Friday, November 24, 2023

HJC News - Parshas Vayeitzei

Shabbos Parshas...Vayeitzei
English dates: Friday/SaturdayNovember 24-25
Candle-Lighting4:42 PM
Friday Mincha4:42 PM
Dr. Bela Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur8:30 AM
Shacharis (Childcare and youth programs) 9:00 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema 9:50 AM
Shiur4:00 PM
Shabbos Mincha4:30 PM
Maariv5:50 PM
Mincha the following Sunday-Thursday4:45 PM
Weekday Davening Times
Sunday8:00 AM
Monday-Friday6:45 AM
Rosh Chodesh Teves (Wednesday, December 13)6:35 AM
Other Shiurim
Medrash Shiur Monday-Friday 6:15 AM
Beis Medrash Program: Ramchal Chabura Wednesday after Maariv
Rabbi Kirsch Gemara, Sunday evenings after Maariv
Rebbetzin Davidovich Class for women: Monday 9:30am

Mazel Tov to Chaya Devorah Corbett on becoming a Bas Mitzvah. 
Mazel Tov to parents Holly and Gedaliah Corbett and grandparents Rob and Jan Altshuler. 
A cholent Kiddush is sponsored by Rob and Jan Altshuler and Holly and Gedaliah Corbett in honor of Chaya Devorah Corbett's Bas Mitzvah.

This week at Shalosh Seudos, we will revert to the Biography-History talks. This week I will be speaking about Rabbi DovBer of Lubavitch, the second Chabad Rebbe, whose yohrtzeit was the 9th of Kislev.

I give a Tanya Class for women on Tuesday evenings at 7:15pm at the Dynan home, at 2260 Belvoir, open to all women in the community. 

The HJC Beis Medrash Mesilas Yesharim Chabura continues this Wednesday after Maariv with Chapter 9. 

Please join us for a Shabbos Chanukah Luncheon at Heights Jewish Center. Please RSVP by calling the office at 216-382-1958 or email no later than December 5th. See the attached flyer for details.

To join the shul's WhatsApp group to receive info about the shul's times and upcoming shiurim and programs, please click this link:

This week, Heights Jewish Center will commemorate the Yohrtzeits of the following people:
Louis S. Goldman
Paula Zimmer
Jacob Goldstein
Chasie Malbin
Jerry Shapiro
Meyer Rosberg
Dorothea Waldbaum
Eva Wasserman
Leo Wieder
Eugene Rosenberg
Alexander Benjamin
Alex Feldman
Albert E. Goldman
Sidney Lederman
David Magid
Miriam Lederman
Arthur Harris
Moses Katz
Shifra Mina Makoff
Nina Schwartz
Max Sorkin
Morris Benjamin
Florence Alpert
Edna Cohen
Irving Kline
Sarah Cohen
Harry Singer

Good Shabbos
Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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