Wednesday, October 7, 2020



As we are all aware, this year is anything but normal.  Our hope and intent is to help make your Yom Tov as leibidich as possible, while keeping everyone safe!  With this in mind, we will be observing the following procedures.  (note that all Covid 19 protocols remain in place at all times  eg. masks, distancing, not attending if sick, children must remain with their parent at all times, etc.)

  • In order to limit the length we are in the building, there will be no auction of kibbudim.
  • Hakafos will have 4 people called up by the Gabbaim, 1 for each Torah.
  • The congregation should remain at their seats and join in by singing.  With exuberance!  The simcha depends on you!  
  • If you are called to carry a Torah or for an aliyah, please sanitize your hands before and after.
  • Please do not kiss the Sefer Torah.
  • Kol Ha Na'arim will be in a modified format.  If your child is with you at shul, and he is called up, he will be representing ALL of the children in our kahila!
  • There will be no kiddush, and you are requested to refrain from bringing any beverages inside the building.  Your mask must remain on while in the building.
On behalf of the officers and board of Heights Jewish Center Synagogue,  Chag S'maich!

Rob Altshuler,



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