Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Simchas Torah Kiddushes: Something familiar, and Something new!

Hi, all -

Credit where credit is due:  Rob Altshuler, shlita, came up with the idea for Simcha Kiddushes a number of years ago - and we love them!  They are a great opportunity to share in a nice Shul kiddush with our community.

For our Simchas Torah Daytime Kiddush, you can participate as we did last year: you can co-sponsor in honor of a simcha, a yahrzeit, or just because - for a minimum of $18 per name.  Contact the office or use our regular donation link:  Heights Jewish Center Donation and make sure to put in a note about who you're honoring.

Now, Lazer Porter has added another twist to this - starting with the Evening Kiddush for Simchas Torah - so you can sponsor a specific item for the kiddush!

You can still sponsor in honor of someone.  And you can contact the office about this, too, if you prefer.

These are great ways that we can come together as a community and really make Simchas Torah fun, lively, and fulfilling for both body and soul!

K'sivah v'k'simah tovah, 

Philip Setnik
Heights Jewish Center Synagogue
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, Ohio 44121


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