automatically deemed elected, thus forgoing the second order of business.
Should the revision fail, we will proceed to have a secret ballot vote for the new officers and board members.
A minimum of 35 members is required for a constitutional revision (per our bylaws). Please attend so we can have this vote! This will be a live meeting at the shul.
Please note below that only FULL members are eligible to vote in this upcoming election:
from our Bylaws:
An associate membership shall include any courtesies, rights, and privileges offered to
members, with the exceptions of eligibility to serve on the Board of Trustees, voting rights as
described in Section XI(B), and cemetery rights as described in Section XI(C).
Voting: Each member is entitled to one vote on any matter that comes before a
vote of the entire congregation. In the case of a family membership, the husband and wife each
shall have one vote.
If you will be unable to attend the meeting, but still wish to vote, please contact the office at
office@hjcs.org or me at
president@hjcs.org to obtain two (2)absentee ballots, one for the amendment, and one for the officers / board members vote.
Rob Altshuler,
President, HJCS
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