Friday, May 31, 2024

Late Breaking Announcements!

Hi, all - A couple of quick addenda to today's Shabbos Announcements!

Mazel Tov to Stuart and Leah Mintz on the engagement of Dovi Gecovich, Stu's grandson!

Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Hillel and Zahava Seltzer in commemoration of the yahrzeits of
- Zahava's brother, Eli Adler, HaChaver Eliyahu ben HaChaver Gershon,
- Hillel's grandfather, Al Seltzer, Alexander ben Avraham, and
- Hillel's great uncle, Joshua Merves, Yehoshua ben Hillel Zalman HaCohen (Private First Class, 21st Armored Infantry Battalion, 11th Armored Division, killed in Germany in the final days of WWII).

A very special thank you to Jeff Muller and the whole crew for the highly successful Kosher Food Stand that followed the Memorial Day Parade!  

Don't forget - the Heights Jewish Center Picnic will be on July 14 at Acacia Reservation (same location as last year).  Planning is underway - contact Jeff Muller if you want to help with planning and/or volunteering at the picnic.

Shavuos is  right around the corner - plans for Shavuos Eve Learning will be announced early next week!

Good Shabbos!

Philip Setnik
Heights Jewish Center Synagogue
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, Ohio 44121


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