Friday, October 9, 2020

HJC Yom-Tov Schedule (Shemini Atzeres-Simchas Torah)

Here's the schedule. I'm davening that I won't have to send out any corrections.
Good Shabbos and Good YomTov
Rabbi Davidovich

Friday, October 9
(Hoshana Rabba)
Candle lighting 6:36 PM (Shel Shabbos V'Shel YomTov, Shehechayanu.)
Mincha 6:36 PM
Shabbos, October 10
(Shemini Atzeres)
Shacharis 9:00 AM
Yizkor after 10:15 AM
Mincha 6:30 PM
followed by Rabbi's Party Talk
Maariv 7:43 PM
Followed by Modified Hakafos
Candle lighting, from an existing flame 7:43 PM
Sunday, October 11
(Simchas Torah)
Shacharis 9:00 AM
Mincha 6:35 PM
Followed by Neilas HaChag Talk
Yom Tov Ends 7:41 PM
October 12-15
Shacharis 6:45 AM
Mincha-Ma'ariv 6:35 PM
Friday, October 16
Shacharis 6:45 AM
Candle Lighting 6:25 PM
Mincha 6:25 PM
Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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