Good morning! You have possibly seen this already - but we wanted to share this with you in case you haven't.
If you are planning to go, please register soon; the organizers are planning buses, but these are expected to fill up by the end of the week.
Am Yisroel Chai!
March for Israel in Washington, D.C. Since the brutal terrorist attack on Israeli citizens on October 7, anti-Israel rhetoric and hatred towards the Jewish people has grown exponentially across the country and around the world. It's time for us to raise our collective voice to make clear that Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorist groups like Hamas, and that we will not let rising antisemitism and acts of intimidation silence us. And, most importantly, we must demand that Hamas safely and immediately return the more than 200 innocent civilians they kidnapped as part of its terror attack. Join the Cleveland Jewish community for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Washington, D.C. where we will rally with the American Jewish community in solidarity with Israel. Cleveland has always had a strong and leading voice in the North American Jewish communal world, and it's critical that we be heard at this national call to action. | | | Tuesday, November 14 1 pm National Mall, Washington, D.C. Buses will depart at approximately 4 am from Beachwood and will return at approximately 11 pm. Detailed departure information, including pick up site for the buses, will be provided upon registration. Federation will provide free, same day bus transportation for all who would like to travel with us that day. Whether you have your own transportation or plan to travel with Federation, please register so that we have an accurate headcount of the number of Clevelanders attending. | | | | | | |

-- Philip SetnikPresident
Heights Jewish Center Synagogue
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, Ohio 44121
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