HJC News - Parshas Mishpatim - Shabbos Mevorchim
Mazel Tov to Moshe and Rivka Kirsch on the birth of a boy. Mazel Tov to grandparents Rabbi Yosef and Gila Kirsch. Sholom Zachor at 4389 Baintree around 8:15pm. The Bris will be there on Shabbos at 12:15pm.
Mazel Tov to Ruth (Rivka Miriam) Fingerhut on her engagement to Pinchas Fisher of San Diego, CA.
Refuah Sheleima to
- Dr Shira Katz
- Marla Lipman
- Hillel Joseph
The Simcha Kiddush this Shabbos is co-sponsored by:
- Rob and Jan Altshuler in honor of Chaya Raizel Borochovitz's Birthday and in commemoration of the 20th Yahrzeit of Rob's father Yehuda Leib ben Nissan A'H.
- Steve and Beth Baker in honor of the yahrzeit of Steve's great great grandfather Chaim Saba Ben Yakov Boruch A'H and to commemorate the shloshim of Mr Leonard Fuchs A'H.
- Michael and Leah Davidson: may Hashem give good health to our friends at HJC.
- Edna Edelman in honor of the snow. Snow, snow and more snow, all the best Shabbat Shalom, stay healthy!
- Aaron Goldberg in honor of his father (Kenneth Goldberg)'s birthday and the Yahrzeits of Ken's parents (Morris Goldberg and Miriam Goldberg)
- Shami and Chani Kirsch, mazel tov to Moshe and Rivka Kirsch on the birth of a boy.
- Martin and Marla Lipman Mazel tov to Avramy and Yocheved Lipman on the birth of Ariella Bluma.
- Micha and Batya Muskal in honor of Mary and Gershon Ireland for everything they do for the shul.
- Rabbi Barry and Anne Reichman in honor of their Wedding Anniversary (February 13th).
- The Setnik Family, For Rafi Setnik on his upcoming induction into the IDF.
Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Rabbi Barry and Anne Reichman to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Anne's father Shmuel Haberkorn-Shmuel Ben Moshe A'H.
This Shabbos is Shabbos Mevorchim Adar Rishon. Rosh Chodesh is this Tuesday and Wednesday, when shacharis will be at 6:30am, with the earliest time for Brochos on Tallis and Tefillin is 6:37am.
Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121
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